Relevance The scope of this survey is to gather statistics related to the way Maltese residents live, and gathers information related to transport, hobbies, life satisfaction, smoking, alcohol consumption, health, fruit and vegetable consumption, weight and height. Methodological description of survey This survey was last carried out between November 2006 and January 2007 amongst Maltese residents aged 18 and over who live in private households. A gross sample of 2,000 individuals was selected at random. This was the second lifestyle survey carried out by the NSO, and data was collected by means of a postal questionnaire. The questions included in the questionnaire were based on the questions asked during the first round of this survey. Accuracy and reliability of data In order to ensure that data is of good quality, a series of quality checks were carried out on the data together with in-built validation checks in the data entry application. The goal of these checks was to detect erroneous or questionable survey data and correcting these errors as much as possible. Timeliness and punctuality of data Results of the last lifestyle survey were made available in 2007 after the data collection phase was completed. Information was collected about the situation during the preceding 12 months. Accessibility and clarity of data The results of the lifestyle survey can be accessed by means of a publication which is available on the NSO website. Coherence and comparability/consistency of data This data is to an extent comparable to specific ad-hoc modules contained in the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) and the European Health Interview Survey in terms of concepts used. However, the eligibility criteria are not the same. Therefore, such data cannot be directly comparable. Although a systematic random sample approach is used for both the SILC and lifestyle survey; the lifestyle survey targeted individuals aged 18 years and over while the SILC survey targets individuals aged 16 and over. On the other hand, the European Health Interview Survey targets individuals aged 15 and over. » Questionnaire |