Director General
• Central Management Unit
• Legal Office
• Office of the Director General
• Legal Office
• Office of the Director General
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The Director General is the head of the National Statistics Office and has the legal representation of it. The Malta Statistics Authority Act, 2000 makes provisions for this position in Article 9.
The National Statistics Office (NSO) is the executive arm of the Malta Statistics Authority and draws its mandate from the Malta Statistics Authority Act, Cap. 422 of the Laws of Malta. The NSO is headed by the Director General and is made up of six directorates: Economic Statistics, Business Statistics, Social Statistics, Data Capability, Corporate Services and Finance. The first three directorates are responsible for statistical domains. The Data Capability directorate is tasked with assisting domain units in data management and methodological issues while helping the Office reach a higher level of efficiency in terms of processes and IT infrastructure. The Corporate Services directorate provides lateral support to all units for matters related to human resources, finances, procurement and administration while the Finance Directorate is responsible for all financial matters of the Office. Five units answer to the Director General, while the Office of the DG monitors and takes forward matters relating to the technical domains and the horizontal functions.
• Education and Community Safety
• Labour Market and Information Society
• Living Conditions and Tourism
• Population and Migration
• Culture and Tourism Data Collection
• Human Resources and Staff Development
• Procurement, Support and Resources
• Health and Safety and Administrative Support
• Communication and Dissemination
• Budget, Financial Management and Control