Home » Business Innovation: 2020-2022
Between 2020 and 2022, 840 enterprises, or 29.0 per cent of the surveyed enterprises, undertook innovation activity. Results show that 308 enterprises were engaged in both product and business process, 417 enterprises were engaged in business process innovation only, 74 enterprises were solely engaged in product innovation, and 41 enterprises performed either Research and Development (R&D) or other innovation activities (Chart 1).
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Innovation expenditure (excl. R&D) was predominant with a total of €726.2 million (86.8 per cent), followed by intramural R&D at €58.5 million (7.0 per cent). Enterprises in Manufacturing (NACE C), Information and communication (NACE J), and Professional, scientific and technical activities (NACE M) accounted for the highest total expenditure, representing 73.5, 17.3 and 4.7 per cent, respectively, of the overall innovation expenditure (Table 2).
16.3 per cent of all innovative enterprises indicated in the survey that they had at least one cooperation arrangement with other enterprises or organisation, where most enterprises (38.0 per cent) had a cooperation with a private business enterprise outside the enterprise group (Table 3).
9.1 per cent (264 enterprises) of the surveyed enterprises applied for an intellectual property right or license. Most enterprises (116 enterprises) applied for a trademark only. This was followed by enterprises which applied for more than one intellectual property right (81 enterprises) and those which used a trade secret only (45 enterprises) (Table 4).
43.8 per cent of innovative enterprises did not feel the need to introduce more innovation activity within their enterprise while 20.1 per cent had a lack of resources which hampered them from introducing more innovation activities. 3.9 per cent of the non-innovative enterprises did not introduce any innovation activity due to lack of resources, whereas the majority (84.6 per cent) did not introduce any innovation activity as it was not needed (Table 5, Chart 2).
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17.1 per cent of the total innovative enterprises successfully obtained either equity or debt finance, with almost two in every five (38.6 per cent) of these enterprises having partly or fully utilised these fundings for R&D or other innovation activities (Table 6).
26.9 per cent of the enterprises introduced innovations which reduced energy use or CO2 footprint within their enterprise. These were followed by enterprises that reduced material or water use per unit of output (25.4 per cent) (Table 7).
Out of the total enterprises, 40.3 per cent formed part of an enterprise group, of which 70.5 per cent had their head office located in Malta while the remaining companies had their head office located in the European Union (EU), in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries or the rest of the world, amounting to 14.6, 0.9 and 14.1 per cent respectively (Table 8, Chart 3).
1. The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) collects information about innovative activities carried out in a specific three-year period in the business sector. The target population is the minimum coverage requested, namely total enterprises with 10 employed persons or more.
2. The Survey is conducted in accordance with the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1092 pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and the Oslo Manual (2018 edition).
3. The following activities (NACE Rev. 2) are included in the target population:
Additional coverage was also conducted for the following non-core activities:
4. Enterprises with innovation expenditure by industry and type (table 2):
4.1 Research and Development (R&D) Intramural Expenditure reported (table 2) is collected from the CIS 2022, which due to difference in the coverage of the survey is to be used only for the compilation for the total innovation expenditure for 2022. Actual R&D expenditure for 2022 should be taken from News Release 131/2024 – Research and Development in Malta: 2022.
4.2.1 Other manufacturing includes NACE divisions:
4.2.2. Other non-manufacturing includes NACE divisions:
5. Definitions:
6. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
Statistical Concepts
7. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
8. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
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