Home » Population » Population and migration: 2012-2022 (including intercensal revisions)
The resident population of Malta grew from 421,464 in 2012 to 542,051 in 2022. This equates to a 28.6 per cent growth in the population over the period. The increase in the population size was attributed primarily to the growth in the foreign population. While the Maltese population only grew by 1.7 per cent from 398,099 to 404,675, the foreign population grew five-fold, rising from 23,365 in 2012 to 137,376 in 2022 (Chart 1).
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While the median population age in 2022 has remained at par with 2012, at 39 years, the share of children and older persons in the population has shifted. In 2012, the share of the population aged 65 and over stood at 17.1 per cent, this increased to 18.6 per cent in 2022. On the other hand, the share of children aged 14 or under decreased, from 14.6 per cent in 2012 to 12.7 per cent in 2022. In 2012, females slightly outnumbered males at 50.2 per cent compared to 49.8 per cent. In 2022, this pattern was reversed with males outnumbering females at 52.5 per cent compared to 47.5 per cent (Table 1a-1c, Chart 2a & Chart 2b).
Chart 2a. Total population by age group and sex as at 31 December 2012