Spatial divisions for MALTA
Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)
The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) was established by Eurostat to provide a single uniform breakdown of territorial units for the production of regional statistics for the European Union.
Local Administrative Units
The local administrative units, abbreviated as LAUs, form a system for dividing up the economic territory of the European Union (EU) for the purpose of statistics at local level based on the geographical location of units. They have been set up by Eurostat and they are compatible with NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). At local level, two levels of LAU have been defined: The upper level (LAU1, formerly NUTS level 4) is defined for most, but not all, of the countries. The lower level (LAU2, formerly NUTS level 5) consists of municipalities or equivalent units in the EU Member States.
DEGURBA classification
The degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA) is a classification that indicates the character of an area. It classifies the territory of a country on an urban-rural continuum. DEGURBA combines the population size and the population density thresholds to establish 3 mutually exclusive classes: cities, towns and suburbs or rural areas.
Enumeration Areas
Enumeration Areas consist of several streets or parts thereof in a locality, typically encompassing an average of 200 dwellings. The delineation of enumeration areas was carried out by means of optimisation algorithms developed internally and the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). A total of 986 distinct enumeration areas across all localities were created for the 2021 Population and Housing Census.
Geographical divisions of Malta