News Releases

L-Indikaturi Bikrin tas-Servizzi: L-Ewwel Kwart tal-2023
Data tal-Ħruġ: 22 taʼ Mejju 2023
Data tal-Għeluq: 12 taʼ Mejju 2023
Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2023, il-fatturat tas-servizzi aġġustat għall-effetti tal-istaġun niżel bʼ1.1 fil-mija fuq ir-rabaʼ kwart tal-2022. Meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu fl-2022, il-fatturat tal-attivitajiet tas-servizzi magħżulin, aġġustat bil-jiem tax-xogħol, żdied bi 15.0 fil-mija.

Tqabbil mat-tliet xhur taʼ qabel

Wara l-aġġustar għall-effetti tal-istaġun u l-għadd taʼ jiem tax-xogħol, l-indiċi totali tas-servizzi naqas bʼ1.1 fil-mija bejn l-aħħar kwart tal-2022 u l-ewwel kwart tal-2023.

L-akbar żjieda dehret fl-Attivitajiet tal-proprjetà immobbli (23.1 fil-mija). Wara dan, kien hemm żjidiet fl-Attivitajiet ta’ servizz amministrattiv u taʼ sostenn (14.6 fil-mija), fl-Attivitajiet professjonali, xjentifiċi u tekniċi (8.0 fil-mija), fit-Trasport u ħażna (4.5 per cent), fil-Kummerċ bl-imnut (2.6 per cent), u fil-Kummerċ tal-vetturi bil-mutur (1.1 fil-mija). Min-naħa l-oħra, kien hemm tnaqqis fil-fatturat tal-kummerċ bl-ingrossa (21.7 fil-mija), fl-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-ikel (8.9 per cent), u fl-Informazzjoni u l-komunikazzjoni (4.4 fil-mija (Tabella nru 1).

Bejn r-rabaʼ kwart tal-2022 u l-ewwel kwart tal-2023, l-għadd ta’ persuni impjegati (Tabella nru 3), il-pagi u s-salarji gross (Tabella nru 5) u s-sigħat maħduma (Tabella nru 7) żdiedu bi 2.8 fil-mija, 3.6 fil-mija u 2.3 fil-mija, rispettivament.

Tqabbil mas-sena taʼ qabel

Sena għal sena, fl-ewwel kwart tal-2023, l-indiċi tal-fatturat sħiħ tas-servizzi żdied bi 15 fil-mija wara l-aġġustar għall-għadd ta’ jiem tax-xogħol. Kienu rreġistrati żjidiet fl-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-ikel (42.3 fil-mija), fl-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz amministrattiv u taʼ sostenn (35.4 fil-mija), fit-Trasport u l-ħażna (18.6 fil-mija), fil-Kummerċ bl-ingrossa (17.2 fil-mija), fil-Kummerċ bl-imnut (10.5 fil-mija), fl-Informazzjoni u l-komunikazzjoni (9.2 fil-mija), fl-Attivitajiet tal-proprjetà immobbli (6.9 fil-mija), fl-Attivitajiet professjonali, xjentifiċi u tekniċi (6.4 fil-mija) u fil-Kummerċ tal-vetturi bil-mutur (2.4 fil-mija) (Tabella nru 2).

L-indikaturi dwar in-numru taʼ persuni impjegati (Tabella nru 4), il-pagi u salarji gross (Tabella nru 6) u s-sigħat maħduma (Tabella nru 8) żdiedu bʼ7.3 fil-mija, 12.1 fil-mija u 6.5 fil-mija, rispettivament, fuq l-ewwel kwart tal-2022.

Ċart 1. Il-fatturat annwali tas-servizzi aġġustat bil-jiem tax-xogħol

(differenza fil-persentaġġ meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tas-sena taʼ qabel)

No Data Found

Additional Tables and Charts

Methodological Notes

1. The aim of this news release is to provide information on the business cycle within the services sector. The results are compiled and published according to the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, NACE Rev. 2.
2. Every quarter, questionnaires are sent to approximately 900 business units categorised within the services sector. The data is then grossed up to represent the entire services population. For each NACE division (for example NACE Division 45 for motor trade), a sample was selected. The selected enterprises were requested to provide information, including turnover, employment and wages and salaries, on a quarterly basis. For NACE Division 68 (real estate activities), the contracts data from the Inland Revenue Department was also used. The indices were calculated for each division, showing the level of the specified variable (for example employment) relative to the average level throughout the base year 2015.
The index numbers in this release are working-day and seasonally adjusted. These statistical methods aid in the interpretation of data by removing regularly recurring variations from a time series. Working-day adjustment is a statistical method for removing the calendar effect from an economic time series. The calendar effect is the variation caused by the changing number of working days in different quarters. When there are no working-day or seasonal adjustments to be made, the index is published in its unadjusted form.
The number of working days for a given quarter may depend on the timing of certain public holidays, the possible overlap of certain public holidays and non-working days and the occurrence of a leap year. This method is used to make a comparison with the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
Seasonal adjustment removes variations which include effects due to quarter length, holidays and particular events such as Christmas. Statistically, seasonal adjustment takes place after a time series has already been cleared of calendar effects by way of working-day adjustment. This method is used to compare data for a specific quarter with the previous quarter. In seasonal and working-day adjustment, the direct approach is used, since adjustments are made directly to the individual indices.
3. In line with the Regulation on Short-term Statistics, services exclude Financial and insurance activities and Gambling and betting activities.
4. Definitions:
●  Turnover: includes total sales and other income and is expressed net of VAT. Turnover is presented in current prices.
Wages and Salaries: covers wages and salaries including bonuses, weekly allowances (cost of living allowances), overtime and national social security contributions by the employee. The definition does not include employer’s social security charges.
Employment: covers all persons employed, regardless of whether they are part-time or full-time, and includes paid employees as well as working proprietors and unpaid family workers. Employment is not working-day adjusted since the number of employees does not depend on factors that make up the working day effect.
Hours worked: covers total amount of hours actually worked, regular working hours and during overtime, nights, Sundays or public holidays. Hours worked but not paid are also considered.
5. The data contained in this release should be considered as provisional and therefore subject to revision. Each release may include revisions of the past quarterly data in respect of a rolling two-year period.
6. Weighting Structure by activity/industry and variables.
NACE Section/ Division NACE label Turnover Employment Hours Worked Wages and Salaries
G Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 54.1 33.0 30.5 26.5
G45 Motor trade 3.4 2.7 2.2 1.8
G46 Wholesale trade 33.1 11.4 12.9 13.0
G47 Retail trade 17.6 19.0 15.3 11.7
H Transportation and storage 10.6 11.1 12.7 16.5
I Accommodation and food services activities 6.4 18.8 17.6 13.4
J Information and communication 9.6 7.9 9.7 13.6
L Real estate activities 3.1 1.8 1.3 1.4
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 9.7 11.6 11.1 13.5
N Administrative and support services activities 6.5 15.8 17.1 15.1

7. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:

Statistical Concepts


8. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.

9. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

L-Indikaturi Bikrin tas-Servizzi: L-Ewwel Kwart tal-2023
Data tal-Ħruġ: 22 taʼ Mejju 2023
Data tal-Għeluq: 12 taʼ Mejju 2023
  • Meta mqabbel mal-ewwel kwart tal-2022, il-fatturat tal-attivitajiet tas-servizzi magħżulin, aġġustat bil-jiem tax-xogħol, żdied bi 15 fil-mija.
  • L-akbar żjieda kienet irreġistrata fl-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-ikel.
  • It-tħaddim tan-nies, il-pagi u s-salarji gross, u s-sigħat maħduma żdiedu bʼ7.3 fil-mija, 12.1 fil-mija u 6.5 fil-mija, rispettivament.
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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