
Intr​astat Declarations

1. Gener​al information and competent authorities

Malta Intrastat declarations are submitted to the Intrastat authorities, whose contact details are as follows:
International Trade Statistics Unit
National Statistics Office
Lascaris, Valletta​
VLT 2000 Malta
Tel: +356 2599 7161-9​
Filing periods and submission due dates 
Intrastat declarations must be submitted monthly and are due before the 10th business day of the month following the reporting period.

If the d​ue date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the due date is the next business day.

3. Intrastat thresholds

A trader becomes liable to file Intrastat declarations if one of the thresholds below is exceeded. If a trader exceeds the threshold during a particular​ year, he must submit Intrastat declarations starting from the first month of the year in which the threshold was reached or exceeded. 

(Example: If the Eur700 threshold was reached and exceeded in an import/export, for example in July of a particular year, all imports/exports made in that particular year preceding July and imports/exports from there onwards for that year, must also be declared.)

The thresholds in Malta are as follows: 

Flow Threshold 
Dispatches​EUR 700
Arrivals ​EUR 700

4. Manner of filing

Electronic filing
To submit electronic Intrastat declarations, a trader must complete the registration application (VAT/INTRA/105/2004) and send it to the International Trade Statistics Unit by email on [email protected]​. The form is available for download at:
More information can be found at:
After submission, the trader should receive a username and an activation link valid for 48 hours to access the online submission platform.
Electronic filing is done through the NSO website: Intrastat Declaration System​ using the relevant username and password.
If a trader has multiple items to declare in a particular month and/or various suppliers/consignees, the XML function can be used to upload all the various items at one go.
The XML schema can be downloaded from this link:
XML Schema File​​​​

Alternatively, you can download an excel template version of the schema file from the following link:

For further information contact the International Trade Statistics Unit at NSO.
Details of each field of the XML Schema File can be downloaded from here.

5. Corrective declaration

If an electronic declaration has to be corrected, the company can access the previously submitted declaration and make the correction if the declaration is marked as “not complete.” If completed declarations must be corrected, the International Trade Statistics Unit must be contacted to make the correction.
To correct a declaration send an email to: [email protected].
In the email, state the number of the declaration to be corrected.

6. Nil declaration

There is no requirement to submit a nil declaration if there are no movements in the relevant month.

9. Important downloads

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