Din l-Istqarrija tal-Aħbarijiet tippreżenta tagħrif proviżorju dwar tranżazzjonijiet taʼ bejgħ taʼ proprjetajiet residenzjali skont id-data tar-reġistrazzjoni mal-awtorità tat-taxxa.
Kuntratti taʼ Bejgħ
FʼSettembru 2024, l-għadd taʼ kuntratti taʼ bejgħ taʼ proprjetajiet residenzjali kien jammonta għal 1,007, li juri żieda taʼ 20.5 fil-mija meta mqabbel maʼ dawk irreġistrati fʼSettembru 2023 (Tabella nru 1a, Ċart nru 1). Bʼkollox, il-valur taʼ dawn il-kuntratti laħaq il-€270.4 miljun, żieda taʼ 13.0 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-valur irreġistrat f’Settembru 2023 (Tabella nru 2a).
Taʼ kull xahar
No Data Found
Fix-xahar taʼ riferenza, 947 (jew 94.0 fil-mija) tal-kuntratti kienu jikkonsistu minn individwi, filwaqt li kważi l-bqija tal-kuntratti l-oħra kienu magħmulin minn kumpaniji (Tabella nru 1b). Il-valur tal-kuntratti li jinvolvu individwi kien jammonta għal €233.9 miljun, li huwa ekwivalenti għal 86.5 fil-mija tal-valur kollu (Tabella nru 2b).
Kuntratti taʼ bejgħ bid-distrett u l-lokalità
FʼSettembru 2024, l-akbar ammonti taʼ kuntratti taʼ bejgħ kien irreġistrat fid-Distrett tat-Tramuntana tal-Port u fid-Distrett tat-Tramuntana, bʼtotal taʼ 327 u 197 kuntratt, rispettivament. Min-naħa l-oħra, l-inqas numri taʼ kuntratti kienu nnotati fid-Distrett tal-Punent, u fid-Distrett tʼGħawdex u Kemmuna, bʼ70 u bʼ111-il kuntratt, rispettivament (Tabella nru 3).
L-akbar ammonti taʼ kuntratti taʼ bejgħ kienu rreġistrati fʼdawn il-lokalitajiet: San Pawl Il-Baħar (87), Birkirkara (52) u Il-Mosta (46) (Tabella nru 4, Ċart nru 2a). Dawn il-kuntratti kienu jgħoddu 18.4 fil-mija tal-kuntratti kollha rreġistrati fʼSettembru 2024.
Kuntratti taʼ bejgħ
No Data Found
Proprjetajiet irreġistrati fil-kuntratti taʼ bejgħ
Fix-xahar taʼ riferenza, l-għadd taʼ proprjetajiet irreġistrati fil-kuntratti taʼ bejgħ kien jilħaq l-1,114 (Tabella nru 5). L-Appartamenti (401) u l-Garaxxijiet (230) irreġistraw l-akbar sehem mit-total, bʼ36.0 fil-mija u 20.6 fil-mija, rispettivament.
Fit-tielet kwart tal-2024, kienu rreġistrati 3,004 kuntratti taʼ bejgħ, li jiġu ekwivalenti għal żieda taʼ 4.7 fil-mija fuq l-istess perjodu tas-sena taʼ qabel (Tabella nru 1a). Il-valur taʼ dawn il-kuntratti kiber bʼ1.5 fil-mija sabiex ammonta għal €816.6-il miljun (Tabella nru 2a). L-akbar numri taʼ kuntratti taʼ bejgħ kienu rreġistrati fil-lokalitajiet taʼ San Pawl Il-Baħar (275), Birkirkara (139) u Il-Mosta (132) (Tabella nru 4).
FʼSettembru 2024, kienu rreġistrati 1,046 konvenju taʼ proprjetajiet residenzjali, li huma riflessi fʼżieda taʼ 2.1 fil-mija fuq is-sena taʼ qabel (Tabella nru 6a, Ċart nru 1). L-individwi li kienu involuti fʼdawn il-konvenji kienu jgħoddu 945 (jew 90.3 fil-mija), filwaqt li l-bqija kienu jinvolvu kumpaniji (Tabella nru 6b).
Konvenji bid-distrett u l-lokalità
L-akbar għadd taʼ konvenji taʼ proprjetajiet residenzjali kien irreġistrat fid-Distrett tat-Tramuntana tal-Port bi 312-il konvenju; segwit mid-Distrett tat-Tramuntana bʼ193 konvenju. Min-naħa l-oħra, l-inqas ammonti taʼ konvenji dehru fid-Distrett tal-Punent, u fid-Distrett tʼGħawdex u Kemmuna, bʼ106 u bʼ126 konvenju, rispettivament (Tabella nru 7).
L-akbar għadd taʼ konvenji kien irreġistrat fʼdawn il-lokalitajiet: San Pawl Il-Baħar (78), Birkirkara (55) u Marsaskala (46) (Tabella nru 8, Ċart nru 2b). Dawn il-konvenji kienu jgħoddu 17.1 fil-mija tal-konvenji kollha rreġistrati f’Settembru 2024.
No Data Found
Fit-tielet kwart tal-2024, l-għadd taʼ konvenji laħaq it-3,109 konvenji, li jirrappreżenta żieda taʼ 1.1 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess kwart tas-sena li għaddiet (Tabella nru 6a). L-akbar ammonti taʼ konvenji kienu rreġistrati fil-lokalitajiet taʼ San Pawl Il-Baħar (251), Birkirkara (174) u Marsaskala (140) (Tabella nru 8).
1. This news release presents data on property transactions based on final deeds of sale and promise of sale agreements (‘konvenji’) registered with the tax authority. The qualifier ‘period of registration’ common to the tables refers to such registration. Basing the data on the period when the final deed of sale or promise of sale agreement is registered with the tax authority, rather than when it is signed, is considered to produce more timely information.
2. The scope of this release follows the classification of the administrative data source, and includes only those transactions classified as ‘residential’ by the source. The data presented covers the following property types: airspace, boathouse, bungalow, farmhouse, flat/apartment, garage, garden, house, maisonette, penthouse, plot of land, semi-detached villa, terraced house, ‘terran’, urban tenement, and villa.
3. Excluded are transactions classified as ‘commercial’, comprising of business premises and warehouse/storeroom, and those classified as ‘other’, a category that incorporates car space, field, grave and redemption of ground rent, amongst others.
4. Therefore, deeds/agreements relating to land for residential purposes (‘plot of land’) are included, while those pertaining to land for non-residential purposes (‘field’) are not.
5. Only deeds/agreements relating to the sale of property, which also includes sale by auction (‘subasta’) and sale after assignment of rights, are considered. Therefore, donations and exchanges, amongst others, are not included.
6. In this news release, a promise of sale agreement is accounted for only once, and included at the time of registration with the tax authority. Therefore, if a promise of sale is extended to a later date, that record is excluded from the statistics presented in this news release.
7. In the light of notes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, this release must be viewed as a sub-set of all the property transactions and activities registered with the tax authority that take place during a given period.
8. In some cases, more than one property is listed under the same final deed of sale or promise of sale agreement. Table 1 to Table 8 (excluding Table 5) of this news release report the number of registered final deeds of sale and promise of sale agreements, and not the number of properties falling under these deeds/agreements. The number of properties falling under the registered final deeds of sale is presented in Table 5. This table cannot be replicated for the promise of sale agreements due to non-availability of data.
9. The residential property transactions considered are not limited to individuals (households), but may also involve other economic agents. Besides individuals, the administrative data source distinguishes between companies, authorities and bodies of persons.
10. The districts and clusters incorporating localities in Tables 3, 4, 7 and 8 correspond to the location of the property which has been or shall be purchased, not to the place of residence of the buyer or seller.
11. To achieve consistency, the methodological concepts used in this news release are aligned to the extent possible with the House Price Index concepts.
12. Users are reminded of several factors which might inhibit comparability between data on final deeds of sale and promise of sale agreements. These differences include: a) the time lag between promise of sale agreements and final deeds of sale; b) certain property being sold without a promise of sale agreement; and c) some promise of sale agreements falling through before the final contract is signed.
13. Data is provisional and subject to revisions, which may arise following updates in the source data.
14. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at Classification of Localities by Cluster.
15. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
16. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
17. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.