NSO can be reached by means of three routes as explained below. (Refer to coloured routes on Google Earth map).
Walk 1: From Triton Fountain – green line
From the Triton Fountain located at Valletta city Gate, walk all along the bus terminus keeping the bastion walls to your left. Upon reaching the last of the bus bays one finds a short tunnel market with a green gate (this is open during daytime). Cross this tunnel to reach the far end of Herbert Ganado Gardens. To the left again there is a second short tunnel (marked as the entrance to the Lascaris War Rooms), take this tunnel, descending the steps to find an open area and the entrance to a third tunnel. Take this last tunnel and NSO is located as soon as you exit this tunnel on the right.
Walk 2: From Triton Fountain / Valletta city Gate – blue line
From Valletta city Gate with the Triton Fountain behind you, walk past the new parliament building and the site of the old opera house. Turn right onto South Street (Triq In-Nofsinhar) walking all the way up to the Auberge de Castille. Keep on walking across the square and towards the Upper Barrakka Gardens. Enter St Ursula Street at the corner adjoining the Department of Information; take the first turning on the right, cross Battery Street (Triq il-Batterija) and descent the steps towards NSO.
By Car: From War Memorial in Floriana – red / orange line
Enter the War Memorial roundabout in Floriana, taking the fourth exit onto St. Francis Street (Triq San Frangisk), turn left onto Vilhena Street and left again to descent Crucifix Hill (It-telgha ta il-Kurcifiss). Proceed straight, driving along Xatt Lascaris and Quarry wharf while all the time keeping the sea to your right. At the crossroad with East Street (Triq il-Lvant), take East Street and proceed until the intersection of East Street and St. Barbara Bastion Street.
Option 1 (red line): Keep on driving along East Street until the exit from Victoria Gate upon which take a sharp right onto Gnien Is-Sultan Street and proceed inland past the Housing Estate. Park and enter through the door to the right of the car park boundary. NSO can be accessed by walking up the flight of steps to the left on exiting the entrance hallway.
Option 2 (orange line): Turn left off East Street and onto St. Barbara Bastions Street, keep on going straight until you reach the parking area at the very end (the road ends here). Proceed on foot, descending the stairs to the entrance to NSO.