Home » Students in Post-secondary and Tertiary Education: 2021-2022
The number of students enrolled in post-secondary levels stood at 9,610, whilst 19,035 were enrolled in tertiary education. Males outnumbered females in post-secondary education by 1.3 percentage points, whilst there were more females enrolled in tertiary education than males by 16.1 percentage points (Table 1).
Post-secondary students
Post-secondary students enrolled in sixth forms and other post-secondary institutions totalled 9,610 during academic year 2021-2022, an increase of less than 0.1 per cent over the previous academic year (Table 1). This reference year saw more males than females enrolled at post-secondary level, as opposed to the previous two scholastic years (Chart 1).
The largest proportion of post-secondary students were aged under 20 years (88.9 per cent) (Table 2). Foreign students enrolled in such institutions amounted to 1,160, accounting for 12.1 per cent of the total students enrolled at post-secondary level (Table 3).
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Note: Post-secondary refers to ISCED 2-4; refer to methodological note 4.
The share of 16-17-year-old students enrolled at post-secondary level accounted for 75.6 per cent of the 16–17-year-old resident population. The share of the 16–17-year-old female population enrolled at post-secondary level was higher than the share of males by 7.3 percentage points (Chart 2).
The vast majority of students at post-secondary level were enrolled in state-run institutions (86.2 per cent). Slightly more than half of the students were enrolled in courses or programmes of vocational study orientation (51.6 per cent) (Table 4). The most popular field of study among students following a vocational programme was ‘Services’ (26.1 per cent), followed by students enrolled in programmes related to the fields ‘Engineering, manufacturing and construction’ (16.3 per cent) and ‘Health and welfare’ (14.7 per cent) (Chart 3).
academic year 2021-2022
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Tertiary students
Students enrolled in tertiary level courses totalled 19,035 during academic year 2021-2022, an increase of 3.8 per cent when compared to academic year 2020-2021. Female students comprised 58.1 per cent of the total students enrolled at the tertiary level (Chart 4).
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Age group:
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The number of students at this level who were studying on a full-time basis amounted to 12,624, or 66.3 per cent of the total. Part-time enrolments showed an increase of 1.1 per cent over the previous academic year (Table 5).
The largest proportion of tertiary students were engaged in courses at ISCED level 6 (Bachelor’s or equivalent) (52.8 per cent), followed by ISCED level 7 (Master’s or equivalent) at 32.5 per cent (Table 5). More than half of the students enrolled at tertiary level were aged between 20 and 29 (53.7 per cent) (Chart 4; Table 5-6). Female students outnumbered their male counterparts at almost all tertiary ISCED levels, except for ISCED 8 (PhD equivalent) (Chart 5).
academic year 2021-2022
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During academic year 2021-2022, foreign students at the tertiary level totalled 4,709, equivalent to 24.7 per cent of all tertiary enrolments, where 13.1 per cent were other EU nationals and 11.6 per cent were non-EU nationals (Chart 4). This resulted in an increase of 7.1 percentage points of foreign students over the previous academic year (Table 7).
At tertiary level, the most popular field of study was ’Business, administration and law’ with 5,196 students, or 27.3 per cent of the total number of students. This was followed by the ‘Health and welfare’ field with 4,052 students, or 21.3 per cent of the total. The least popular field of study at tertiary level was ‘Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary’ scoring an uptake of only 0.3 per cent (Chart 6).
academic year 2021-2022
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1. Education statistics presented in this news release are processed by the National Statistics Office (NSO) on an annual basis in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 and (EU) 912/2013. These regulations establish the basis of information to be collected from educational institutions at all levels of education and all economic sectors. By adhering to these regulations, all education statistics collected and processed by the NSO are comparable to other European countries following the same regulatory standards.
2. This news release includes students enrolled in formal education with a minimum duration of one semester of full-time study (or the equivalent in part-time) and that are delivered from Malta.
3. Data collection covers all students enrolled in the respective institutions as at 31st March of the reference academic year.
4. For the purpose of this news release, post-secondary level refers to students enrolled in Sixth Forms, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), University of Malta, and other public and private institutions offering courses at ISCED levels 2 to 4 (also refer to point 9).
5. For the purpose of this news release, tertiary level refers to students enrolled at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), University of Malta, and other public and private institutions offering courses at ISCED levels 5 to 8 (also refer to point 9).
6. The population of educational institutions considered for the purpose of this news release include institutions delivering formal education programmes from Malta at post-secondary and tertiary level:
Academic Year | |||
2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | |
Total number of institutions offering courses at post-secondary and tertiary education | 55 | 52 | 59 |
of which: | |||
Offering courses at post-secondary education (ISCED 2-4) | 28 | 24 | 28 |
Offering courses at tertiary education (ISCED 5-8) | 36 | 35 | 43 |
7. Education Statistics data is provided by NSO to Eurostat on an annual basis in a dedicated questionnaire as established by Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 and (EU) 912/2013.
8. Owing to the UK’s exit from the European Union (with effect from 1 February 2020), UK data is statistically classified as Non-EU as from academic year 2019-2020 in the tables relating to citizenship. Comparability between periods should be treated with caution.
9. Definitions:
● Education means organised and sustained communication designed to bring about learning (vide Regulation (EC) No. 452/2008).
● Formal education is an institutionalised, intentional and planned type of education which is provided by public organisations and recognised private bodies. It consists primarily of initial education designed for children and young people before their first entry to the labour market. It also includes other types of education such as vocational, special needs and adult education provided they are recognised as part of the formal education system by the relevant national education authorities.
● International Standard Classification of Education – ISCED 2011 is a framework for assembling, compiling, and analysing cross-nationally comparable statistics on education. ISCED belongs to the United Nations International Family of Economic and Social Classifications and is the reference classification for organising education programmes and related qualifications by levels and fields of education. ISCED is designed to serve as a framework to classify educational activities as defined in programmes and the resulting qualifications into internationally agreed categories. For more information refer to the ISCED 2011 manual.
ISCED levels are based on ISCED 2011 classification:
ISCED 0 – Early childhood and pre-primary education
ISCED 1 – Primary education
ISCED 2 – Lower secondary education
ISCED 3 – Upper secondary education
ISCED 4 – Post-secondary non-tertiary education
ISCED 5 – Short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 6 – Bachelor’s or equivalent level
ISCED 7 – Master’s or equivalent level
ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level
● Age is calculated as at 1st January of the reference academic year. For example, for academic year 2021-2022, age is calculated as at 1st January 2022.
● General education is defined as educational programmes that are designed to develop learners’ general knowledge, skills and competencies, as well as literacy and numeracy skills, often to prepare participants for more advanced education programmes at the same or a higher ISCED level and to lay the foundation for lifelong learning. These programmes are typically school-based or college-based. General education includes education programmes that are designed to prepare participants for entry into vocational education but do not prepare for employment in a particular occupation, trade or class of occupations or trades, nor lead directly to a labour market-relevant qualification.
● Vocational education is defined as educational programmes that are designed for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies specific to a particular occupation, trade, or class of occupations or trades. Such programmes may have work-based components (e.g. apprenticeships, dual-system education programmes). Successful completion of such programmes leads to labour market-relevant, vocational qualifications acknowledged as occupationally oriented by the relevant national authorities and/or the labour market.
● Fields of study (ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013): The ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 classifies educational programmes and related qualifications by fields of study. A field is the broad domain, branch or area of content covered by an education programme or qualification. For more information refer to the International Standard Classification of Education – Fields of education and training 2013 (ISCED-F 2013).
● Resident population refers to the total population of all persons residing in the Maltese Islands during the reference period. The concept of residence refers to the place where a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. Usual residents of a specific geographical area are those who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference time or those who arrived in their place of usual residence during the 12 months before the reference time with the intention of staying there for at least one year.
Population estimates used in this news release are based on the end of year 2021 estimate which have been revised as a result of the latest Census of Population and Housing. The revised estimate for 2021 supersedes previous estimates published for this reference year. This updated estimate results from the ongoing intercensal revisions of the population time series. Due to the revision of the 2021 population estimate there is now a temporary break in series. It is therefore currently not possible to compare the estimates on the share of students within the population with previously published news releases.
● Locality of residence: The locality of residence is the locality where students are residing during the academic year, as registered by the institution. Students registering a foreign address of residence are reported as ‘foreign residence’, whilst students having missing information relating to the locality of residence are reported as students with an unspecified locality.
10. Totals/percentages may not add up due to rounding.
11. Data for 2021-2022 may be revised.
12. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.
13. More information relating to this release may be accessed at:
Sources and Methods
ISCED 2011 Classification
ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013
LAU Classification
14. European statistics related to students are available here.
15. More information is available from the NSO upon written request.
16. A detailed news release calendar is available online.