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Crop production data are collected under Regulation (EC) No. 543/2009. These statistics cover crops from arable land, permanent crops, and agricultural land use, and are necessary for the implementation of agricultural policies.
Methodological description
Monthly fruit and vegetables data including quantities and the respective value of each product sold by farmers through the pitkali markets are obtained from the Malta Food Agency (MFA).
Annual data regarding potato exports are requested from the International Trade in Goods Unit within the NSO and through the Comext database, while annual data regarding processed tomatoes are received from the private processors. Data regarding grapes sold to vintners are obtained on annual basis from the viticulture and oenology centre as part of the Agricultural Directorate within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal rights (MAFA).
Accuracy and reliability of data
Crop production data are checked for consistency and compared with the data from previous months or years. In case discrepancies emerge, the respective administrative sources are contacted again to update or verify the figures.
Timeliness and punctuality of data
At a national level, no news release is published. Crop statistics data are collected and transmitted to Eurostat within the stipulated timeframes.
Accessibility and clarity of data
Monthly data on crops are included in StatDB; the NSO’s on-line Statistical database while annual aggregated data are included in the selected agriculture indicators.
A quality report on crops statistics is compiled according to an established structure and sent to Eurostat every 3 years.
A metadata report is produced at a national level and is available on the NSO’s metadata website.
Coherence and comparability / consistency of data
The data compiled are comparable with that of other countries due to the adoption of common methodological guidelines. On a local level, crops statistics are comparable from 1997 onwards.
All data collected are used to compile the Economic Accounts for Agriculture and therefore data are comparable between these statistical domains.
The National Accounts section within the NSO makes use of the collected data which ensure internal consistency.