News Releases

Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2023  

Release Date: 19 December 2024

Time-series was restored from the year 2000 onwards following revisions effected in the benchmark revision of National Accounts data as published in News Release NR 159/2024.

business man Hand change wood cube block with GDP text (Gross domestic product) to UP and Down arrow symbol icon. Financial, Management, Economic and business concepts
  • Estimates for 2023 indicate that the contribution of Gozo and Comino region to national GDP accounted to 4.2 per cent.
  • In 2023, GVA at basic prices in Malta, and Gozo and Comino regions increased by 12.6 per cent and 11.8 per cent respectively over 2022.
  • In 2023, GDP per capita in Gozo and Comino region stood at 58.2 per cent when compared to national level while that of Malta region was 103.1 per cent.
  • Relative to Malta region, the Gozo and Comino economy is characterised by a higher proportion of economic activity resulting from Public administration and defence; Compulsory social security; Education; Human health and social work activities (O, P and Q).

Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2023

Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2023

Release Date: 19 December 2024

Time-series was restored from the year 2000 onwards following revisions effected in the benchmark revision of National Accounts data as published in News Release NR 159/2024.

Provisional estimates for 2023 indicate that the contribution of Gozo and Comino region to national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices accounted to 4.2 per cent or €869.0 million.
business man Hand change wood cube block with GDP text (Gross domestic product) to UP and Down arrow symbol icon. Financial, Management, Economic and business concepts

In 2023, the GVA at basic prices in the regions of Malta, and Gozo and Comino was estimated at €18,250.1 and €807.2 million respectively; reflecting corresponding increases of 12.6 and 11.8 per cent over 2022 (Table 1).  Chart 1 illustrates analyses of the contributions to national GVA by industry (A*10/11) and region (NUTS 3).

Chart 1. Regional contribution to GVA (B.1g) by industry A*10/11 and region (NUTS 3)

No Data Found

Note: For a description of the NACE Rev. 2 Classifications outlined in the chart above, refer to methodological note 10.

Malta region

In 2023, all industries registered increases in GVA when compared to the previous year, with the exception of the industries of Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A). The industry of Real estate activities (L) registered the largest growth of 44.6 per cent over 2022 while the industries of Professional, scientific and technical activities; Administrative and support service activities (M and N) accounted for the largest share in GVA at 19.3 per cent. The industries comprising Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities (G, H and I) contributed to the second largest share of the GVA (16.9 per cent). These industries registered a growth in GVA of 9.1 per cent when compared to 2022 (Table 1, Chart 2).  

Chart 2. Percentage industry contribution to GVA by industry A*10/11 and region (NUTS 3)

No Data Found

Note: For a description of the NACE Rev. 2 Classifications outlined in the chart above, refer to methodological note 10.

Gozo and Comino region

In 2023, the majority of industries registered increases in GVA when compared to the previous year, with the exception of a slight drop in the industry of Information and communication (J). The industries of Public administration and defence; Compulsory social security; Education; Human health and social work activities (O, P and Q) accounted for the highest share of the GVA at 20.8 per cent and have registered an increase of 4.5 per cent over 2022. The industries comprising Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities (G, H and I) accounted for the second highest share of the GVA at 19.0 per cent and have registered a growth of 11.9 per cent over 2022 (Table 1, Chart 2).

Regional Gross Domestic Product

In 2023, GDP at market prices in the regions of Malta, and Gozo and Comino was estimated at €19,646.8 million and €869.0 million respectively, corresponding to 95.6 and 4.2 per cent of national GDP at market prices. During 2023, GDP per capita at market prices increased in both regions. The per capita GDP at market prices for the Malta region as a percentage of the national was 103.1 per cent while that of the Gozo and Comino region stood at 58.2 per cent. The per capita regional GDP does not reflect the income available to the private households of each respective region, but it strictly relates to the economic activity prevailing in each of the regions (Table 2, Chart 3).


In 2023, all industries in the Malta region registered increases in employment when compared to the previous year. The largest percentage increases resulted in the economic activities relating to Real estate activities (L); and Professional, scientific and technical activities; Administrative and support service activities (M and N), registering growths of 12.5 and 10.3 per cent respectively (Table 3).

All industries in the Gozo and Comino region registered increases in employment during 2023. The largest increase was registered in the economic activity related to Financial and insurance activities (K) with a growth rate of 18.2 per cent (Table 3).

Methodological Notes

1. All data in this news release is in line with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) (ISBN 978-92-79-31242-7) and the manual on Regional Accounts Methods (ISBN 978-92-79-32357-7). The European System of National and Regional Accounts is an internationally compatible accounting framework for a systematic and detailed description of a total economy (whether this is a region, a country, or a group of countries), its components, and its relations with other total economies. Regional accounts are a regional specification of the corresponding accounts of the total economy.

2. The estimates of the national Gross Value Added (GVA) correspond to the news release Gross Domestic Product: Q2/2024 – NR159/2024 for 2000-2019 and Gross Domestic Product: Q3/2024 – NR225/2024 for 2020-2023. Data in this news release, Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2023, should be considered as final up till 2019 and provisional for 2020 to 2023.

3. Time-series was restored from the year 2000 onwards following revisions effected in the benchmark revision of National Accounts data.

4. GVA estimates in this news release are based on the Production Approach. The estimates of regional GVA at basic prices using the Production Approach is equivalent to the difference between output at basic prices and intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices of industries physically located in each of the respective regions. Regional GDP is defined as regional GVA plus taxes less subsidies on products. Regional GDP is not a measure of income or financial well-being but strictly relates to the economic activity prevailing in a particular region.

5.  The nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) provides a uniform breakdown of the economic territory of the European Union. The NUTS is the territorial classification for the compilation of regional accounts. The economic territory of a country can be divided into regional territories and the extra-regio territory. For the purpose of regional accounts, MALTA is divided as follows:
      Malta MT001
      Gozo and Comino MT002
      Extra-Regio MTZMTZZMTZZZ
The regional territory includes the region that is part of the geographic territory of a country and any free zones, including bonded warehouses and factories under customs control in the region. The extra-regio territory is made up of parts of the economic territory of a country that cannot be attached directly to a single region.
6. Data users must be aware that the industrial activities of the General Government at national level are spread over 21 different NACE categories (at A88 divisions) and include local councils and extra-budgetary units that are financially dependent on Government. Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (NACE 84) is the largest division and, in terms of GVA, represented approximately 42.1 per cent of the General Government sector in 2023.
7. Total employed persons (Table 3) includes full-time employees, employees with a part-time job as their primary occupation, and self-employed. Employment data is based on administrative records from JobsPlus. Employment data at national level for years 2000-2012 correspond with Table 3 of news release Regional Gross Domestic Product: 2014-2019 – NR206/2020, employment data for years 2013-2018 correspond with Table 2 of news release Regional Labour Supply by Place of Residence and Work: 2018-2020 – NR179/2021, employment data for year 2019 correspond with Table 2 of news release Regional Labour Supply by Place of Residence and Work: 2021 – NR175/2022, employment data for year 2020 correspond with Table 2 of news release Regional Labour Supply by Place of Residence and Work: 2022 – NR174/2023, while employment data for years 2021-2023 correspond with Table 2 of news release Regional Labour Supply by Place of Residence and Work: 2023 – NR180/2024.
8. This news release is being published at NACE Rev. 2 at A*10/11. Employment data provided by JobsPlus are subject to revision.
9. Statistics in this news release for reference years 2020, 2021 and 2022 should be interpreted in the context of the COVID-19 situation.
10. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
11. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
12.  A detailed news release calendar is available online.
13. European statistics related to Regional GVA and GDP are available here.
14. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.
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