News Releases

ICT Usage by Households: 2023

Release Date: 04 March 2024

Nine out of ten persons aged between 16 and 74 years used the internet in 2023.

Internet usage by individuals

The survey on information and communication technology usage, partly financed by the European Commission, revealed that nearly all individuals aged 16 to 34 used the internet in 2023. In contrast, individuals aged 65 to 74 recorded the lowest internet usage levels, with only 68.7 percent (Table 2). Notwithstanding this, internet usage in Malta exceeded the EU-27 average by 0.7 percentage points (Chart 1).

Chart 1. Percentage of individuals who used the internet 1

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1 Includes only persons who used the internet within three months prior to the surveying period (refer to Table 2).

Results indicate that internet usage was primarily for communication purposes, with 98.6 percent of individuals using it for this reason. Additionally, 94.3 percent of individuals reported using the internet for access to information (Table 3).

Chart 2. Main activities for internet use by sex 1

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1 Includes only persons who used the internet within three months prior to the surveying period (refer to Table 2).

1.  Refer to Methodological note 4 for more information on internet activities.
2.  Categories are not mutually exclusive.

e-Government services

Between 2022 and 2023 the number of e-Government users increased by 5.6 per cent.  In absolute terms, the population accessing e-Government services stood at 282,794, which is equivalent to 74.3 per cent of internet users. The uptake of this service was more common among individuals aged between 16 and 44 years. No major difference between males and females was noted in terms of use of e-Government services (Table 5).


Internet users who engaged in e-commerce activities during the reference period amounted to 246,753 (64.8 per cent). In absolute terms, majority of e-commerce users (56.6 per cent) were within the 25 and 44 age bracket (Table 6). The most common goods or services acquired online were deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains or catering services, followed by the purchase of clothes (Table 7). Differences of e-commerce activities can be noticed by sex, and in this regard males were more likely to opt for deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains or catering services whereas females were more likely to purchase clothes online.

In terms of subscriptions acquired over the internet, one notes that the most common are subscriptions to films or series as a streaming service or downloads (Table 8).

Digital skills

Seven out of every 10 internet users possess ‘basic’ or ‘above basic’ overall digital skills with individuals aged between 16 and 24 years being the most likely to have ‘above basic’ digital skills (Table 9). The areas where a high percentage of individuals demonstrate proficiency are ‘communication and collaboration skills’ and ‘information and data literacy skills’. In both areas, over 87 percent of internet users exhibit ‘above basic’ knowledge (Table 10).

Chart 3. Frequency of internet use by age group

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Methodological Notes

1. The survey on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage by households is conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) on an annual basis, under European Regulation (EC) No. 808/2004. The target population for this survey included all persons aged between 16 and 74 residing in private households. A gross sample of 2,210 individuals was selected using systematic random sampling from the population register held and maintained by NSO. A total of 1,663 filled questionnaires were collected between April and June 2023. Most surveys were carried out through telephone interviews.
2. In order to produce population based estimates, weights for individual respondents were computed. For calibration purposes, data was subdivided by sex, age groups and districts (NUTS 4 classification).
3. Use of internet referred to in this news release includes all means of accessing this medium.
4. Definitions:
Main activities for internet use:

Communication includes sending and/or receiving emails, making calls over the internet, instant messaging and participating in social networks.

Access to information includes reading online news, seeking health-related information, and finding information about goods or services.

Civic and political participation includes expressing opinions on civic or political matters on websites or in social media and taking part in online consultations or voting on civic and political issues.

Professional life
includes looking for a job or sending a job application online.
Other online services include selling of goods or services and internet banking.

e-Government users
include individuals who obtained information from public authorities or public services over the internet for private purposes, individuals who downloaded or printed official forms, and individuals who submitted completed forms online.

Digital skills indicators
Digital skills indicators are indicators based on selected activities related to internet or software use, performed by
individuals aged 16-74 in four specific areas, namely:

Information and data literacy skills – To articulate information needs, to locate and retrieve digital data, information and content. To judge the relevance of the source and its content. To store, manage, organize digital data, information and content.

Communication and collaboration skills – To interact, communicate and collaborate through digital technologies while being aware of cultural and generational diversity. To participate in society through public and private digital services and participatory citizenship. To manage one’s digital identity and reputation.

Digital content creation skills – To create and edit digital content. To improve and integrate information and content into an existing body of knowledge while understanding how copyright and licences are to be applied. To know how to give understandable instructions for a computer system.

Safety skills – To protect devices, content, personal data and privacy in digital environments. To protect physical and psychological health, and to be aware of digital technologies for social well-being and social inclusion. To be aware of the environmental impact of digital technologies and their use.

Problem solving skills – To identify needs and problems, and to resolve conceptual problems and problem situations in digital environments. To use digital tools to innovate processes and products. To keep up-to-date with the digital evolution.

It is assumed that individuals having performed certain activities have the corresponding skills. Therefore the indicators can be considered as proxy of the digital competences and skills of individuals.

5. Below is a demographic profile of individuals’ population frame used for the purposes of this survey. Population estimates are based on pre census 2021 levels.
Number % population
2022 2023 2022 2023
   Males 211,338 218,524 52.8 52.8
   Females 188,627 195,020 47.2 47.2
Age Group:
   16-24 45,625 44,671 11.4 10.8
   25-34 92,526 96,332 23.1 23.3
   35-44 82,977 89,212 20.7 21.6
   45-54 63,294 67,368 15.8 16.3
   55-64 59,721 59,917 14.9 14.5
   65-74 55,822 56,044 14.0 13.6
Total 399,965 413,544 100 100

6. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at: 

Sources and methods 
Statistical Concepts 

7. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.

8.  European statistics comparable to data in this News Release are available here.

9. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

10. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

ICT Usage by Households: 2023  

Release Date: 04 March 2024

  • 92.1 per cent of persons aged between 16 and 74 years used the internet.
  • During 2023, 97.3 per cent of internet users used the internet on a daily basis.
  • In 2023, 74.3 per cent of internet users made use of e-Government services.
  • Internet users who engaged in e-commerce activities during 2023 amounted to 246,753.
  • The most common items or services acquired online were deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains or catering services, and clothes.

ICT Usage by Households: 2023

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