News Releases

L-Akkwakultura: 2022
Data tal-Ħruġ:16 ta’ Novembru 2023
Fl-2022, il-produzzjoni tal-ħut kollu mrobbi mill-industrija tal-akkwakultura u tat-trobbija tat-tonn ammontat għal €319.4-il miljun; żieda taʼ 40.7 fil-mija fuq dak irreġistrat fl-2021.

Aerial view fish farm with floating cages in the Mediterranean sea

Iċ-ċensiment li jsir kull sena fost l-entitajiet li joperaw fl-industrija lokali tal-akkwakultura u tat-trobbija tat-tonn wera li, matul l-2022, il-produzzjoni kollha ġġenerata minn din l-attività ekonomika kibret bi €92.4 miljun, jew 40.7 fil-mija, fuq dik irreġistrata fl-2021 biex laħqet iċ-ċifra ta’ €319.4 miljun. Barra minn hekk, il-konsum intermedju tal-industrija, li jirrappreżenta l-ispejjeż operattivi ewlenin li għamlu l-istess operaturi, tela’ bʼ€91.1 miljun, jew 61.8 fil-mija, fuq dak irreġistrat sena qabel għal total ta’ €238.4 miljun. Dan wassal biex il-valur miżjud gross tal-industrija żdied marġinalment bʼ1.7 fil-mija għal €81.0 miljun.

Id-deprezzament tal-assi tal-industrija naqas bʼ€0.2 miljun jew 4.8 fil-mija għal total ta’ €4.9 miljuni; filwaqt li n-nefqa sħiħa fuq il-pagi u s-salarji tal-impjegati tagħhom żdiedet bʼ€1.0 miljun, jew 9.9 fil-mija, sabiex laħqet il-€11.7-il miljun. Meta tnaqqsu l-ispejjeż mid-dħul tagħha, l-industrija nstabet li kisbet qligħ operattiv nett ta’ €64.4 miljun (Tabella nru 1, Ċarts nri 1 u 2).

Ċart nru 1. Il-produzzjoni u l-konsum intermedju tal-industrija tal-akkwakultura

€ miljun

No Data Found

Nota: Id-differenza bejn il-linji turi l-valur miżjud gross.

Ċart nru 2. It-Taqsim perċentwali taʼ produzzjoni tal-akkwakultura magħżula

Nota: Minħabba t-totali li jvarjaw, it-tibdil fl-istokks huma esklużi mill-produzzjoni aggregata.

It-total taʼ piż tal-ħut imrobbi żdied bʼ1.6 miljun kilogramma jew 10.0 fil-mija fuq dak milħuq fl-2021. Din iż-żieda kienet riżultat taż-żieda taʼ 2.3 miljun kilogramma fil-volum ta’ tonn imrobbi li pattiet għalkollox għat-tnaqqis ta’ 0.6 miljun kilogramma taʼ speċi ta’ ħut imrobbi fʼċiklu magħluq. Għaldaqstant, meta mqabbel mas-sena ta’ qabel, il-valur totali tal-bejgħ tal-ħut imrobbi tela’ b’€110.2 miljuni jew 52.4 fil-mija għal ċifra taʼ €320.4 miljun (Tabella nru 2, Ċart nru 3).

Ċart nru 3. It-Taqsim tal-bejgħ bl-ispeċi tal-ħut u s-sena

No Data Found

L-ispejjeż tal-industrija għax-xiri taʼ tonn ħaj u ħut ieħor għat-trobbija żdied b’€66.7 miljun jew 103.8 fil-mija sabiex laħaq il-€130.9 miljun. Fil-fatt, meta mqabbla mar-rata taʼ 43.6 fil-mija rreġistrata fl-2021, din l-aħħar spiża kienet tammonta għal 54.9 fil-mija tal-konsum intermedju kollu milħuq mill-industrija fl-2022. Barra minn hekk, l-ispejjeż varjabbli tal-produzzjoni, l-ispejjeż tal-bejgħ u l-ispejjeż ġenerali tal-industrija żdiedu b’26.3 fil-mija, 15.8 fil-mija u 43.4 fil-mija rispettivament (Tabella nru 3, Ċart nru 4).

Ċart nru 4. It-taqsim tal-konsum intermedju bit-tip u s-sena

No Data Found

Methodological Notes

1.    The objective of this news release is to provide a complete overview of the structure, output and intermediate consumption registered by the aquaculture industry in MALTA through statistical data that is administratively collected via a yearly census conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture entity amongst the operating fish farms.

2.    The collected data is collated in line with Regulation (EC) No 762/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 regarding the submission by each Member State of statistics on aquaculture (thus repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 788/96 of 22 April 1996) and with Appendix X of the Commission Decision (2010/93/EU) of the 18 December 2009.

3.    The data in this release is collected by means of a detailed census carried out amongst all the registered fish farms. Each fish farm is asked by the administrative source to submit information regarding their yearly structures and the economic and financial activity. The data consists essentially of the number, surface area and volume of cages utilised by the fish farm, the purchases and sales of fish in weight and in value recorded by the entity, the opening and closing valuation of stocks held for the year, the expenses incurred in the production of farmed fish and the total assets and liabilities (starting as from the year 2020) of the same fish farms. All the operating fish farms surveyed for this year’s census cooperated and responded to the requested statistics.

4.    The figures reported in this publication (including the latest statistics) are subject to any revision/s that the Office may consider as necessary.

5.      Definitions:

The aquaculture industry, which is entirely dependent on marine resources, has two sectors:

–  tuna farming which relies on captured wild Tuna fish and is referred to as “capture-based species” (CBS); and
the farming of “closed cycle species” (CCS) such as Gilthead seabream, European seabass, Meagre and Amberjack that are cultured from eggs produced in hatcheries.

Change in stocks is the difference between the closing stock of the various species as at 31 December and the relative opening stock as at 1 January of the year under review.

Intermediate consumption represents the value of almost all goods and services used as inputs in the production process with the exception of some specific items which, by methodology, are necessarily classified elsewhere.

Gross value added of the aquaculture industry is the value of output less the intermediate consumption.

Consumption of fixed capital is the decline in value of fixed assets owned as a result of normal wear and tear and obsolescence sustained during an accounting period.

Compensation of employees is the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during an accounting period.

6.      MALTA encompasses the regions of Malta, and Gozo and Comino.  

7.      More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:

Sources and methods
Statistical concepts

8.      References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.

9.      A detailed news release calendar is available online.

L-Akkwakultura: 2022
Data tal-Ħruġ: 16 ta’ Novembru 2023
Aerial view fish farm with floating cages in the Mediterranean sea
  • Fl-2022, il-produzzjoni tal-ħut kollu mrobbi mill-industrija tal-akkwakultura fʼMalta ammontat għal €319.4-il miljun; żieda taʼ €92.4 miljun jew 40.7 fil-mija fuq dak irreġistrat fl-2021.
  • Il-konsum intermedju, li jqis spejjeż speċifiċi merfugħa mill-industrija tal-akkwakultura, laħaq il-€238.4 miljun; żieda ta’ 61.8 fil-mija fuq dak irreġistrat fl-2021.
  • Il-valur miżjud gross tal-industrija tal-akkwakultura żdied minn €79.7 miljun fl-2021 għal €81.0 miljun fl-2022.
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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