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Short-term Business Statistics (STS) produce early indicators for the industry, construction, retail trade, and services domains. The main set of indicators produced are those related to turnover, employment, hours worked, wages and salaries, producer prices and production. Other indicators are produced depending on the domain being considered, such as import prices for the industry domain, building permits for the construction domain, and volume of sales for the retail trade domain. These indicators are aggregated by the MIG (Main Industrial Grouping) level and/or 2-digit NACE. The Main Industrial Groupings consist of a number of NACEs grouped together into categories and are used only for the industry domain. Such statistics are compiled under the European Business Statistics (EBS) Regulations 2019/2152 and 2020/1197.
Methodological description of survey
Data for STS is gathered by means of paper questionnaires that are sent by post to a sample of resident enterprises selected from the Business Register.
Data on SPEs, government institutions, enterprises that are resident abroad or are classified as statistically irrelevant in the Business Register are excluded from the sample. Once the set of all eligible enterprises is determined, enterprises are divided into strata according to their NACE, number of employees and turnover value. Enterprises are selected from each strata ensuring that the most dominant enterprises within each strata are selected.
These questionnaires are sent on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the requirements of the respective domain. Respondents can also fill in the questionnaire online. Data for certain indicators is collected by email and from administrative sources. NACE Rev. 2 is used for the NACE classification, the CPA classification is used for the breakdown of products, and the CC classification is used for the types of construction.
Data is mainly expressed in index form in relation to a given base year. This means that the index is calculated based on the value of the variable in the current year when compared to a value of 100 assigned to the variable in the base period. The Laspeyres index formula is used. Data for the building permits is currently transmitted in numeric quantities. STS data is compiled on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Accuracy and reliability of data
Information on the accuracy and reliability of data can be viewed in a dedicated ESMS metadata report available on the NSO’s metadata website.
Timeliness and punctuality of data
Data for STS is published in a News Release on a monthly or quarterly basis. These are accessible on the NSO’s website and are published on the pre-established date, as scheduled in the Advance Release Calendar which can be viewed also on the NSO’s website. STS data is also transmitted to Eurostat on a monthly and quarterly basis.
Accessibility and clarity of data
STS data can be accessed from the NSO website via the StatDB and can also be accessed from Eurostat’s database. An ESMS metadata report is also produced at a national level and is made available on the NSO’s metadata website. Such a report is also transmitted to Eurostat on a yearly basis.
Coherence and comparability/consistency of data
STS data has been compiled since the year 2000. Up to 2008 indicators were based on NACE Rev. 1.1. From 2009 onwards indicators were published according to NACE Rev. 2. Otherwise, STS data is comparable over time. Moreover, STS data is coherent with National Accounts data and Structural Business Statistics data. STS data is also comparable with that of other countries due to the adoption of common methodological guidelines.