Home » L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI): L-Ewwel Kwart tal-2023
Fl-ewwel kwart ta’ din is-sena, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI) kien ta’ 148.89, li hija żjieda ta’ 6.6 fil-mija meta mqabbla mal-istess perjodu tas-sena taʼ qabel (Tabelli nri 1 u 2).
Iċ-ċifri proviżorji juru li din iż-żjieda kienet affettwata l-aktar mill-iżviluppi fl-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Appartmenti li kien ta’ 148.97, fejn ġiet irreġistrata żjieda annwali ta’ 6.8 fil-mija (Tabelli nri 1 u 2).
Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2022, il-PPI rreġistra żjieda ta’ 6.8 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess żmien fis-sena ta’ qabel (Tabella nru 2).
Aktar tagħrif
Il-PPI juri l-bidliet fil-prezzijiet tax-xiri ta’ proprjetà residenzjali. L-Indiċi jiġi kkompilat kull tliet xhur, u mhux kull xahar, sabiex jiġi żgurat li ċ-ċifri kollha jkunu msaħħa minn kampjuni akbar.
Il-PPI jinkludi appartamenti, mezzanini u djar terraced. Madankollu, il-bidliet fil-prezzijiet f’dawn it-tipi ta’ proprjetà huma meqjusin bħala indikattivi tal-iżviluppi fis-suq tal-proprjetà b’mod ġenerali.
No Data Found
1. The PPI is based on data provided by the tax authority.
2. This index is compiled on the basis of the median price for each dwelling type. The PPI aggregates the indices of apartments, maisonettes and terraced houses using a Laspeyres-type formula. The weights used to compile the index are based on the value of transactions for the three property types. Moreover, the PPI is chain-linked every year. This enables the revision of weights on an annual basis.
3. It is widely recognised that the price of a property is dependent on its location, type, state of maintenance and finish, age, tenure, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, size, and the availability of other amenities such as a yard, garden and pool. Since the characteristics of the properties transacted are likely to vary between periods, a methodology that accounts for such differences could be employed to ensure even greater comparability across periods. However, the data currently available does not allow for the compilation of quality-adjusted indices.
4. As stated in 2, terraced houses are reflected in the PPI. However, a price index for terraced houses is not published due to the low count of transactions recorded. An additional indicator which is compiled is the Aggregate Index, which is based on apartments and maisonettes.
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