Home » Balance of Payments » It-Tranżazzjonijiet Ekonomiċi u Finanzjarji Internazzjonali: K1/2024
Iċ-ċifri proviżorji tat-tranżazzjonijiet esterni ta’ Malta juru li matul Jannar-Marzu 2024, il-bilanċ tal-kont kurrenti rreġistra defiċit taʼ €27.6 miljun, meta mqabbel ma’ defiċit ta’ €102.9 miljuni fl-istess tliet xhur tas-sena taʼ qabel. Dan id-defiċit kien primarjament riżultat taʼ bilanċi negattivi fil-kont tal-merkanzija (€557.0 miljun) u fil-kont tad-dħul primarju (€620.8 miljun). Min-naħa l-oħra, kien hemm bilanċ pożittiv nett fil-kont tas-servizzi (€1,245.1 miljun).
Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2024, il-kont kapitali rreġistra bilanċ nett pożittiv ta’ €77.5 miljun, li jirrappreżenta tnaqqis taʼ €67.3 miljun fuq l-istess perjodu tal-2023.
Il-kont finanzjarju qed juri tnaqqis nett ta’ €87.0 miljun fl-assi, tnaqqis fil-bilanċ tal-assi netti ta’ €150.9 miljun meta mqabbel mal-valur irreġistrat fl-istess trimestru tal-2023. Dan l-iżvilupp fil-bilanċ tal-kont finanzjarju kien ġej l-aktar minn tnaqqis fil-bilanċ nett tal-investiment dirett (€1,519.5-il miljun). Min-naħa l-oħra, kien hemm bilanċi pożittivi netti tal-assi fʼinvestiment ieħor (€1,502.0 miljuni) u fl-investiment tal-portafoll (€55.4 miljun). Fl-istess żmien, l-assi ta’ riżerva żdiedu bʼ€170.0 miljun (Tabella nru 1).
1. The National Statistics Office (NSO), with the cooperation of the Central Bank of Malta (CBM), is responsible for the collection, compilation and presentation of both the Balance of Payments (BOP) as well as the International Investment Position (IIP) statements of Malta. Both statements are compiled in accordance with the international guidelines set in the sixth manual of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as with the similarly-set methodological guidelines established by Eurostat.
2. Different data sources have been used in the compilation of the figures presented in this release. The main sources used include: (a) enterprise transactions data collected by the Commissioner for Revenue, which are then complemented with survey data; (b) customs data and INTRASTAT declarations, which are used as a source for merchandise transactions; (c) TOURSTAT and other administrative sources are used to compile data for the travel account; and (d) data published by the Bank for International Settlements, which advanced efforts to capture data on the household sector. These sources cover transactions relating to the current account, the capital account and the financial account.
3. The majority of the transactions that are collected through the above-mentioned sources are broken down by country. The data are subsequently compiled using a standard format and published at a quarterly frequency.
4. The data are compiled using a standard format and published at a quarterly frequency.
5. The data in this news release do not necessarily correspond to the latest published National Accounts data for the same reference period. This is due to different cut-off dates for the two sets of data.
6. The reported quarterly figure for re-invested earnings (a component of both the income account and the direct investment account) is partly collated annually. Where actual figures are not available, an average of the re-invested earnings quoted for the previous four years is apportioned on a quarterly basis. This figure is then revised once the actual questionnaires are submitted by the surveyed entities.
7. Shipment data (freight and insurance) are measured from the c.i.f. INTRASTAT import data, while data for the travel account are collected from TOURSTAT and other administrative sources.
8. Figures are not seasonally adjusted and may not add up due to rounding.
9. Figures may not add up due to rounding.
10. Any reference to the EU in tables 3 and 4 refers to the formation excluding UK.
11. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
12. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
13. Statistics in this news release should be interpreted in context to the unprecedented developments related to COVID-19.
14. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
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