Publication name | Date | Reference period | Theme |
Sustainable Development Indicators for Malta 2010 | Tue, 14/12/10 | 2000-2008 | General and Sustainable Development |
Transport Statistics: 2010 | Fri, 05/11/10 | 2009 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Malta in Figures: 2010 | Wed, 20/10/10 | 2009 | Population and Social Conditions |
Demographic Review: 2009 | Thu, 30/09/10 | 2009 | Population and Social Conditions |
Household Budgetary Survey: 2008 | Tue, 17/08/10 | February 2008 - February 2009 | Population and Social Conditions |
Education Statistics: 2006 | Wed, 14/07/10 | September 2005 - March 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Survey on Income and Living Conditions: 2008 | Fri, 25/06/10 | 2007 | Population and Social Conditions |
Estimating Volume of Water Usage for irrigation in Malta: 2009) | Mon, 22/03/10 | September 2008 - September 2009 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Children 2010 | Tue, 09/03/10 | Time series | Population and Social Conditions |
Social Protection: Malta and the EU: 2009 | Fri, 08/01/10 | 2004-2008 | Population and Social Conditions |
Social Security Benefits: A Locality Perspective: 2009 | Thu, 17/12/09 | 2000-2008 | Population and Social Conditions |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2008 | Mon, 30/11/09 | 2008 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Transport Statistics: 2009 | Mon, 16/11/09 | 2008 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Malta in Figures: 2009 | Mon, 31/08/09 | 2008 | General and Sustainable Development |
Demographic Review: 2008 | Fri, 31/07/09 | 2008 | Population and Social Conditions |
Survey on Income and Living Conditions: 2007 | Wed, 24/06/09 | 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Lifestyle Survey: 2007 | Wed, 29/04/09 | November 2006 - January 2007 | Population and Social Conditions |
Transport Statistics: 2008 | Tue, 03/03/09 | 2007 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2007 | Fri, 30/01/09 | 2007 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Social Protection: Malta and the EU: 2008 | Fri, 12/12/08 | 2003-2007 | Population and Social Conditions |
Labour Force Survey: 2007 | Mon, 03/11/08 | 2007 | Population and Social Conditions |
EDP Consolidated Inventory of Sources and Methods | Thu, 23/10/08 | N/A | Economy and Finance |
Malta in Figures: 2008 | Wed, 24/09/08 | 2007 | General and Sustainable Development |
Demographic Review: 2007 | Tue, 23/09/08 | 2007 | Population and Social Conditions |
Gross Nitrogen Balance for Malta 2007 | Fri, 12/09/08 | September 2006 - August 2007 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Transport Statistics: 2006 | Mon, 14/07/08 | 2005 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Transport Statistics: 2007 | Mon, 14/07/08 | 2006 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2006 | Mon, 30/06/08 | 2006 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
The Retail Price Index in Plain Language | Fri, 13/06/08 | N/A | Economy and Finance |
Plant Protection Products: 2007 | Wed, 02/04/08 | September 2006 - August 2007 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Demographic Review: 2006 | Wed, 23/01/08 | 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Census of Fisheries: 2006 | Mon, 17/12/07 | 2006 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Labour Force Survey: 2006 | Thu, 08/11/07 | 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Census of Population and Housing 2005, Volume 2: Dwellings | Fri, 19/10/07 | 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Malta in Figures: 2007 | Fri, 24/08/07 | 2006 | General and Sustainable Development |
Census of Population and Housing 2005, Volume 1: Population | Wed, 08/08/07 | 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2005 | Wed, 20/06/07 | 2005 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Perceived Obstacles to the Participation of Women in decision-making positions | Mon, 28/05/07 | 5-19 December 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Education Statistics: 2005 | Wed, 04/04/07 | September 2004 - March 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Obstacles to the Participation of Women in decision-making positions (Report) | Fri, 02/03/07 | 5-19 December 2006 | Population and Social Conditions |
Demographic Review: 2005 | Tue, 16/01/07 | 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Social Welfare-Oriented NGO's: 2004 | Tue, 12/12/06 | 2004 | Population and Social Conditions |
Culture Statistics: 2004 | Fri, 04/08/06 | 2004 | Population and Social Conditions |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2004 | Tue, 18/07/06 | 2004 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Structural Indicators: Q4/2005 | Tue, 18/07/06 | October - December 2005 | General and Sustainable Development |
Environment Statistics: 2006 | Wed, 21/06/06 | 1990 - 2005 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Labour Force Survey: 2005 | Wed, 24/05/06 | 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Census of Population and Housing 2005: Preliminary Report | Wed, 26/04/06 | 2005 | Population and Social Conditions |
Malta in Figures: 2005 | Wed, 05/04/06 | 2004 | General and Sustainable Development |
Balance of Payments: 2003 | Thu, 30/03/06 | 1995-2003 | Economy and Finance |
Transport Statistics: 2005 | Tue, 14/03/06 | 2004 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Time-use Survey: 2002 | Wed, 08/03/06 | 9-15 September 2002 | General and Sustainable Development |
Lifestyle Survey: 2003 | Tue, 07/03/06 | June - July 2003 | General and Sustainable Development |
Education Statistics: 2004 | Wed, 01/03/06 | September 2003 - March 2004 | Population and Social Conditions |
Structural Indicators: Q3/2005 | Wed, 01/02/06 | July - September 2005 | General and Sustainable Development |
Plant Protection Products: 2005 | Wed, 25/01/06 | September 2004 - August 2005 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Demographic Review: 2004 | Tue, 17/01/06 | 2004 | Population and Social Conditions |
Structural Indicators: Q2/2005 | Tue, 03/01/06 | April - June 2005 | General and Sustainable Development |
Survey on Information Communication Technology in Schools | Tue, 08/11/05 | 31 March - 31 May 2004 | Science, technology and digital society |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2003 | Wed, 26/10/05 | 2003 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Survey on the Use of Internet among Students | Thu, 13/10/05 | 18 October - 30 November 2004 | Science, technology and digital society |
Kitchen Garden Survey 2004 | Fri, 07/10/05 | 2004 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Structural Business Statistics | Mon, 05/09/05 | N/A | Industry and Services |
Structural Indicators: Q1/2005 | Mon, 05/09/05 | January - March 2005 | General and Sustainable Development |
Trade Statistics: 2003 | Mon, 05/09/05 | 2003 | Economy and Finance |
Fruit and Vegetables Production | Fri, 26/08/05 | 2004 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Sheep and Goats Milk Production | Fri, 26/08/05 | Stock take as at 1 December 2004 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Survey on ICT Usage of Enterprises 2003 | Wed, 04/05/05 | 2003 | Science, technology and digital society |
Labour Force Survey: 2004 | Wed, 20/04/05 | 2004 | Population and Social Conditions |
Balance of Payments: 2002 | Fri, 18/02/05 | 2002 | Economy and Finance |
Education Statistics: 2003 | Fri, 18/02/05 | September 2002 - March 2003 | Population and Social Conditions |
Malta in Figures: 2004 | Wed, 16/02/05 | 2003 | General and Sustainable Development |
Labour Force Survey: 2003 | Mon, 10/01/05 | 2003 | Population and Social Conditions |
Education Statistics: 2002 | Tue, 07/12/04 | September 2001 - March 2002 | Population and Social Conditions |
Transport Statistics: 2004 | Tue, 07/12/04 | 2003 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Demographic Review: 2003 | Mon, 15/11/04 | 2003 | Population and Social Conditions |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2002 | Mon, 04/10/04 | 2002 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Structural Indicators: 2003 | Thu, 20/05/04 | 2003 | General and Sustainable Development |
Benchmarking Malta in Europe | Tue, 04/05/04 | 2002 | General and Sustainable Development |
Theatre-Goers 2003 | Sun, 11/04/04 | 2003 | Population and Social Conditions |
Social Welfare-Oriented NGO's: 2001 | Mon, 15/03/04 | 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Sports Organisations 2000-2002 | Mon, 15/03/04 | 2002 | Population and Social Conditions |
Shipping and Aviation 2002 | 2004 | 2002 | Economy and Finance |
Transport Statistics: 2003 | Sun, 15/02/04 | 2002 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Structural, Poverty and Social Exclusion Indicators | Tue, 16/12/03 | 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Tourstat Survey Results on Inbound Tourism | Sun, 07/12/03 | January 2001 - May 2003 | Industry and Services |
Trade Statistics: 2001 | Sun, 07/12/03 | 2001 | Economy and Finance |
Balance of Payments: 2001 | Sun, 30/11/03 | 2001 | Economy and Finance |
Labour Force Survey: 2002 | Sun, 02/11/03 | 2002 | Population and Social Conditions |
Labour Force Survey: 2001 | Sat, 01/11/03 | 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Abstract of Statistics 2000 | Fri, 31/10/03 | 2000 | General and Sustainable Development |
Culture Statistics: 2000 | Fri, 31/10/03 | January 1997 - December 2000 | Population and Social Conditions |
Demographic Review: 2002 | Tue, 30/09/03 | 2002 | Population and Social Conditions |
Education Statistics: 2001 | Tue, 23/09/03 | September 2000 - March 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Census of Agriculture: 2001 | Sun, 15/06/03 | October 2000 - September 2001 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Household Budgetary Survey: 2000 | Fri, 16/05/03 | March 2000 - March 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Survey on ICT Usage in Households 2002 | Tue, 15/04/03 | 2002 | Science, technology and digital society |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2001 | Sat, 15/02/03 | 2001 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Demographic Review: 2001 | Mon, 02/12/02 | 2001 | Population and Social Conditions |
Environment Statistics | Thu, 07/11/02 | 1995-2000 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Transport Statistics: 2002 | Fri, 01/11/02 | 2001 | Environment, Energy and Transport |
Agriculture and Fisheries: 2000 | Tue, 15/10/02 | 2000 | Agriculture and Fisheries |
Children | Wed, 15/05/02 | Time series | Population and Social Conditions |
Kultura 2000: A Survey on Cultural Participation | Fri, 16/11/01 | November 1999 - October 2000 | Population and Social Conditions |
Continuing Vocational Training Survey | Mon, 12/11/01 | 1999 | Population and Social Conditions |
Transport Statistics: 2001 | Thu, 15/02/01 | 2000 | Environment, Energy and Transport |