Home » Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2023
In 2023, the GVA at basic prices in the regions of Malta, and Gozo and Comino was estimated at €18,250.1 and €807.2 million respectively; reflecting corresponding increases of 12.6 and 11.8 per cent over 2022 (Table 1). Chart 1 illustrates analyses of the contributions to national GVA by industry (A*10/11) and region (NUTS 3).
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Note: For a description of the NACE Rev. 2 Classifications outlined in the chart above, refer to methodological note 10.
Malta region
In 2023, all industries registered increases in GVA when compared to the previous year, with the exception of the industries of Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A). The industry of Real estate activities (L) registered the largest growth of 44.6 per cent over 2022 while the industries of Professional, scientific and technical activities; Administrative and support service activities (M and N) accounted for the largest share in GVA at 19.3 per cent. The industries comprising Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities (G, H and I) contributed to the second largest share of the GVA (16.9 per cent). These industries registered a growth in GVA of 9.1 per cent when compared to 2022 (Table 1, Chart 2).
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Note: For a description of the NACE Rev. 2 Classifications outlined in the chart above, refer to methodological note 10.
Gozo and Comino region
In 2023, the majority of industries registered increases in GVA when compared to the previous year, with the exception of a slight drop in the industry of Information and communication (J). The industries of Public administration and defence; Compulsory social security; Education; Human health and social work activities (O, P and Q) accounted for the highest share of the GVA at 20.8 per cent and have registered an increase of 4.5 per cent over 2022. The industries comprising Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities (G, H and I) accounted for the second highest share of the GVA at 19.0 per cent and have registered a growth of 11.9 per cent over 2022 (Table 1, Chart 2).
Regional Gross Domestic Product
In 2023, GDP at market prices in the regions of Malta, and Gozo and Comino was estimated at €19,646.8 million and €869.0 million respectively, corresponding to 95.6 and 4.2 per cent of national GDP at market prices. During 2023, GDP per capita at market prices increased in both regions. The per capita GDP at market prices for the Malta region as a percentage of the national was 103.1 per cent while that of the Gozo and Comino region stood at 58.2 per cent. The per capita regional GDP does not reflect the income available to the private households of each respective region, but it strictly relates to the economic activity prevailing in each of the regions (Table 2, Chart 3).