
National Legislation

European Union Legislation

The NSO was established by virtue of the Malta Statistics Authority Act XXIV of 2000 and replaced the Central Office of Statistics as from 1 March 2001. Section 10 of the Act determines the functions and responsibilities of the Office, which include the collection, compilation, extraction and release of official statistics relating to the demographic, social, environmental, economic and general activities and conditions of Malta.

Regulation (EC) No. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishes a legal framework for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics. It came into effect on 11 March 2009.

Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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