The aim of the User Satisfaction Survey is to gather the perception of the NSO’s users with regards to the quality and timeliness of data produced by the NSO. Users are asked about their perception with regards to the quality, timeliness and usefulness of NSO News Releases and tailor-made requests provided. Other statistics gathered from this survey relate to the purpose of using NSO data, quality of NSO data in comparison with statistics produced by other organisations, trust of users in NSO statistics, frequency of submitting tailor-made requests, and frequency of accessing the NSO website.
Methodological description of survey
The last User Satisfaction Survey was carried out in 2022 and addressed all persons over 16 years of age who made at least one request for
information to the NSO during 2020 and 2021, together with a list of users who subscribed to receive NSO’s news releases. An invitation to participate in this survey was sent to all selected respondents by email. NSO also provided a link to this survey on the website to facilitate further access to the online questionnaire. Questions were based on previous versions of the User Satisfaction Survey carried out by the NSO, and on Eurostat’s user satisfaction survey questionnaire together with the proposed guidelines.
Accuracy and reliability of data
Since the survey is carried out amongst users of the NSO’s data, all responses are eligible. It is not possible for individuals who do not make use of NSO data to participate in this survey.
Timeliness and punctuality of data
The last User Satisfaction Survey, carried out in 2022, referred to users of statistics during the preceding two calendar years.
Accessibility and clarity of data
The results of the 2022 User Satisfaction Survey are made available in a report which can be accessed below.
Coherence and comparability/consistency of data
The User Satisfaction Survey is carried out every 5-7 years. Different methodologies may have been used to compile the data and these may not be comparable to the previous rounds, including the mode of collection. Data is thus not comparable over time.