Home » Short-term Industrial Indicators: Q1/2023
Quarterly comparison
During the first quarter of 2023, seasonally adjusted industrial turnover increased by 0.8 per cent over the previous quarter. The highest increase was registered in energy (4.5 per cent). Increases were also registered in the intermediate goods (4.3 per cent) and capital goods (0.1 per cent). On the contrary, a decrease was registered in the consumer goods (2.7 per cent) (Table 1).
Seasonally adjusted industrial employment increased by 1.2 per cent (Table 3). During this period, industrial hours worked decreased by 0.8 per cent (Table 5) and industrial gross wages and salaries decreased by 0.9 per cent (Table 7).
Annual comparison
When compared to the corresponding quarter of 2022, working-day adjusted industrial turnover increased by 15.9 per cent. The highest increase was registered in the intermediate goods (22.8 per cent) followed by capital goods (19.9 per cent) and consumer goods (12.0 per cent). A decrease of 0.3 per cent was registered in energy (Table 2).
An increase of 2.8 per cent was recorded in the year-on-year unadjusted industrial employment (Table 4). Working-day adjusted industrial hours worked increased by 2.7 per cent (Table 6) and working-day adjusted industrial gross wages and salaries went up by 9.7 per cent (Table 8).
(% change in comparison with corresponding quarter in previous year)
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10. The calculation of growth rates from the indices table may slightly differ from the growth rates published due to rounding.
11. The data contained in this release should be considered as provisional and thereby subject to revision. Each release may include revisions of the past quarterly data in respect of a rolling two-year period.
12. As from January 2018, the index has been re-referenced from 2010 = 100 to 2015 = 100. Hence, news releases published before January 2018 cannot be directly compared with those published afterwards.
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15. A detailed news release calendar is available online.