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Continuing Vocational Training Survey: Reference year 2020
Date Published: 3rd August 2023
By means of the Continued Vocational Training Survey (CVTS), the National Statistics Office gathers information from enterprises related to vocational training patterns, investment in training and other related general information.
The survey is conducted amongst enterprises within selected NACE Rev.2 categories and with 10 or more employees (refer to methodological notes in Annex 2 for further information). This publication presents results from the survey that was carried out in 2021, having 2020 as a reference year. Needless to say, results presented in this publication need to be treated with caution, since data needs to be interpreted within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This publication should be of significance to different stakeholders because it covers CVT from different angles, shedding light onto trends and practices in the area of training and the needs of enterprises.
Salient Points of Publication:
Enterprises providing some form of Continued Vocational Training (CVT) during 2020 amounted to 1,280 or 45.1 per cent of the total number of enterprises.
In terms of paid actual hours worked, this amounted to 961,589 hours spent on CVT courses. The majority (63.1 per cent) were allocated to internal CVT courses.
On average, enterprises which provided CVT courses for their employees, spent €496.8 per participant in direct costs. On the other hand, the average personal absence cost amongst all CVT participants borne by the enterprise, stood at €404.7 per participant. This amounts to a total average cost (direct and indirect) of €901.6 per participant.
Out of the 1,555 enterprises which did not provide CVT courses or any other form of CVT in 2020, 1,318 (84.7 per cent) revealed that the primary reason for not doing so was that the existing qualifications, skills, and competences of their employees were in line with the current needs of the enterprise.
Initial Vocational Training (IVT), such as apprenticeship, was provided by 485 enterprises (17.1 per cent).