Home » Id-Demografija tan-Negozji: 2022
Ċifri proviżorji għall-2022 juru li f’Malta kien hawn 58,386 negozju attiv, żieda ta’ 2.2 fil-mija, jew 1,253 negozju attiv, meta mqabbel mal-2021.
Is-settur tal-Bejgħ bl-ingrossa, bl-imnut u t-tiswija ta’ vetturi bil-mutur u muturi (Taqsima tan-NACE G) kien responsabbli għal 17.7 fil-mija tan-negozji attivi; l-Attivitajiet professjonali, xjentifiċi u tekniċi (Taqsima tan-NACE M) kienu responsabbli għal 13.6 fil-mija, filwaqt li l-Kostruzzjoni (Taqsima tan-NACE F) kienet responsabbli għal 9.8 fil-mija (Tabella nru 1).
Meta mqabbel mas-sitwazzjoni fis-sena ta qabel, in-negozji żgħar ħafna (micro) li jħaddmu sa disgħa persuni żdiedu bi 2.0 fil-mija, filwaqt li n-negozji ż-żgħar li jħaddmu bejn 10 u 49 persuna, żdiedu bʼ5.0 fil-mija. In-negozji taʼ daqs medju li jħaddmu bejn 50 u 249 persuna żdiedu bʼ4.9 fil-mija. In-negozji li jħaddmu 250 persuna u aktar żdiedu bi 11.5 fil-mija (Ċart nru 1, Tabella nru 1).
Ċart nru 1. In-negozji attivi maqsumin bl-għadd taʼ nies li jħaddmu
Fl-2022, 69.1 fil-mija tan-negozji attivi kienu taʼ persuni jaħdmu għal rashom u bi sħubija, 28.6 fil-mija kienu kumpaniji privati (Ltd jew Plc), filwaqt li 2.3 fil-mija kienu organizzazzjonijiet mhux għall-qligħ, koperattivi, korporazzjonijiet, friegħi jew impriżi konġunti (Ċart nru 2, Tabella nru 2).
Ċifri proviżorji juru li dawk li jħaddmu kienu jilħqu l-20,033 fʼMalta fl-2022, żieda taʼ 5.5 fil-mija fuq is-sena taʼ qabel (Tabelli nri 3 u 4). Fl-2022, 56.0 fil-mija taʼ dawk li jħaddmu kienu kumpaniji bʼresponsabbiltà limitata jew kumpaniji pubbliċi bʼresponsabbiltà limitata, filwaqt li 41.0 fil-mija kienu persuni li jaħdmu għal rashom u bi sħubija (Ċart nru 3).
No Data Found
No Data Found
1. The business demography data is based on the concept of active business units in a reference year. These are defined as businesses that had either turnover or employment at any time during the reference period. The statistical business register is the source of the data provided in this news release. New business registrations are identified through Value-added tax (VAT) registrations as well as through Malta Business Registry (MBR) new companies registrations.
2. The data is classified by economic activity according to the NACE (Nomenclature Statistique des Activités Économiques dans la Communauté Européenne) Rev.2 classification of economic activities in the European Union.
3. Other types of legal structures may include public corporations, cooperatives, joint ventures and branches. Public corporations are all the government-controlled units that are often established by government as market producers principally engaged in the production of goods, non-financial and financial services, and as such they are classified in non-financial and financial sectors.
4. For the purpose of this release, the term “active business unit” is used to represent an active sole legal unit. A business unit carries out one or more activities at one or more locations.
5. Updates in the statistical business register are ongoing and all figures reported are subject to revision. Data for 2022 is to be considered as provisional.
6. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
7. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.
8. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
The number of persons employed is defined, as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (inclusive of working proprietors, partners working regularly in the unit and unpaid family workers), as well as persons who work outside the unit who belong to it and are paid by it (e.g. sales representatives, delivery personnel, repair and maintenance teams). It excludes manpower supplied to the unit by other enterprises and persons carrying out repair and maintenance work in the enquiry unit on behalf of other enterprises.
A worker is considered to be an employee of a particular unit if he or she receives a wage or salary from the unit regardless of where the work is performed (even from remote locations). A worker from a temporary employment agency is considered to be the agency’s employee and not that of the business unit to which he or she is assigned.
Part-time workers, seasonal workers, persons on strike or on short-term leave are all considered employees, while volunteers or workers on long-term leave are excluded.
Employers refer to businesses with at least one employee.
The following are the definitions of the employment size class breakdowns shown in Table 1 and Table 3:
Size class | Persons employed | |
Micro | 0-9 | |
Small | 10-49 | |
Medium | 50-249 | |
Large | 250+ |
The following are the definitions of the legal forms:
Sole ownership is defined as enterprises owned exclusively by one natural person.
Partnership is defined as an association of persons who conduct a business under a collective name.
Limited liability companies refer to enterprises comprising joint-stock companies, private limited companies.
Non-profit organisations are legal or social entities acting for the purpose of producing goods and services whose status does not permit them to be a source of income, profit or other financial gains for the units that establish, control or finance them.
Public corporations are all the government-controlled units that are often established by government as market producers principally engaged in the production of goods, non-financial and financial services, and as such they are classified in non-financial and financial sectors.
Cooperatives are bodies set down by law that observe a number of general principles; for example profits are often distributed in proportion to members’ dealings with the society.