Home » L-Investiment Dirett Barrani: 2021-2022
L-Investiment Dirett Barrani (FDI) fʼMalta
Matul is-sena 2022, l-Investiment Dirett Barrani f’Malta żdied bi €18.9-il biljun (Tabella nru 1). Il-kontributuri ewlenin kienu l-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni b’sehem sħiħ ta’ 88.8 fil-mija (Tabella nru 2).
F’Diċembru 2022, il-pożizzjoni tal-istokk tal-Investiment Dirett Barrani ammontat għal €460.8 biljun, żieda ta’ €38.0 biljun fuq l-istess żmien tas-sena taʼ qabel. Bħas-snin imgħoddija, l-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni kienu jammontaw għal 97.7 fil-mija tal-istokk reġistrat f’Diċembru 2022 (Tabella nru 3).
L-Investiment Dirett Barra minn Malta
Matul l-2022, l-Investiment Dirett barra mill-pajjiż laħaq bʼkollox €23.4 biljun, l-aktar fl-għamla ta’ ishma/unitajiet ta’ fondi ta’ investiment (Tabella nru 4).
Il-pożizzjoni tal-istokk tal-Investiment Dirett Barra mill-Pajjiż kienet ta’ €447.5 biljun fʼDiċembru 2022, żieda taʼ €37.1 biljun fuq il-qagħda tal-2021. L-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni kienu jagħmlu 99.3 fil-mija tal-Investiment Dirett Barra mill-Pajjiż (Tabella nru 6).
No Data Found
The ad hoc revision in this news release is linked to the revision communicated in the Press Information Notice dated 13 June 2023.
1. The ad hoc revision in this news release is linked to the revision communicated in the Press Information Notice dated 13 June 2023.
2. The collection, compilation and presentation of both the International Investment Position (IIP) and the Balance of Payments (BoP) statements of Malta fall under the responsibility of the National Statistics Office (NSO), with the co-operation of the Central Bank of Malta (CBM). Direct Investment is extracted from both statements, and compiled in accordance with the international guidelines set out in the sixth manual of the International Monetary Fund (BPM6).
However, the Direct Investment news release is presented on a directional basis, ie. inward and outward, rather than on an asset and liability basis. The statement incorporates data relating to special purpose entities which are classified under financial service activities. This inclusion has brought about significant changes in the FDI statement.
3. Direct Investment is defined as “a category of cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy.” (BPM6).
a. Direct Investment is sub-divided into two categories:
b. Direct Investment is made up of three basic components:
4. Direct Investment flows include transactions occurring during a particular period. Besides accumulated flows, the Direct Investment Stock Position takes into account any market value revaluations, reclassifications and exchange rate changes prevailing at the end of the reporting period.
5. The type of data collection system used to compile the Direct Investment is a composite system based on monthly, quarterly and annual direct reporting (DR) enterprise surveys, as well as various other sources that are identified from time to time by the BoP compilers. No major sectors of the economy are excluded from the aggregate data. The data for all components are compiled from these surveys. Where not directly available, preliminary figures on reinvested earnings are estimates based on an average of the previous four years. The final data on reinvested earnings are then compiled from the annual DR survey.
6. The classification used for economic activity is NACE Rev. 2, which corresponds to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. Both the data on Direct Investment abroad and Foreign Direct Investment in Malta are classified on the basis of the industrial activity of the resident direct investment enterprises. Due to confidentiality issues, aggregate economic activities are grouped as follows:
7. The data contained in this release is subject to revision. For an updated time-series which includes past data, please refer to the Statistical Indicators for this domain.
8. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
9. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
10. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
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