News Releases

L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali (IPPI): Jannar tal-2024
NR 041/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 29 taʼ Frar 2024
Data tal-Għeluq: 27 taʼ Frar 2024

Din l-istqarrija tal-aħbarijiet tinkludi reviżjoni ppjanata taʼ importanza akbar marbuta mat-tiġdid tas-sena bażi li kienet imħabbra fl-Avviż taʼ Tagħrif għall-Istampa tal-20 taʼ Frar 2024. Din l-attività taʼ rutina, li ssir kull ħames snin, tiżgura l-konsistenza u r-reqqa tal-istatistika bikrija tan-negozju. Il-perjodu ta’ riferenza tal-indiċi ġie aġġornat minn 2015=100 għall-2021=100.

FʼJannar tal-2024, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali rreġistra żieda taʼ 0.9 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess xahar tal-2023.


Tqabbil mas-sena taʼ qabel 

Meta mqabbel maʼ Jannar tal-2023, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali telaʼ bʼ0.9 fil-mija. Żidiet fil-prezzijiet kienu rreġistrati fl-oġġetti kapitali (4.0 fil-mija), fl-oġġetti tal-konsum (0.9 fil-mija) u fl-oġġetti intermedji (0.1 fil-mija). Ma kienx hemm tibdil fil-prezzijiet tal-qasam tal-enerġija.

Il-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali għas-suq domestiku żdiedu bʼ0.7 fil-mija. Żieda taʼ 4.6 fil-mija dehret fil-prezz tal-oġġetti tal-konsum, filwaqt li l-oġġetti intermedji naqsu bʼ1.5 fil-mija.

Il-Prezzijiet għas-suq mhux domestiku żdiedu bʼ1.0 fil-mija. Il-prezzijiet tal-oġġetti maħsuba għaż-Żona tal-Ewro telgħu bʼ1.2 fil-mija, filwaqt li taʼ dawk maħsuba għaż-Żona mhux tal-Ewro żdiedu bʼ0.8 fil-mija (Tabella nru 2).

Tqabbil max-xahar taʼ qabel

FʼJannar tal-2024, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali żdied bʼ0.9 fil-mija meta mqabbel maʼ Diċembru tal-2023. L-oġġetti kapitali u l-oġġetti intermedji żdiedu bʼ4.1 fil-mija u bʼ1.5 fil-mija, rispettivament. Min-naħa l-oħra, l-oġġetti tal-konsum naqsu bʼ0.5 fil-mija. Ma kienx hemm tibdil fil-prezzijiet fil-qasam tal-enerġija.

Il-prezz tas-suq domestiku telaʼ bʼ0.2 fil-mija minħabba żieda taʼ 0.7 fil-mija fl-oġġetti tal-konsum. Ma kienx hemm tibdil fil-prezzijiet tal-gruppi industrijali l-oħra.

Il-prezzijiet tas-swieq mhux domestiċi żdiedu bʼ1.6 fil-mija. Il-prezzijiet tal-oġġetti maħsubin kemm għaż-Żona tal-Ewro kif ukoll taʼ dawk maħsubin għaż-Żona mhux tal-Ewro telgħu bi 2.3 fil-mija u bʼ1.0 fil-mija, rispettivament (Tabella nru 3).

Ċart nru 1. L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali

(2021=100) għall-industrija kollha

No Data Found


Din l-istqarrija tal-aħbarijiet tinkludi reviżjoni ppjanata taʼ importanza akbar marbuta mat-tiġdid tas-sena bażi li kienet imħabbra fl-Avviż taʼ Tagħrif għall-Istampa tal-20 taʼ Frar 2024. Din l-attività taʼ rutina, li ssir kull ħames snin, tiżgura l-konsistenza u r-reqqa tal-istatistika bikrija tan-negozju. Il-perjodu ta’ riferenza tal-indiċi ġie aġġornat minn 2015=100 għall-2021=100.

Methodological Notes

1. This news release features a major planned revision linked to the rebasing exercise communicated in the Press Information Notice dated 20 February 2024. This routine major activity, conducted every five years, ensures the consistency and accuracy of short-term business statistics. The index reference period was updated from 2015=100 to 2021=100.

2. The Industrial Producer Price Index (IPPI) monitors the changes in selling prices of all leading products within a sample of around 80 large enterprises which account for over 80 per cent of the total industrial turnover.

This news release is being published with the new base year 2021=100. Hence, indices cannot be directly compared to previous news releases published with base year 2015=100.

3. The pricing point for the monthly price collection is the 15th day of the month or the nearest trading day prior to that date.

4. The methodologies and guidelines used are set by Eurostat and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

5. Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 specifies that it is the objective of the Industrial Producer Price Index to measure the development of transaction prices from the point of view of the producer. The observed producer price is the basic price that excludes VAT and adds subsidies on products received by the producer.

6. Euro area exports are transactions between Maltese enterprises and enterprises within the euro area. The euro area includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia (2023), Estonia (from 2011), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia (from 2014), Lithuania (from 2015), Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. These are classified as ‘non-domestic euro-area’. The ‘non-domestic non-euro area’ covers transactions between Maltese enterprises and enterprises within the non-euro area. Examples include the USA and Sweden. The latter country is in the EU but does not use the euro currency. Transactions among local resident enterprises are considered ‘domestic’.

7. The objective of Main Industrial Groupings (MIGs) is to provide an activity breakdown of industry using the internationally recognised classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2 Sections B, C, D and E) in terms of demand-based products: intermediate goods, energy, capital goods, durable consumer goods, and non-durable consumer goods. These regroup NACE Sections B to E and cover the following economic activities: quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and water supply.

8. Figures for the last three months are to be considered provisional and subject to revision. However, in exceptional cases, past data may also be revised.

9. The figures in this news release are unadjusted, that is, there are no working-day or seasonal adjustments. Indices are calculated using a Laspeyres-type index (2021=100). The data contained in this release is subject to revision. For an updated time-series which includes past data, please refer to the Statistical Indicators for this domain.

10. Statistics in this news release should be interpreted in context to the unprecedented developments and restrictions related to COVID-19.

11. Weighting structure by Main Industrial Groupings.
Main Industrial Grouping (MIG) Total (Flow)
Intermediate goods32%            
Energy 21%            
Capital goods17%            
Consumer goods30%            
    Durable consumer goods2%            
    Non-durable consumer goods28%            

12. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:

Sources and Methods
Statistical Concepts

13. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

14. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.

15. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

L-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali (IPPI): Jannar tal-2024
NR 041/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 29 taʼ Frar 2024
Data tal-Għeluq: 27 taʼ Frar 2024

Din l-istqarrija tal-aħbarijiet tinkludi reviżjoni ppjanata taʼ importanza akbar marbuta mat-tiġdid tas-sena bażi li kienet imħabbra fl-Avviż taʼ Tagħrif għall-Istampa tal-20 taʼ Frar 2024. Din l-attività taʼ rutina, li ssir kull ħames snin, tiżgura l-konsistenza u r-reqqa tal-istatistika bikrija tan-negozju. Il-perjodu ta’ riferenza tal-indiċi ġie aġġornat minn 2015=100 għall-2021=100.

  • FʼJannar tal-2024, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali rreġistra żieda taʼ 0.9 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess xahar tal-2023.
  • L-akbar tibdila notevoli fil-prezzijiet kienet iż-żieda taʼ 4.0 fil-mija fl-indiċi tal-oġġetti kapitali.
  • Meta mqabbel maʼ Diċembru tal-2023, l-Indiċi tal-Prezzijiet tal-Produtturi Industrijali żdied bʼ0.9 fil-mija.
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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