News Releases

Ix-Xogħol Irreġistrat: Novembru tal-2023 

NR 067/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 16 taʼ April 2024

FʼNovembru tal-2023, l-impjiegi full-time żdiedu b’7.7 fil-mija, filwaqt li dawk part-time bħala impjieg ewlieni żdiedu b’4.0 fil-mija meta mqabblin maʼ Novembru taʼ sena qabel. 

Tagħrif amministrattiv mogħti minn Jobsplus juri li, fi żmien sena, il-provvista tal-ħaddiema (esklużi l-part-timers) żdiedet b’7.6 fil-mija sabiex laħqet 283,596 (ara nota nru 5 fil-metodoloġija). Dan kien ġej l-aktar minn żieda, sena għal sena, fl-impjiegi rreġistrati full-time (20,125) u tnaqqis fil-qgħad irreġistrat (67) (Tabella nru 1).

Ix-Xogħol Full-Time Irreġistrat 

FʼNovembru tal-2023, l-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz amministrattiv u taʼ sostenn (NACE 77-82, 3,639) u l-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-ikel (NACE 55-56, 3,660) kienu l-aktar żewġ oqsma li wasslu għaż-żieda fix-xogħol full-time, meta mqabblin maʼ Novembru 2022 (Tabella nru 1). Ix-xogħol full-time irreġistrat fis-settur privat telaʼ bi 19,711 persuna għal 230,847. L-impjiegi fis-settur pubbliku żdiedu b’414 għal 51,799 (Tabella nru 2).

L-għadd taʼ nies irreġistrati li jaħdmu għal rashom full-time telaʼ bi 834 meta mqabbel maʼ Novembru 2022, mentri l-għadd taʼ persuni rreġistrati bħala impjegati żdiedu bi 19,291. L-irġiel li jaħdmu full-time żdiedu b’7.9 fil-mija, filwaqt li n-nisa żdiedu bʼ7.3 fil-mija, fuq is-sena taʼ qabel (Tabella nru 2). 

Ix-Xogħol Part-Time Irreġistrat  

FʼNovembru tal-2023, l-impjiegi rreġistrati bħala part-time żdiedu bʼ6.4 fil-mija meta mqabblin mal-istess xahar tal-2022. L-oqsma li l-aktar wasslu għal din iż-żieda kienu l-Attivitajiet professjonali, xjentifiċi u tekniċi (NACE 69-75, 749) u s-settur tat-Trasport u l-ħażna (NACE 49-53, 547) (Tabella nru 3). 

L-għadd taʼ nies li kellhom kemm impjieg part-time kif ukoll ieħor full-time laħqu il-41,562, żieda taʼ 8.3 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess xahar fl-2022. Il-persuni li kellhom biss impjieg part-time kienu jammontaw għal 33,959, żieda taʼ 4.0 fil-mija meta mqabblin mal-istess xahar fl-2022 (Tabella nru 4).

Ċart nru 1. L-impjiegi full-time u part-time (impjieg primarju) bix-xahar

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Methodological Notes

1. The data provided in this release, including revised data and the relevant classifications, is based on administrative records held at Jobsplus. Data for month t-1 and year y-1 are revised with each registered employment news release.

2. The National Statistics Office (NSO) publishes, on a quarterly basis, another set of statistics on employment and unemployment based on the Labour Force Survey (LFS). When compiling LFS statistics, the NSO adopts the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition, an internationally agreed definition on employment and unemployment. This definition has also been adopted by Eurostat and is used by all EU Member States. More details regarding the methodology used for the compilation of employment and unemployment statistics from the LFS may be found in quarterly LFS news releases. Since Jobsplus records and LFS results measure two different facets of employment and unemployment, these are not comparable. Users are therefore cautioned that these two sets of statistics should not be used interchangeably.

3. Full-time and part-time status is determined by the employer’s declaration (or that made by a self-employed person) in the engagement form which is required to be sent to Jobsplus upon commencement of employment.

4. Apprentices/trainees/interns are included under their respective economic activity.

5. Definitions:

Labour Supply: The sum of the full-time registered employed and the registered unemployed population (Part I and Part II).

Apprentices/trainees/interns: Persons who are still enrolled in an educational or training scheme and at the same time attached to the employer as part of a scheme or training experience.

Regional employment: Data on Malta/Gozo employment differs on the basis of economic sector. Accordingly, the data on private sector employment depends on employee residence, whereas data for public sector depends on employer information on the location of work of its employees.

● Full-time equivalent (FTE): Employment in full-time equivalent is a conversion method used to measure the number of employees according to the number of hours worked. When using FTE a full-time employee working a 40-hour week is equivalent to 1.0, whereas a person who works 20 hours per week is equivalent to 0.5. Table 2 of this release includes persons who work full-time, persons on a full-time with reduced hours basis and full-time employees who are on unpaid leave. When converting these figures into FTE, each full-time employee who is working full hours is considered as 1.0 FTE, whereas persons working full-time with reduced hours or who are on unpaid leave are considered as less than 1.0 FTE, depending upon the hours worked. FTE data is currently available in respect of public sector employment and is based on the administrative records of the People and Standards Division within the Office of the Prime Minister. FTE information for the private sector is not available.

Self-employed: A person who registers as being self-employed is someone who runs a trade or business, rather than working as an employee for someone else. A person is self-employed if s/he is a sole proprietor or a partner working in a business who may employ other individuals to work for him/her.

Employees: Persons who are registered by their employers to be engaged as employees earning a wage or salary.

Part-timers holding a full-time job: Persons having a part-time job as a secondary job to their main employment. Persons having more than one part-time job in addition to their full-time job are counted once under this category.

Part-time as a primary job: Persons having only a part-time job as a primary job. Persons having more than one part-time job are counted once under this category.

Part I of the unemployment register: Persons registering under Part I are either new job seekers who have left school, re-entrants into the labour market, or individuals who have been made redundant by their former employer.

Part II of the unemployment register: Persons registering under Part II are either workers who have been dismissed from work due to disciplinary action, left work out of their own free will, refused work or training opportunities or were struck off the register after an inspection by Law Enforcement personnel.

6. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:

Statistical concepts 

7. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

8. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.

9. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

Ix-Xogħol Irreġistrat: Novembru tal-2023   

NR 067/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 16 taʼ April 2024

  • FʼNovembru tal-2023, in-numru taʼ persuni li kienu rreġistrati li jaħdmu full-time kien jammonta għal 282,646, li huwa żieda taʼ 7.7 fil-mija fuq l-istess xahar tas-sena taʼ qabel.
  • L-għadd taʼ persuni li kellhom part-time bħala x-xogħol primarju tagħhom laħaq it-33,959, li huwa żieda taʼ 4.0 fil-mija fuq l-istess xahar tas-sena taʼ qabel.
  • In-numru taʼ persuni li jaħdmu full-time fis-settur privat żdied bʼ9.3 fil-mija fi żmien tnax-il xahar sabiex laħaq il-230,847.
  • L-għadd taʼ persuni li jaħdmu full-time fis-settur pubbliku żdied bʼ0.8 fil-mija minn Novembru tal-2022 u kien jammonta għal 51,799.
  • Fuq il-livelli rreġistrati fl-2022, l-għadd taʼ rġiel bʼimpjieg full-time telaʼ b’7.9 fil-mija sabiex laħaq il-171,942, filwaqt li l-għadd tan-nisa żdied bʼ7.3 fil-mija sabiex laħaq il-110,704.

Ix-Xogħol Irreġistrat: Novembru tal-2023 


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