News Releases

L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI): K1/2024

NR 121/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 4 taʼ Lulju 2024

Fl-ewwel kwart ta’ din is-sena, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI) kien ta’ 159.98, ekwivalenti għal żieda ta’ 6.7 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2023.

Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2024, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI) kien ta’ 159.98, ekwivalenti ghal żieda ta’ 6.7 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2023.

Fiż-żmien mistħarreġ, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Appartamenti u l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Maisonettes kienu ta’ 160.17 u 152.59, riflessi fʼżidiet annwali ta’ 6.6 u 6.8 fil-mija, rispettivament (Tabelli nri 1 u 2).

Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2024, il-PPI rreġistra żieda taʼ 1.9 fil-mija meta mqabbel mar-rabaʼ kwart tal-2023.

Ċart nru 1. PPI - It-tibdil annwali tal-prezzijiet

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Methodological Notes

1. The PPI is based on data provided by the tax authority.

2. The PPI aggregates the indices of apartments, maisonettes and houses using a Laspeyres-type formula. The weights used to compile the index are based on the value of transactions for the three property types. Moreover, the PPI is chain-linked every year. This enables the revision of weights on an annual basis.

3. It is widely recognised that the price of a property is dependent on its location, type, state of maintenance and finish, age, tenure, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, size, and the availability of other amenities such as a yard, garden and pool. Since the characteristics of the properties transacted are likely to vary between periods, a methodology that accounts for such differences could be employed to ensure even greater comparability across periods. From Q1/2023 a quality-adjusted index is being compiled using the rolling-time-dummy method. More information about this methodological change can be accessed here.

4. No distinction is made between new and old dwellings.

5. Around 1,400 transactions are considered every quarter.
6. The base year of all the indices is 2015.
7. Source data is provisional and subject to revisions for the last four quarters. The indices referring to the period Q2/2022-Q1/2023 have been updated as a result of newly available information.
8. Definitions
  • Apartment: a self-contained room or suite of rooms with a separate entrance that is accessible from a common passage, landing or stairway. This category includes penthouses.
  • Maisonette: a self-contained room or suite of rooms with a separate entrance that is accessible from the street and is either at ground-floor level with overlying habitation, or at first-floor level with underlying habitation. A ground-floor maisonette may be classified either as a ground-floor tenement without its own airspace or as a maisonette. This category also includes solitary maisonettes.
  • House: a dwelling with at least two floors, with its own access at street level, with its own airspace and no underlying structures that are not part of the house itself. This category also includes: Bungalows, Farmhouses and Villas.
  • Annual rate: The annual rate of change compares the index of a particular quarter to the index of the same quarter in the previous year, expressed as a percentage.

9. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
Statistical concepts

10. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.

11. A calendar for upcoming news releases is available online.

L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI): K1/2024  

NR 121/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 4 taʼ Lulju 2024

  • Fl-ewwel kwart ta’ din is-sena, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI) kien ta’ 159.98, ekwivalenti għal żieda ta’ 6.7 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2023.
  • Fl-ewwel kwart tal-2024, il-PPI rreġistra żieda taʼ 1.9 fil-mija meta mqabbel mar-rabaʼ kwart tal-2023.

L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Proprjetà (PPI): K1/2024

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