Home » Statistical Business Register » In-Negozji Reġistrati: 2023
In-negozji rreġistrati fl-Attivitajiet professjonali, xjentifiċi u tekniċi (Taqsima tan-NACE M) kienu jgħoddu mat-13.6 fil-mija tan-negozji rreġistrati kollha fl-2023; il-Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnut (Taqsima tan-NACE G) kien responsabbli għal 13.4 fil-mija tan-negozji; l-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni (Taqsima tan-NACE K) kienu responsabbli għal 12.2 fil-mija, filwaqt li l-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz amministrattiv u taʼ sostenn (Taqsima tan-NACE N) ammontaw għal 7.9 fil-mija (Tabella nru 1).
Ħafna min-negozji rreġistrati (97.4 fil-mija) kienu jħaddmu sa disgħa min-nies (micro). In-negozji żgħar (10-49) u medji (50-249) għoddew 2,899 (2.1 fil-mija) u 608 (0.4 fil-mija) tan-negozji kollha, rispettivament. In-negozji l-kbar, li jħaddmu 250 persuna u aktar, ammontaw għal 152 (0.1 fil-mija). L-għadd taʼ negozji rreġistrati, li jħaddmu bejn 0 u 9 persuni, żdied bi 3,297 wieħed, żieda ta’ 2.5 fil-mija meta mqabbla mal-2022. In-negozji rreġistrati, li jħaddmu bejn 10 u 49 persuna, żdiedu b’37 wieħed, żieda ta’ 1.3 fil-mija meta mqabbla mal-2022. (Ċart nru 1, Tabella nru 1).
Fl-2023, 57.0 fil-mija tan-negozji rreġistrati kienu sidien li jaħdmu għal rashom (jew bi sħubija), 39.3 fil-mija kienu kumpaniji bʼresponsabbiltà limitata jew kumpaniji pubbliċi bʼresponsabbiltà limitata (plc), filwaqt li 3.7 fil-mija kienu tal-Gvern, organizzazzjonijiet li ma jaħdmux għal profitt jew organizzazzjonijiet legali oħra (Ċart nru 2, Tabella nru 2).
Ir-reġistrazzjonijiet ġodda fl-2023 ammontaw għal 10,016-il negozju, filwaqt li dawk li għalqu ammontaw għal 9,763 negozju. (Ċart nru 3, Tabella nru 3).
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No Data Found
1. The statistical business register is the source of the data in this news release. The statistical business register provides one of the most detailed local business profiles in Malta.
2. Business registrations are based on administrative data. Registrations and/or deregistrations do not precisely record the commencement or cessation of an activity by a unit. Demographic events such as takeovers, mergers and split-offs are not catered for and may affect the data presented.
3. The data is classified by economic activity according to the NACE (Nomenclature Statistique des Activités Économiques dans la Communauté Européenne) classification of economic activities in the European Union.
4. Other types of legal structures may include public corporations, cooperatives and joint ventures.
5. Micro enterprises include non-trading units.
6. Updates in the statistical business register are ongoing and all figures reported are subject to revision.
7. The registered business units include those that were registered for at least one day during the reporting period. Business units that have ceased operating as indicated in Table 3, are included in the registered business units in Tables 1 and 2, if they were registered for at least one day during the year of deregistration.
8. The significant increase in the number of deregistrations in 2020 when compared to 2019 may be partly attributed to the defunct companies that had been struck off the Malta Business Registry during the reporting period.
9. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
Statistical Concepts
10. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.
11. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
The following are the definitions of the employment size class breakdowns shown in Table 1.
Size class | Persons employed | |
Micro | 0-9 | |
Small | 10-49 | |
Medium | 50-249 | |
Large | 250+ |
The following are the definitions of the legal forms:
Sole ownership is defined as enterprises owned exclusively by one natural person.
Partnership is defined as an association of persons who conduct a business under a collective name.
Limited liability companies refer to enterprises comprising joint-stock companies and private limited companies.
Government units are legal entities established by political processes that have legislative, judicial or executive authority over institutional units within a given area. These include government ministries and departments.
Non-profit organisations are legal or social entities acting for the purpose of producing goods and services whose status does not permit them to be a source of income, profit or other financial gains for the units that establish, control or finance them.
Public corporations are all the government-controlled units that are often established by government as market producers principally engaged in the production of goods, non-financial and financial services, and as such they are classified in non-financial and financial sectors.
Cooperatives are bodies set down by law that observe a number of general principles; for example profits are often distributed in proportion to members’ dealings with the society.
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