Home » Public Finance » Il-Kontijiet taʼ Kull Tliet Xhur tal-Gvern Ġenerali: K2/2024
Il-kontijiet mhux finanzjarji taʼ kull tliet xhur (t/t-4)
Bejn April u Ġunju 2024, id-dħul sħiħ kien ta’ €1,984.6 miljun, li huwa żieda ta’ €233.7 miljun meta mqabbel mal-istess żmien fl-2023. Dan kien ġej l-aktar minn żidiet fit-Taxxi kurrenti fuq id-dħul u l-ġid (€82.4 miljun), fit-Taxxi fuq il-produzzjoni u l-importazzjoni (€65.0 miljun), fit-Trasferimenti taʼ kapital riċevibbli (€29.6 miljun) u fl-Output tas-suq (€29.4 miljun). Mill-banda l-oħra, kien hemm tnaqqis fit-Trasferimenti kurrenti riċevibbli (€2.5 miljuni) (Tabella nru 2).
Fl-istess żmien, in-nefqa sħiħa ammontat għall-€1,929.4 miljun, żieda taʼ €160.8 miljun fuq l-istess perjodu fl-2023. L-akbar żidiet kienu rreġistrati fit-Trasferimenti kurrenti pagabbli (€140.5 miljun), fil-Benefiċċji soċjali u trasferimenti soċjali mhux monetarji (€42.5 miljun), fil-Kumpens lill-impjegati (€31.7 miljun) u fil-Konsum intermedju (€17.4-il miljun). Minn-naħa l-oħra, kienu rreġistrati tnaqqisiet fis-Sussidju pagabbli (€75.7 miljun) u fil-Formazzjoni taʼ kapital gross (€14.4-il miljun) (Tabella nru 3).
Saru aġġustamenti lid-data tal-Fond Konsolidat tal-Gvern sabiex din tinqaleb għal sistema taʼ kontabilità bbażata fuq id-dovuti (accruals) u bʼhekk tkun taqbel mal-ħtiġijiet tal-ESA 2010. Fit-tieni kwart tal-2024, dawn l-aġġustamenti ġabu tnaqqis taʼ €186.6 miljun fid-defiċit tal-Fond Konsolidat, li kien taʼ €131.4 miljun (Tabella nru 4).
fʼmiljuni tal-ewro
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Il-Kontijiet Finanzjarji taʼ Kull Tliet Xhur (t/t-1)
Bʼrabta mat-tranżazzjonijiet finanzjarji tal-assi, fit-tieni kwart tal-2024 kienu rreġistrati żidiet fil-Munita u d-depożiti (€393.2 miljun), f’Kontijiet oħra riċevibbli (€113.6-il miljun), fit-Titoli taʼ dejn bʼterminu qasir (€54.9 miljun) u fl-Ishma taʼ fondi taʼ investimenti (€41.0 miljun) (Tabella nru 7).
Meta jitqiesu t-tranżazzjonijiet finanzjarji f’obbligazzjonijiet, l-akbar żieda kienet irreġistrata fʼKontijiet oħra pagabbli (€440.3 miljun) u fit-Titoli taʼ dejn bʼterminu qasir (€93.2 miljun). Bʼkuntrast maʼ dan, kien irreġistrat tnaqqis fit-Titoli taʼ dejn bʼterminu twil (€16.2-il miljun) (Tabella nru 8).
Id-Dejn taʼ Kull Tliet Xhur (t/t-4)
Fl-aħħar taʼ Ġunju, id-Dejn tal-Gvern Ġenerali kien taʼ €10,084.0 miljun, jew 46.7 fil-mija tal-Prodott Domestiku Gross (PDG)1. Din hija żieda taʼ €912.0-il miljun fuq l-istess trimestru tal-2023, li kienet ġejja l-aktar mid-Dejn tal-Gvern Ċentrali li kien jammonta għal €10,082.2 miljun. Il-Munita u d-Depożiti laħqu l-€433.0 miljun, li huma tnaqqis taʼ €22.0 miljun meta mqabblin maʼ Ġunju 2023. Dan jinkludi l-muniti tal-ewro maħruġa fʼisem it-Teżor, li huma meqjusa bħala piż għall-Gvern Ċentrali, u l-iStokk 62+ ta’ Tifdil tal-Gvern li kienu jġibu t-€328.7 miljun. It-Titoli taʼ dejn bʼterminu twil żdiedu bʼ€1,052.7 miljun, filwaqt li t-Titoli taʼ dejn bʼterminu qasir naqsu bʼ€215.8-il miljun, rispettivament. Barra minn hekk, is-self bʼterminu twil żdied b’€97.5 miljun. Id-dejn tal-Gvern lokali kien ta’ €1.8 miljun (Tabella nru 11).
Fl-aħħar taʼ Ġunju 2024, id-dejn garantit mill-Gvern Ġenerali ammonta għal €1,046.1 miljun, li huwa daqs 4.8 fil-mija tal-PDG1. B’hekk, kien hemm tnaqqis taʼ €118.1-il miljun meta mqabbel mat-tieni kwart tal-2023 (Tabella nru 11).
1 Maħdum fuq is-somma tal-PDG ta’ kull tliet xhur għall-aħħar erba’ kwarti.
1. All data in this news release are in line with the European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 Manual (ISBN 978-92-79-31242-7). This system of accounts is mandatory for all EU Member States.
2. General Government Sector (S.13 sector according to the ESA2010 definitions) is made up of the Central Government Sector (S.1311) and the Local Government Sector (S.1313). The Central Government Sector includes the Budgetary Central Government, made up of Government ministries and departments and the Extra Budgetary Units (EBUs).
3. As a general rule, ESA 2010 states that all financial assets and liabilities are to be valued using current market prices on the date to which the balance sheet relates. Changes between opening and closing stocks may also include other economic flows which are not due to financial transactions. The other economic flows are broken down into revaluations in financial assets and liabilities, and other changes in the volume of financial assets and liabilities.
4. The deficit calculated from the non-financial accounts (B.9) should be consistent with the deficit measured from the financial accounts (B.9f) however, differences arise due to different sources and estimations.
5. Quarterly General Government Debt (Table 11) may not be consistent with the reported government liabilities in the Quarterly Financial Accounts for General Government (QFAGG) (Table 6). They differ because of the different valuation rules: government liabilities are reported at market value, whereas government debt is reported at nominal value excluding accrued interest. In Table 11, General Government debt is in line with Maastricht debt provisions, at the end of the period indicated. All aggregates are consolidated between the different sub-sectors of General Government. The government guarantees reported in Table 11 are on debt instruments. Government guarantees include guarantees granted by the EBUs but exclude government guarantees provided to EBUs. There are two types of guarantees: one-off (individual and large amounts) and standardised (issued in large numbers, for fairly small amounts and identical terms).
6. The figures for taxes on production and imports are treated differently between the compilation of the GDP and the General Government Sector accounts. In the latter an adjustment is made for the payment of the EU own resource on import duties.
7. The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) was established on 7 June 2010 for the purpose of providing stability support to Euro Area Member States (EAMS). The EFSF finances such support by issuing or entering into bonds, notes, commercial paper, or other financing arrangements. The operations are backed by guarantees of the EAMS on the basis of an agreed ‘adjusted contribution key’. On 27 January 2011, Eurostat decided that the debt issued by the EFSF for each support operation must be rerouted to the public accounts of the EAMS providing guarantees, proportionately to their contribution key. Therefore, the recording of such flows impacts the gross government debt (as defined in the Maastricht Treaty) but not the net debt. In addition, all revenue/expenditure streams (interest, margins and service fees) are recorded in the General Government accounts, resulting in a positive impact on the deficit/surplus of the EAMS.
8. The GDP used in the fiscal ratios is calculated using the sum of the quarterly GDP for the last four quarters. Source of GDP data: News Release 159/2024 dated 28th August 2024.
9. All data in this release should be considered as provisional and therefore subject to revision. Figures may not add up due to rounding.
10. t/t-4 refers to the change over the corresponding quarter in the previous year.
t/t-1 refers to the change over the previous quarter.
11. The data contained in this release is subject to revision. For an updated time-series which includes past data, please refer to the Statistical Indicators for this domain.
12. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
13. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
14. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
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