Home » Short-term Business Statistics » L-Indiċi tal-Produzzjoni Industrijali (IIP): Frar tal-2024
L-Indiċi tal-Produzzjoni Industrijali (IIP) huwa indikatur taċ-ċiklu tan-negozju. Kull xahar, huwa jieħu qies bikri tat-tibdil fil-volum tal-produzzjoni industrijali tan-negozji domestiċi fil-manifattura, l-enerġija, u l-barrieri fʼMalta.
Il-Produzzjoni Industrijali Sħiħa – Tqabbil mas-sena taʼ qabel
Fi Frar tal-2024, l-indiċi tal-produzzjoni industrijali naqas bʼ5.2 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess xahar tal-2023. Meta kienet eskluża l-enerġija, l-Indiċi naqas bʼ5.3 fil-mija (Ċart nru 1).
Id-differenza perċentwali li toħroġ mit-tqabbil mal-istess xahar tas-sena taʼ qabel
No Data Found
Il-Produzzjoni tal-Manifattura – Tqabbil mas-sena taʼ qabel
Fi Frar tal-2024, il-produzzjoni tal-manifattura naqset bʼ5.4 fil-mija. L-akbar tnaqqis kien irreġistrat fil-produzzjoni tal-injam, prodotti tal-karta u l-istampar (21.8 fil-mija). Wara dan, kien hemm tnaqqis fil-produzzjoni taʼ manufattura oħra (9.1 fil-mija) u fil-produzzjoni taʼ prodotti tal-kompjuters, tal-elettronika, tal-vista, u taʼ vetturi bil-mutur (8.8 fil-mija). Min-naħa l-oħra, il-produzzjoni ta’ prodotti kimiċi u tal-farmaċewtika, u l-produzzjoni taʼ prodotti tal-ikel u tax-xorb żdiedet bʼ14.9 fil-mija u bʼ7.0 fil-mija, rispettivament (Ċart nru 2).
Id-differenza li toħroġ mit-tqabbil mal-istess xahar tas-sena taʼ qabel
No Data Found
Il-Produzzjoni Industrijali – Tqabbil mas-sena taʼ qabel imqassam bl-iggruppar industrijali ewlieni
Il-Gruppi Industrijali Ewlenin (MIGs) jagħtu analiżi alternattiva tal-istatistika tal-attivitajiet ekonomiċi kklassifikati skont kategoriji taʼ użu aħħari. Huma jgħaqqdu flimkien diversi taqsimiet, gruppi u klassijiet tan-NACE (ara t-tabella metodoloġika għal aktar tagħrif).
Fi Frar tal-2024, il-produzzjoni tal-oġġetti tal-konsum u tal-enerġija naqset bʼ10.4 fil-mija u bʼ7.0 fil-mija, rispettivament. Għall-kuntrarju taʼ dan, kien hemm żidiet taʼ 11.4 fil-mija fil-produzzjoni tal-oġġetti intermedji u taʼ 6.2 fil-mija fl-oġġetti kapitali (Ċart nru 3).
Id-differenza perċentwali li toħroġ mit-tqabbil mal-istess xahar tas-sena taʼ qabel
No Data Found
Il-Produzzjoni Industrijali aġġustata għall-effetti tal-istaġun – Tqabbil max-xahar taʼ qabel
Dehra aktar ċara tal-iżviluppi ekonomiċi tistaʼ tinkiseb meta l-indiċijiet ikunu aġġustati għall-effetti tal-istaġun. Dawn l-effetti, li jitfaċċaw minn żmien għal żmien, jitneħħew mis-serje tal-indiċi sabiex ikunu jistgħu jsiru l-paraguni xahar maʼ xahar (ara l-punti metodoloġiċi 5 u 6).
Fi Frar tal-2024, l-indiċi tal-produzzjoni industrijali aġġustat għall-effetti tal-istaġun żdied bi 2.1 fil-mija meta mqabbel max-xahar taʼ qabel sabiex laħaq 105.6 punti (2021=100) (Ċart nru 4).
Indiċi (2021 = 100)
No Data Found
1. This Index of Industrial Production is a Principal European Economic Indicator (PEEI) and is compiled in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European Business Statistics. The NSO has also adopted methodologies and guidelines recommended by Eurostat and the United Nations.
2. The Maltese Index of Industrial Production is calculated using a Laspeyres-type index (2021=100). Aggregation weights are updated every five years and the gross value added is used as the weighting variable. The whole series is available from the year 2000 onwards.
3. The sample covers 80 per cent of the total industrial turnover and the number of surveyed businesses is around 200. A combination of cut-off and stratified random sampling techniques are used. The volume of industrial production is calculated using three methods: the physical quantities of output, the deflated turnover and the number of hours worked.
4. In this news release, Energy refers to NACE D35 only – Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply. It excludes B05 – mining of coal and lignite, B06 – extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, C19 – manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products and E36 – water collection, treatment and supply. The index excludes the electricity supply imported via the Malta-Sicily Interconnector.
5. Year-on-year comparisons refer to indices that are calendar adjusted, while month-on-month comparisons refer to calendar and seasonally-adjusted index numbers. These adjustments aid the interpretation of data by removing regularly recurring variations from a time series. The officially recommended software JDemetra+ is used to adjust all series in this news release.
6. The calendar effect is the variation caused by the changing number of working/trading days, fixed and moving holidays, leap year and other calendar-related phenomena. The seasonal effect is the variation caused by any pattern that repeats on a regular basis in the same period each year.
7. The average weighted response rate for this indicator is around 80%. The data is to be considered as provisional and therefore subject to revision.
8. The aggregation weights (gross value added) of the various categories used for the calculation of the Index of Industrial Production for the year 2021 (base year) are as follows:
NACE Section | NACE Divisions | Description | Share |
B | 8 | Mining and Quarrying | 0.01 |
C | 13, 14, 25, 27, 28 and 31 to 33 | Other manufacturing | 0.31 |
10 and 11 | Food products and beverages | 0.13 | |
26 and 29 | Computer, electronic and optical products and motor vehicles | 0.17 | |
22 to 23 | Rubber, plastic products and other non-metallic mineral products | 0.13 | |
16 to 18 | Wood, paper products and printing | 0.11 | |
20 and 21 | Chemicals and pharmaceuticals products | 0.09 | |
D | 35 | Energy | 0.07 |
Total (Sections B, C and D) | 1.00 |
Main Industrial Grouping | Description | Example |
Capital Goods | Capital goods are physical assets used by businesses to produce consumer (final) goods | Machinery equipment |
Intermediate goods | Intermediate goods, also called semi-finished goods are products used as inputs to produce a consumer (final) good | Rubber and plastic products |
Consumer goods | Consumer goods, also called final goods are products that are readily available for consumption by consumers. These goods do not undergo further transformation in production | Food products and beverages |
Energy | Energy refers to the production of electricity | Electricity excluding supply imported via the Malta-Sicily Interconnector |
9. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:
Sources and Methods
Statistical Concepts
10. The data contained in this release is subject to revision. For an updated time-series which includes past data, please refer to the Selected Indicators for this domain.
11. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
12. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
13. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.