News Releases

L-Istħarriġ dwar is-Suq tax-Xogħol: It-Tieni Kwart tal-2023
NR 162/2023
Data tal-Ħruġ: 13 taʼ Settembru 2023
Fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, l-Istħarriġ dwar is-Suq tax-Xogħol stima li n-numru taʼ nies li kellhom xogħol kien ilaħħaq il-294,313, li huma 4.9 fil-mija aktar meta mqabblin mas-sena taʼ qabel.


L-istatus tax-xogħol 

Stimi tal-Istħarriġ dwar is-Suq tax-Xogħol juru li, fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, in-numru taʼ impjiegi kien ilaħħaq il-294,313 jew 63.5 fil-mija tal-popolazzjoni fl-età taʼ ħmistax-il sena u aktar (15+). L-ammont taʼ persuni qiegħda kien jammonta għal 7,579 (1.6 fil-mija), filwaqt li n-numru taʼ persuni mhux attivi fis-suq tax-xogħol kien taʼ 161,947 (34.9 fil-mija) (Tabella nru 1). Fil-perjodu li qed jiġi meqjus fʼdin l-istqarrija, r-rata tal-attività fis-suq tax-xogħol kienet 80.9 fil-mija, bl-ogħla rata tkun fost persuni fl-età taʼ bejn il-25 u l-54 sena (92.0 fil-mija) (Tabella nru 2).

In-nies li jaħdmu

Bħala medja, 79 persuna minn kull 100 fl-età bejn il-15 u l-64 sena kienu qegħdin jaħdmu. Għall-irġiel, ir-rata tax-xogħol kienet taʼ 85.0 fil-mija, filwaqt li għan-nisa din kienet taʼ 71.7 fil-mija (Tabella nru 4). L-akbar sehem taʼ persuni jaħdmu kien qalb in-nies fl-età bejn il-25 u l-34 sena, kemm għall-irġiel kif ukoll għan-nisa (Ċart nru 1).

Dawk li jaħdmu għal rashom kienu jammontaw għal 14.8 fil-mija tan-nies kollha bʼimpjieg ewlieni (Tabella nru 5). Il-biċċa l-kbira tan-nies li jaħdmu jagħmlu dan fuq bażi full-time u kienu jgħoddu 258,909, filwaqt li 35,404 oħra kellhom impjieg part-time bħala l-impjieg ewlieni tagħhom (Tabella nru 6). Ir-riżultati juru li, bħala medja, il-persuni full-time ħadmu 40.7 siegħa, filwaqt li dawk part-time ħadmu 22.0 siegħa fil-ġimgħa. Fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, in-nies li jaħdmu fil-fatt ħadmu 35.2 siegħa fil-ġimgħa, 0.8 taʼ siegħa aktar meta mqabblin mal-istess kwart tas-sena taʼ qabel (Tabella nru 7).

Fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, is-salarju bażiku medju fix-xahar tal-impjegati kien stmat taʼ €1,831. L-ogħla salarju bażiku kien irreġistrat fil-qasam tal-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni (Tabella nru 10). Is-salarji medji fix-xahar varjaw minn €1,163 fost persuni impjegati fʼxogħlijiet elementari għall-€2,994 fost il-maniġers (Tabella nru 14).

Ċart nru 1. L-impjiegi bil-grupp tal-età u s-sess

No Data Found

In-nies qiegħda u dawk mhux attivi fis-suq tax-xogħol

Ir-rata tal-qgħad għat-tieni kwart tal-2023 kienet taʼ 2.5 fl-mija (Tabella nru 17). L-akbar għadd taʼ persuni qiegħda kien qalb in-nies fl-età bejn il-25 u l-74 sena (Tabella nru 16). In-nisa kienu jifformaw 58.7 fil-mija tan-nies kollha li ma kienux attivi fis-suq tax-xogħol u dawk ʼl fuq minn 65 sena kienu jirrapreżentaw l-akbar għadd taʼ nies mhux attivi (Tabella nru 19). Ir-raġuni ewlenija għaliex in-nies ma kinux attivi fis-suq tax-xogħol kienet minħabba li tkun intlaħqet l-età tal-irtirar jew minħabba li l-persuni jkunu rtiraw qabel iż-żmien (43.5 fil-mija)  (Tabella nru 20).

Il-livell edukattiv

Aktar minn 40 fil-mija tan-nies fl-età taʼ ħmistax-il sena u aktar kellhom livell taʼ edukazzjoni sekondarja jew inqas (41.8 fil-mija) (Tabella nru 21). Bil-maqlub taʼ dawn, 34.9 fil-mija tan-nies li jaħdmu kellhom livell taʼ edukazzjoni terzjarja (Tabella nru 22).

Additional Tables and Charts

Methodological Notes

1. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is carried out on an ongoing basis using a quarterly gross sample of 3,200 private households. The objective is to have a continuous assessment of labour market trends given that the reference weeks are evenly spread throughout the 13 weeks of the quarter. One-fourth of the sample is made up of households who have been selected to participate in the LFS for the first time. Three-fourths of the quarterly sample is made up of households who were selected to participate in the survey in previous instances, either one quarter before, or one year before, or one year and a quarter before (2-(2)-2). Unless otherwise indicated, figures provided in this release refer to persons aged 15 and over and living in private households during the reference period. All criteria used for this survey match international methodologies used by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

2. The LFS is designed to satisfy the concepts and definitions as outlined by Eurostat, which is the EU Statistical Agency. This allows the comparability of results with other EU Member States and countries following ILO definitions of employment and unemployment. Occupations are classified according to the ISCO – 08 classification (International Standard Classification of Occupations), whereas the economic activity is classified according to NACE Rev. 2 (Nomenclature statistique des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne). Educational attainment is classified according to ISCED 2011 (International Standard Classification of Education).

3. As from January 2021, Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households, based on data at individual level collected from samples and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/257 of 16th December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the number and the title of the variables for the labour force domain, came into force.

4. This legislation has mainly led to changes in the LFS questionnaire and mode of data collection. An analysis of the impact of this change on LFS estimates was conducted in order to assess the divergence of LFS results from pre-IESS to post-IESS levels. Technical notes on these divergences are found here.

5. Definitions:

● Activity rate: labour force (15-64 years) as a percentage of the population of working age (15-64 years).

● Actual hours worked: refers to the number of hours actually spent at the place of work during the reference week for the main job. A person may work extra hours (e.g. overtime, variable hours) or work less hours than usual (e.g. vacation leave, education, sick leave or slack work) due to various reasons. Owing to increased flexibility at workplaces coupled with technology, the place of work may also include one’s home. In this regard, actual hours worked also includes the hours of work carried out by persons who telework.

● Average monthly basic salary: refers to the average monthly basic salary received by employees before any social contributions and tax deductions. This amount excludes payments for overtime, allowances and bonuses. The monthly basic salary takes into account the wage supplement scheme. As a result, persons who stated that they were receiving this supplement during the quarter under review had their monthly salary modified to account for this change in their income. Data for this variable is provisional and subject to revisions.

● Educational Attainment:

– secondary level of education or less: comprising persons with no schooling, primary education, schools for children with special needs and persons who attained a secondary level education and have less than 2 ordinary level qualifications or equivalent. In the context of the ISCED classification, ‘low’ includes ISCED 0 to 2.

– post-secondary level of education: comprising persons with a secondary level education and having 2 ordinary level qualifications or equivalent or more, and persons with a post-secondary level attainment who have obtained at least 1 intermediate or advanced level qualification or equivalent. In the context of the ISCED classification, ‘medium’ refers to ISCED 3 and 4.

– tertiary level of education: comprising persons with a tertiary level education and with qualifications ranging from diploma to doctorate level. In the context of the ISCED classification, ‘high’ refers to ISCED 5 to 8.

● Employees: are defined as persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, payment by results or payment in kind.

● Employed persons: comprises of persons aged 15 to 89 who, during the reference week, were in one of the following categories:

– worked for at least 1 hour for pay or profit, including contributing family workers and paid casual work

– persons with a job or business who were temporarily not at work during the reference week but had an attachment to their job, including:

(a) persons not at work due to holidays, working time arrangements, sick leave, maternity or paternity leave;
(b) persons in job-related training or formal education;
(c) persons on parental leave, either receiving and/or being entitled to job-related income or benefits, or whose parental leave is expected to be 3 months or less;
(d) seasonal workers during the off-season, where they continue to regularly perform tasks and duties for the job or business, excluding fulfilment of legal or administrative obligations;
(e) persons temporarily not at work for other reasons where the expected duration of the absence is 3 months or less.

● Employment rate: persons in employment (15-64 years) as a percentage of the population of working age (15-64 years).

● Inactive persons: all persons who are not classified as employed or unemployed are defined as inactive.

● Labour force: all persons in employment and unemployed persons.

● Normal hours worked: refers to the number of usual hours worked per week in the main job over a long reference period, excluding weeks when an absence from work occurs (e.g. holidays, vacation leave or sick leave).

● Part-time employment: a part-time worker is an employed person whose normal hours are less than those of comparable full-time workers. Persons employed on a full-time with reduced hours basis are included in this category.

● Reference week: the week to which the collected data relate.

● Unemployed persons: all persons above 15 years of age who, during the reference week, satisfied the following criteria:

– without work

– actively seeking work during the previous 4 weeks: i.e. had either carried out activities in the four-week period ending with the reference week to seek paid employment or self-employment or found a job to start within a period of at most 3 months from the end of the reference week. Examples of active job search include contacting Jobslpus, studying job advertisements or placing or updating CVs online.

– currently available for work: i.e. available for paid employment or self-employment before the end of the 2 weeks following the reference week.

● Unemployment rate: unemployed persons (15-74 years) as a percentage of the labour force (15-74 years).

6. Sampling variability

Data included in this release are based on sample data and are therefore subject to sampling error. Sampling error is measured by a quantity known as the margin of error, which in turn, expresses the variability between the true population parameters and their corresponding sample estimates. In the table below, the margin of error is used to construct a set of 95 per cent confidence intervals for specific variables, which gives an indication of where the true population parameters lie.

Sampling variability of LFS figures
EstimateMargin of error95% confidence interval
Employment294,3133,999294,313 ± 3,999
Employment rate (%)
Total78.801.0278.80 ± 1.02
Males85.011.0985.01 ± 1.09
Females71.691.4471.69 ± 1.44
15-2447.643.7447.64 ± 3.74
25-5490.241.0590.24 ± 1.05
55-6455.083.5755.08 ± 3.57
Unemployment7,5791,6437,579 ± 1,643
Unemployment rate (%)
Total2.520.542.52 ± 0.54
Males2.550.712.55 ± 0.71
Females2.480.92.48 ± 0.90
15-248.933.48.93 ± 3.40
25-741.930.511.93 ± 0.51
Inactivity161,9473,959161,947 ± 3,959
Activity rate (%)
Total80.861.0180.86 ± 1.01
Males87.261.0487.26 ± 1.04
Females73.531.4173.53 ± 1.41
15-2452.313.8252.31 ± 3.82
25-5491.960.9891.96 ± 0.98
55-6456.473.5256.47 ± 3.52

The table above provides estimated measures of sampling variability. For example, with respect to employment the LFS estimate is 294,313 and the margin of error is 3,999. Hence, the actual figure in the population lies between 290,314 and 298,312 persons.


: Unreliable – less than 20 sample observations.

U Under represented – between 20 and 49 sample observations.

7. Percentage totals may not add up due to rounding.

8. Absolute changes between one survey estimate and another must be treated with caution since minor changes (i.e. less than 2,100 persons) might be the result of sampling error.

9. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
Sources and Methods
Statistical Concepts 
ISCO Classification 
NACE Classification 
ISCED Classification 

10. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.

11. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

12. For more information please submit a request for information through the online form. 

L-Istħarriġ dwar is-Suq tax-Xogħol: It-Tieni Kwart tal-2023
NR 162/2023
Data tal-Ħruġ: 13 taʼ Settembru 2023
  • Fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, l-Istħarriġ dwar is-Suq tax-Xogħol stima li n-numru taʼ nies li kellhom xogħol kien ilaħħaq il-294,313, li huwa 4.9 fil-mija ogħla meta mqabbel mas-sena taʼ qabel.
  • Fost ix-xogħlijiet kollha, is-salarju bażiku medju fix-xahar tal-impjegati kien ivarja minn €2,994 fost il-maniġers għall-€1,163 qalb in-nies fʼxogħlijiet elementari.
  • Fost in-nies li jaħdmu, 34.9 fil-mija kellhom livell taʼ edukazzjoni terzjarja.
  • Fit-tieni kwart tal-2023, ir-rata tal-qgħad kienet taʼ 2.5 fil-mija.
  • Ir-raġuni ewlenija l-għala n-nies ma kinux attivi fis-suq tax-xogħol kien minħabba li tkun intlaħqet l-età tal-irtirar jew minħabba li l-persuni jkunu rtiraw qabel iż-żmien (43.5 fil-mija).
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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