Home » Index of Industrial Production: November 2022
Monthly comparison
After adjusting for seasonal effects and the working-day pattern, the index of industrial production increased by 4.3 per cent between October and November 2022. The highest increase was recorded in energy (28.6 per cent), followed by consumer goods (3.2 per cent) and intermediate goods (0.3 per cent). On the other hand, a decrease was registered in the capital goods (2.1 per cent) (Table 2).
Annual comparison
In November 2022, the total production generated by the Maltese manufacturing, energy and quarrying industries rose by 15.0 per cent when compared to November 2021. Increases were registered in all the main industrial groupings, namely consumer goods (22.3 per cent), energy (21.3 per cent), capital goods (9.5 per cent) and intermediate goods (2.9 per cent) (Table 4).
(% change over corresponding month of the previous year)
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Methodological Notes
Main industrial grouping Value added (%)
Intermediate goods 22.7
Energy 12.5
Capital goods 20.6
Consumer goods 44.2
Durable consumer goods 2.4
Non-durable consumer goods 41.8
Total 100.0