Il- ‘Malta Blue Books’ jmorru lura għal żmien l-Amministrazzjoni Brittanika tas-sekli 19 u 20. L-imperu Brittaniku kellu livelli għolja għall-ġbir u d-disponibbiltà ta’ informazzjoni dwar diversi aspetti tal-ħajja fil-kolonji tiegħu. Fil-fatt, jista’ jingħad li l-‘Malta Blue Book’ kien l-aktar mezz importanti waħdieni ta’ informazzjoni fil-kolonji u d-dominji. L-NSO għandu damma tagħhom li tħabbatha sewwa ma’ dik tal-Arkivji Nazzjonali tal-Imdina.
Il-volumi fihom statistika bir-radam: popolazzjoni; statistika vitali; importazzjoni u esportazzjoni; taxxi; dazju u għejun oħrajn ta’ dħul; proġetti ta’ infrastruttura, nefqa ċivili u militari, edukazzjoni; sptarijiet; is-sistema penali; u statistika dwar il-klima. Xi ‘Blue Books’ fihom materjal illustrattiv distintiv ħafna. Dan jista’ jvarja minn akkwarelli ta’ flora lokali sa mappi u pjanti ta’ toroq.
Il-proġett ta’ diġitizzazzjoni li daħal għalih l-NSO kien telaq minn għotja tal-UE. Sa meta l-għotja kienet waslet fi tmiemha, proporzjon ta’ volumi kien diġitizzati u mqiegħda online. Issa l-għadd sħiħ ta’ 116-il volum jista’ jkun ikkonsultat online, u b’hekk ikunu qegħdin jagħtu servizz filwaqt li l-kotba oriġinali jkunu franki mit-tkagħbir.
Dan il-proġett seta’ jsir bil-kooperazzjoni kontinwa tal-Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta.
Chapter 1: | Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Revenue |
Chapter 3: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Establishment |
Chapter 1: | Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Militrary Expenditure |
Chapter 3: | Revenue |
Chapter 4: | Establishment For The Year 1823 |
| Contents |
Chapter 1: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Revenue |
Chapter 3: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Establishment for the year 1824 |
Chapter 5: | Schedules |
Chapter 6: | Population |
Chapter 7: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 8: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Revenue |
Chapter 3: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Establishment for the Year 1825 |
Chapter 5: | Schedules |
Chapter 6: | Population |
Chapter 7: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 8: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 9: | Return of Dispatches |
Chapter 10: | Pensions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Taxes, Duties, Fees and all other Sources |
Chapter 3: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Establishment |
Chapter 5: | Schedules |
Chapter 6: | Population |
Chapter 7: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 8: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 9: | Return and Dispatches |
Chapter 10: | Pensions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 2: | Revenue |
Chapter 3: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Establishment |
Chapter 5: | Schedules |
Chapter 6: | Population |
Chapter 7: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 8: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
| Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Establishment |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
Chapter 10: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Population |
Chapter 12: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 13: | Education |
Chapter 14: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 15: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 16: | Agriculture |
Chapter 17: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 18: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 19: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 20: | Government Grain Concern |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Establishment |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
Chapter 10: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Population |
Chapter 12: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 13: | Education |
Chapter 14: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 15: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 16: | Agriculture |
Chapter 17: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 18: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 19: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 20: | Cotton Factory – Gozo |
Chapter 21: | Government Grain Concern |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Establishment |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
Chapter 10: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Population |
Chapter 12: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 13: | Education |
Chapter 14: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 15: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 16: | Agriculture |
Chapter 17: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 18: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 19: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 20: | Government Grain Concern |
| Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Establishment |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
Chapter 10: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Population |
Chapter 12: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 13: | Education |
Chapter 14: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 15: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 16: | Agriculture |
Chapter 17: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 18: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 19: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 20: | Government Grain Concern |
Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Establishment |
Chapter 9: | Pensions |
Chapter 10: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Population |
Chapter 12: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 13: | Education |
Chapter 14: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 15: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 16: | Agriculture |
Chapter 17: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 18: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 19: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 20: | Government Grain Concern |
Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Establishment |
Chapter 10: | Pensions |
Chapter 11: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 12: | Population |
Chapter 13: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 14: | Education |
Chapter 15: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 16: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 17: | Agriculture |
Chapter 18: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 19: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 20: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 21: | Government Grain Concern |
Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Establishment |
Chapter 10: | Pensions |
Chapter 11: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 12: | Population |
Chapter 13: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 14: | Education |
Chapter 15: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 16: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 17: | Agriculture |
Chapter 18: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 19: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 20: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 21: | Government Grain Concern |
| Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Establishment |
Chapter 10: | Pensions |
Chapter 11: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 12: | Population |
Chapter 13: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 14: | Education |
Chapter 15: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 16: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 17: | Agriculture |
Chapter 18: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 19: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 20: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 21: | Government Grain Concern |
Appendix |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Pensions |
Chapter 12: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Population |
Chapter 14: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 15: | Education |
Chapter 16: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 17: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 18: | Agriculture |
Chapter 19: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 20: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 21: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 22: | Government Grain Concern |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Pensions |
Chapter 12: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Population |
Chapter 14: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 15: | Education |
Chapter 16: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 17: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 18: | Agriculture |
Chapter 19: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 20: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 21: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 22: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Pensions |
Chapter 12: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Population |
Chapter 14: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 15: | Education |
Chapter 16: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 17: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 18: | Agriculture |
Chapter 19: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 20: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 21: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 22: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Chapter 23: | Statement of Revenue |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Population |
Chapter 15: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 16: | Education |
Chapter 17: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 18: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 19: | Agriculture |
Chapter 20: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 21: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 22: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 23: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Population |
Chapter 15: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 16: | Education |
Chapter 17: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 18: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 19: | Agriculture |
Chapter 20: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 21: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 22: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 23: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Population |
Chapter 15: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 16: | Education |
Chapter 17: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 18: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 19: | Agriculture |
Chapter 20: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 21: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 22: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 23: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Population |
Chapter 15: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 16: | Education |
Chapter 17: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 18: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 19: | Agriculture |
Chapter 20: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 21: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 22: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 23: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statements of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Index |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 5: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 6: | Public Works |
Chapter 7: | Legislation |
Chapter 8: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 9: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 10: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 11: | Pensions |
Chapter 12: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 14: | Population |
Chapter 15: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 16: | Education |
Chapter 17: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 18: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 19: | Agriculture |
Chapter 20: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 21: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 22: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 23: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Index |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 7: | Public Works |
Chapter 8: | Legislation |
Chapter 9: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 10: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 11: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 12: | Pensions |
Chapter 13: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 14: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 15: | Population |
Chapter 16: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 17: | Education |
Chapter 18: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 19: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 20: | Agriculture |
Chapter 21: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 22: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 23: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 24: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Chapter 25: | Approximate Abstracts |
Index |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Agriculture |
Chapter 24: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 25: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 26: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 27: | Charitable Institutions |
Chapter 28: | Return of Houses Held Rent Free |
Index |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Index |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract | |
Annex |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract | |
Annex |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Abstract |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable Institutions |
Contents | |
Chapter 1: | Taxes, Duties, Fees |
Chapter 2: | Fees |
Chapter 3: | Net Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 4: | Comparative Yearly Statement of Revenue and Expenditure |
Chapter 5: | Local Revenues |
Chapter 6: | Public Debt |
Chapter 7: | Military Expenditure |
Chapter 8: | Public Works |
Chapter 9: | Legislation |
Chapter 10: | Political Franchise |
Chapter 11: | Councils and Assemblies |
Chapter 12: | Civil Establishment |
Chapter 13: | Security for Discharge of Duties |
Chapter 14: | Pensions |
Chapter 15: | Recapitulation of the Establishment |
Chapter 16: | Foreign Consuls |
Chapter 17: | Population |
Chapter 18: | Miscellaneous Numerical Returns |
Chapter 19: | Ecclesiastical Return |
Chapter 20: | Education |
Chapter 21: | Exchanges, Monies, Weights and Measures |
Chapter 22: | Imports and Exports |
Chapter 23: | Shipping |
Chapter 24: | Agriculture |
Chapter 25: | Manufacture, Mines and Fisheries |
Chapter 26: | Grants of Land |
Chapter 27: | Gaols and Prisoners |
Chapter 28: | Charitable and Literary Institutions |