Statistical papers refer to research papers or articles that focus on statistical methods, analyses, and findings. These papers are typically written by our statisticians, who investigate a research problem and employ different statistical methods to analyse data and draw conclusions.
Wellbeing and socio-economic determinants in the self-perception of general health status in the Maltese Islands
This paper describes an exploratory analysis of various socio-economic and wellbeing variables and their relationship with the reported health status collected annually in the Survey of Income and Living Conditions, EU-SILC, in Malta from 2018 to 2022.
Date: 18/11/2024
Theme: Living Conditions
Contrasting population dynamics
This article provides a brief analysis of the differences in the age and sex structure of the Maltese and foreign population in 2023.
Date: 16/09/2024
Theme: Population
Projecting the Past: Micro-Based Backcasting Methods in Business Statistics through Micro Decomposition Analysis
Backcasting is a key component for ensuring data consistency and reliability in historical data using modernised classifications and emerging methodological supplements to meet contemporary realities within the business economy. This methodological note explores pragmatic backcasting techniques, emphasising the adequacy of micro-based approaches in business statistics.
Date: 21/08/2024
Impact of 2021 Census on the Labour Force Survey headline indicators
Following the publication of the 2021 Census of Population and Housing, and the subsequent revision in the demographic timeseries, a reweighting exercise was conducted to align results from the LFS to these demographic revisions. A comparative analysis was conducted to assess the impact of the revised weights on the headline indicators from the LFS, mainly employment and unemployment rates.