Sources & Methods


The survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals (ICT-HH) has the aim to obtain relevant indicators on the use of information and communication technology by individuals, as well as the overall availability of computer and internet facilities in households. The scope is to measure progress in relationship to the Digital Agenda for Europe and EU2020 targets.

It is designed to satisfy the concepts and definitions of Regulation (EC) No. 808/2004 and subsequent implementing regulations.

Methodological description of survey

For the purpose of this survey, a stratified random sample of 1,500 individuals is selected each year. This is subdivided by gender, age, and district.  The target population for this survey covers individuals living in households, aged between 16 and 74.

Apart from the annual benchmarking indicators, the ICT survey incorporates annual ad-hoc modules, with the aim of measuring the introduction and progress of new technologies.

The survey is conducted on an annual basis, and a letter is sent to the selected individuals informing them that they have been chosen to take part in the ICT survey.  Subsequently, an interviewer phones and sets an appointment with the respondent in order to visit and fill in the questionnaire.  Interviews are only contacted by phone in cases when a face-to-face interview is refused.

The data collected is being partly financed by a grant provided by the European Commission.

Accuracy and reliability of data

Information on the accuracy and reliability of data is available in a dedicated quality report on the NSO’s metadata website.  

Timeliness and punctuality of data

A news release is published locally in the first quarter following the end of the reference year and data is transmitted to Eurostat in the fourth quarter of the reference year.

Accessibility and clarity of data                       

After the collection of ICT-HH data, a quality report is produced and sent annually to Eurostat.  A similar report is available on the NSO’s metadata website.

In the past, publications related to ICT usage by individuals and households were also published.  These were the Survey on ICT Usage in Households 2002 and ICT Usage by Enterprises and Households for reference years 2010 and 2011.

Coherence and comparability/consistency of data

The main benchmarking indicators for the digital agenda have been collected since 2005 and are consistently comparable over time.

The model questionnaire used locally is the same one used in all European Union member states. Minor differences may result from discrepancies in the survey-vehicle, in the treatment of non-response, and in the interviewing period.  Nonetheless, differences are minimal, particularly in view of a common methodology.


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