Relevance Energy Statistics are compiled on the basis of the data collected under the standard collection cycles as directed by Eurostat. The monthly data consists of crude oil, oil products, solid fuels and electricity, covering mainly the supply side. Annual data on oil products, electricity, and renewable energy covers the full spectrum of the energy balances positions from supply through transformation to final energy consumption by sector and fuel type. Also, annual and monthly imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information is compiled. The relevant energy data collections are regulated since 2008 with the entry-into-force of the Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on Energy Statistics and also Regulation (EU) 2016/1952 related to electricity price statistics. Methodological description Both the monthly and annual data are collected from various administrative sources, including the Regulator for Energy and Water Services (REWS), Enemalta Ltd, the Energy and Water Agency, and the Automated Revenue Management Services Ltd (ARMS). Data is compiled and disseminated through three annual questionnaires (Joint Eurostat; International Energy Agency (IEA); and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) questionnaires), and six monthly questionnaires (four Eurostat questionnaires; and two questionnaires common with other international organisations). Accuracy and reliability of data In order to verify the accuracy of the data collected, during the compilation of all energy statistics outputs, consistency checks are done both with past data and between data arriving from different sources. All energy data that fails to pass from these consistency checks is flagged and re-sent to data providers together with a request to submit either revised data or to justify the data. Timeliness and punctuality of data An annual news release on electricity generation is published on the NSO’s website during the month of October following the reference year. This is released as scheduled in the Advance Release Calendar. Annual data regarding oil, electricity and renewable energy for year t are sent to Eurostat in t+11 months. Monthly data on oil and electricity are sent 55 days after the end of the reference month. Accessibility and clarity of data A quality report on the data transmitted is requested by Eurostat every five years. A similar report is produced at a national level and is available on the NSO’s metadata website. Coherence and comparability / consistency of data The data collected on energy statistics can be compared with the data of other European Union member states since all countries make use of the joint questionnaire and the prescribed methodology. Such data is also comparable from reference year 2008, that is, from the first time data related to energy started being collected in a harmonised manner. Metadata |