The National Statistics Office (NSO) conducted the Survey on Safety and Well-being (SSW), to measure the prevalence of gender-based violence in Malta. This project was partly funded by the European Union and conducted in collaboration with Eurostat and other partners in the European Statistical System.
This survey covered all residents living in households aged between 18 and 74 years and collected information from respondents on their experience of sexual harassment at work, intimate partner violence, non-partner violence, stalking, general victimisation, and violence experienced during their childhood years. Moreover, the survey collected information on the respondents’ perception of gender-based violence and their knowledge of local services in this area. This publication, the first of its kind in Malta, presents the results of this survey. These provide national prevalence figures on the various topics mentioned previously, shedding light on disparities between different population groups.
General overview
Sexual harassment at work
Intimate partner violence
Non-partner violence