Sources & Methods


Absenteeism may be described as the students’ absence from school, which can either be authorised or unauthorised. Definitions on the type of absences can be found in MEDE’s policy to address absences in schools ‘Addressing Attendance in Schools Policy – October 2014’. Absences for students enrolled in primary and secondary education are included in this exercise. Students enrolled in pre-primary education and special schools are excluded.​

This topic is not covered by any EU regulation, thus the local policy set in the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) document ‘Addressing Attendance in Schools Policy – October 2014’ is followed.

Methodological description

All information required for State administered educational institutions is obtained from register data provided directly from the responsible Ministry. Questionnaires sent to pre-primary, primary and secondary non-State educational institutions are sent via email. All incoming questionnaires are processed through a custom-made computer software.

Accuracy and reliability of data

Information on the accuracy and reliability of data can be viewed in a dedicated metadata report available on the NSO’s metadata website. 

Timeliness and punctuality of data

At a national level, the Unit publishes a news release on a yearly basis related to absenteeism in schools, with reference to the previous academic year. Such releases are published on the NSO’s website as scheduled in the Advance Release Calendar available also on the NSO’s website with a three-month advance notice.

Accessibility and clarity of data

A metadata report is also produced at a national level and disseminated on the NSO’s metadata website. 

Coherence and comparability/consistency of data

Absenteeism data is available as from academic year 2012-2013 and is comparable at NUTS 1 level.​

This type of data is unique and thus cross-checking with other domains is not possible.


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