News Releases

Gradwati: 2022
Data tal-Ħruġ:15 ta’ Diċembru 2023
Fl-2022, gradwati fil-livell terzjarju kienu jammontaw għal 5,472 – tnaqqis taʼ 2.2 fil-mija fuq is-sena taʼ qabel.

education, graduation and people concept - silhouettes of many happy students in gowns throwing mortarboards in air


Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-gradwati terzjarji kisbu kwalifika fil-livell ISCED 6 (Baċellerat jew ekwivalenti) (58.5 fil-mija). Warajhom, 33.1 fil-mija tal-gradwati terzjarji kollha kisbu kwalifika fil-livell ISCED 7 (Masters jew ekwivalenti) (Tabella nru 1).

Ċart nru 1. Gradwati terzjarji bis-sena u s-sess

No Data Found

Nota: Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.

Aktar minn nofs il-gradwati terzjarji (55.6 fil-mija) kienu nisa (Ċart nru 1, Tabella nru 1). In-nisa qabżu l-irġiel f’kull livell tal-edukazzjoni terzjarja ħlief fil-livell ISCED 8 (ekwivalenti għal PhD) (Ċart nru 2). Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-gradwati terzjarji kellhom bejn l-20 u d-29 sena (72.0 fil-mija) (Ċart nru 3, Tabelli nri 1 u 2).

Ċart nru 2. It-taqsim perċentwali tal-gradwati terzjarji bil-livell tal-edukazzjoni u s-sess

No Data Found

  1. Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.
  2. Għall-klassifikazzjonijiet tal-livelli tal-edukazzjoni (ISCED-2011), ara n-noti metodoloġiċi nru 5 u 9.

Ċart nru 3. It-taqsim perċentwali tal-gradwati terzjarji bis-sess u l-grupp tal-età

Nota: Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.

Fl-2022, 74.4 fil-mija tal-gradwati kisbu kwalifika minn programm fuq bażi full-time (Tabella nru 3). Il-gradwati barranin laħqu l-1,359, li jiġu daqs 24.8 fil-mija tal-gradwati kollha fil-livell terzjarju, u b’hekk żdiedu b’10.6 punti perċentwali fuq is-sena ta’ qabel (Tabella nru 4). Iċ-ċittadini tal-UE (minbarra l-Maltin) kienu jirrappreżentaw l-akbar proporzjon tal-gradwati terzjarji barranin kollha (57.8 fil-mija) (Ċart nru 4).

Ċart nru 4. Gradwati terzjarji barranin bis-sena u ċ-ċittadinanza

No Data Found

Nota: Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.

Il-qasam ta’ studju tan-‘Negozju, amministrazzjoni u liġi’ kien l-aktar wieħed popolari fost il-gradwati terzjarji fl-2022, fejn gradwati f’dan il-qasam kienu jkopru aktar minn terz tal-gradwati kollha (34.6 fil-mija). Warajhom kien hemm il-gradwati fis-‘Saħħa u l-benesseri’ bi 19.6 fil-mija. L-‘Agrikoltura, forestrija, sajd u veterinija’ kien il-qasam ta’ studju  bl-inqas għadd ta’ gradwati terzjarji, li ammontaw għal 0.3 fil-mija (Tabella nru 5, Ċart nru 5).

Ċart nru 5. It-taqsim perċentwali tal-gradwati terzjarji bil-qasam ta’ studju

No Data Found


  1. Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.
  2. Għall-klassifikazzjonijiet tal-livelli tal-edukazzjoni (ISCED-2011) u l-oqsma ta’ studju (ISCED-F 2013), ara n-noti metodoloġiċi nru 5 u 9.
  3. Il-persentaġġi jistgħu ma jgħoddux għall-mija fil-mija minħabba l-arrotondament.

Fl-2022, 15.4 fil-mija tal-gradwati kisbu kwalifika fix-xjenza, it-teknoloġija, l-inġinerija, u l-matematika (STEM). Minn dawn, 597 kienu rġiel filwaqt li 247 kienu nisa. Il-gradwati nisa f’dan il-qasam żdiedu bi 2.9 fil-mija fuq is-sena ta’ qabel, filwaqt li l-gradwati rġiel naqsu b’1.8 fil-mija (Ċart nru 6).

Ċart nru 6. L-għadd ta’ gradwati terzjarji fis-STEM bis-sena u s-sess

No Data Found

  1. Il-livell terzjarju jirreferi għal-livelli tal-ISCED minn 5 sa 8; ara n-nota metodoloġika nru 2.
  2. Għall-klassifikazzjonijiet tal-livelli tal-edukazzjoni (ISCED-2011) u l-oqsma ta’ studju (ISCED-F 2013), ara n-noti metodoloġiċi nru 5 u 9.
  3. Ix-xjenza, it-teknoloġija, l-inġinerija, u l-matematika (STEM) huma magħmulin mill-oqsma tal-ISCED-F 2013 tax-xjenzi naturali, l-matematika, u l-istatistika (qasam 05), it-teknoloġiji tal-informazzjoni u tal-komunikazzjoni (qasam 06), u l-inġinerija, il-manifattura, u l-kostruzzjoni (qasam 07).

Methodological Notes

1. Education statistics presented in this news release are processed by the National Statistics Office (NSO) on an annual basis in accordance with European Regulations (EC) 452/2008 and (EU) 912/2013. These regulations establish the basis of information to be collected from educational institutions at all levels of education and all economic sectors. By adhering to these regulations, all education statistics collected and processed by the NSO are comparable to other European countries following the same regulatory standards.

2. For the purpose of this news release ‘Graduates’ refers to tertiary graduates who obtained a qualification at ISCED levels 5 to 8 from institutions such as the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), University of Malta, and other public and private further and higher institutions.

3. This news release includes graduates who were enrolled in formal education courses with a minimum duration of one semester of full-time study (or the equivalent in part-time) and that are delivered from Malta. This news release excludes graduates in short courses (duration of less than the equivalence of one full-time semester), preparatory programmes and courses not delivered from Malta.

4. The population of educational institutions considered for the purpose of this news release include educational institutions having graduates at tertiary level during the reference year:

Graduate year Number of institutions

Note: Institutions are considered based on them having graduates at ISCED levels 5 to 8 during the reference year. The formal education tertiary courses considered are those with a minimum duration of one semester of full-time study (or the equivalent in part-time) and that are delivered from Malta.

5. Definitions and Classifications:

Age is calculated as at 1st January of the reference year. For example, for graduates in 2022, age is calculated as at 1st January 2022.

Fields of study (ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013): The ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 classifies educational programmes and related qualifications by fields of study. A field is the broad domain, branch or area of content covered by an education programme or qualification. For more information refer to the International Standard Classification of Education – Fields of education and training 2013 (ISCED-F 2013).

Formal education is an institutionalised, intentional and planned type of education which is provided by public organisations and recognised private bodies. It consists primarily of initial education designed for children and young people before their first entry into the labour market. It also includes other types of education such as vocational, special needs and adult education provided they are recognised as part of the formal education system by the relevant national education authorities.

Graduates are students who successfully complete an educational programme during the reference year and who were or will be eventually awarded a qualification.

International Standard Classification of Education – ISCED 2011 is a framework for assembling, compiling, and analysing cross-nationally comparable statistics on education. ISCED belongs to the United Nations International Family of Economic and Social Classifications and is the reference classification for organising education programmes and related qualifications by levels and fields of education. ISCED is designed to serve as a framework to classify educational activities as defined in programmes and the resulting qualifications into internationally agreed categories. For more information refer to the ISCED 2011 manual.

For the purpose of this news release, the following tertiary levels of the ISCED 2011 classification were considered:

ISCED 5 – Short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 6 – Bachelor’s or equivalent level
ISCED 7 – Master’s or equivalent level
ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level

Locality of residence is the locality where graduates were residing during the academic year, as registered by the institution. Graduates registering a foreign address of residence are reported as ‘foreign residence’, whilst graduates having missing information relating to the locality of residence are reported as graduates with an unspecified locality.

6. Graduates are counted only once in the data. In the case of multiple qualifications by the same person, graduates are weighted according to the intensity of study of their programmes.

7. Education statistics data is provided by NSO to Eurostat on an annual basis in a dedicated questionnaire as established by Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 and (EU) 912/2013.

8. Owing to the UK’s exit from the European Union (with effect from 1 February 2020), UK data is statistically classified as Non-EU from 2020 in the tables relating to citizenship. Comparability between periods should be treated with caution.

9. More information relating to this release may be accessed at:

Sources and Methods
Concept and Definitions
ISCED 2011 Level
ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013
LAU Classification

10. Totals/percentages may not add up due to rounding.

11. Data in this news release may be revised.

12. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.

13. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

14. European statistics related to graduates are available here.

15. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

Gradwati: 2022
Data tal-Ħruġ:15 ta’ Diċembru 2023
education, graduation and people concept - silhouettes of many happy students in gowns throwing mortarboards in air
  • Fl-2022, il-gradwati tal-livell terzjarju kienu jammontaw għal 5,472, li jiġi tnaqqis taʼ 2.2 fil-mija fuq is-sena taʼ qabel.
  • Aktar minn nofs il-gradwati terzjarji kisbu kwalifika fil-livell ISCED 6 (Baċellerat jew ekwivalenti) (58.5 fil-mija).
  • Aktar minn nofs il-gradwati terzjarji kienu nisa (55.6 fil-mija).
  • Il-maġġoranza assoluta tal-gradwati terzjarji kellhom bejn l-20 u d-29 sena (72.0 fil-mija).
  • Fl-2022, il-qasam ta’ studju tan-‘Negozju, amministrazzjoni u liġi’ kien l-aktar wieħed popolari fost il-gradwati terzjarji – 34.6 fil-mija tal-gradwati kollha tal-livell terzjarju.
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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