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Census of Population and Housing 2021: Final Report: Dwelling Characteristics (Volume 2)

Errata Corrige: A mistake has been identified in Table 2.30, located on page 99, in which the figures for Gozo and Comino were inaccurately reported. The online document has been updated on September 5, 2023, at 12:15 pm. The printed version of the document is accurate and does not require any revisions.

Date Published: 31st August 2023

The Census of Population and Housing is a detailed statistical exercise featuring Malta and its people by their demographic and social characteristics. It provides a portrait at a point in time, and for the 18th Census, this was 21 November 2021. The Census’s legal basis is the national Census Act 1948 and the supranational EU Regulation No 763/2008.

This is the second in the series of thematic publications comprising statistical information from the Census of Population and Housing 2021. The Census had 21 November 2021 as reference day, with compilation and analysis carried out in 2022. The Preliminary Report was published in August 2022 and the first volume of finalised results in February 2023. The first volume contained a range of statistics such as population, migration, citizenship, racial origin, and religious affiliation. This second volume focuses on dwellings and includes information on the different types of dwellings, overall condition, type of tenure, dwelling membership, and facilities in the main residence. This introduction presents extracts from the findings.

Salient Points of Publication:
  • The 2021 Census recorded a total of 297,304 dwellings – an increase of 32.8 per cent since the last Census held
    in 2011, and a fourfold increase over a century. Just over a quarter of these (81, 613) were secondary, seasonally
    used, or vacant dwellings.
  • The steady growth of 7,345 dwellings per year observed over the past ten years was the largest intercensal growth
    ever recorded to date.
  • Primary residences increased at a higher rate (41.2 per cent) compared to secondary, seasonally used, or vacant
    dwellings (14.8 per cent).
  • In Gozo and Comino, nearly half of the dwellings comprising the total stock were secondary, seasonally used or
    vacant (45 per cent).
  • San Pawl il-Baħar emerged as the locality with the largest number of dwellings, with 23,738 or eight per cent of
    the total stock.
  • Compared to 2011, the localities of San Pawl il-Baħar, L-Imsida and Il-Mosta experienced the highest increases
    in the total number of dwellings. Decreases were recorded in Valletta, L-Isla and San Lawrenz. For occupied
    dwellings, the most substantial increases were seen in San Pawl il-Baħar, Tas-Sliema and L-Imsida.
  • For the first time ever, flats and penthouses dominated as the main places of residence (48.4 per cent), followed
    by maisonettes (23.9 per cent), and terraced houses (22.7 per cent).
  • Half of the primary residences were built (or reconstructed) after the year 2000, and a significant shift occurred in
    favour of flats, penthouses, and maisonettes. The overall condition of dwellings was predominantly good.
  • The regions of Southern Harbour, and Gozo and Comino reported the lowest proportion of dwellings being in a
    good state of repair. These regions also recorded the highest percentages of dwellings in need of serious repairs or
    being in a dilapidated state.
  • The proportion of rented furnished primary residences increased remarkably over the past decade (+13.3
    percentage points).
  • Among furnished residences, the highest monthly rental payments were recorded in Tas-Sliema (€1,150), followed
    by San Ġiljan and Is-Swieqi (both at €1,100). Conversely, the lowest rental rates were observed in Il-Birgu (€553),
    Għajnsielem and Comino (€600), and Iż-Żurrieq (€600).
  • Approximately 50 per cent of the main residential dwellings had either five or six rooms; and a decrease in the
    average count of rooms was recorded within the past decade (from six to five).
  • The average number of members residing in main residential dwellings stood at 2.4, with a persistent upward trend
    in favour of single-member residences. A total of 51,278 residences, (23.8 per cent of the main residential units),
    were inhabited by non-Maltese residents.


Final Report: Volume 2 Tables

Chapter 1: Dwelling Stock

Chapter 2: Occupied Dwellings

Chapter 3: Secondary, seasonally used, or vacant dwellings

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