Home » L-Omiċidji: 2014-2023
Matul l-għaxar snin taʼ riferenza, kienu rreġistrati 51 omiċidju volontarju (każ) mill-Korp tal-Pulizija ta’ Malta. B’kollox, 57 persuna sfaw vittmi ta’ dawn il-ġrajjiet. Żewġ terzi tal-vittmi kienu rġiel (66.7 fil-mija), filwaqt li terz kienu nisa. Matul dan il-perjodu, is-snin li raw l-inqas għadd ta’ omiċidji kienu l-2021 u l-2023 b’żewġ omiċidji jseħħu fʼkull waħda minn dawn is-sentejn. B’kuntrast, is-sena li rat l-ogħla inċidenza annwali ta’ omiċidji kienet l-2017 b’disaʼ okkorrenzi matul dik is-sena (Tabella nru 1, Ċart nru 1). Huwa importanti li jkun magħruf li t-tagħrif dwar il-vittmi huwa msejjes fuq id-data tal-mewt jew tas-sejba u t-termini ‘omiċidju’ u ‘omiċidju volontarju’ jintużaw b’mod ugwali biex ifissru l-istess.
L-għadd medju annwali ta’ omiċidji jvarja meta din il-medda ta’ 10 snin tiġi maqsuma f’żewġ perjodi ewlenin: 2014-2018 u 2019-2023. Bejn l-2014 u l-2018, l-għadd medju annwali ta’ omiċidji kien ta’ sitta, filwaqt li matul il-perjodu 2019-2023 l-għadd medju ta’ omiċidji kien ta’ erbgħa fis-sena (Tabella nru 1).
Kważi nofs il-vittmi kellhom bejn il-25 u l-44 sena (49.1 fil-mija), filwaqt li 19.3 fil-mija kellhom bejn il-45 u d-59 sena. Madwar wieħed minn kull ħames vittmi kellhom ’il fuq minn 59 sena. Ħamsa mis-57 vittma, jew 8.8 fil-mija, kienu taħt l-età tal-25 sena (Tabella nru 2, Ċart nru 2).
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Kważi 30 fil-mija tal-vittmi nqatlu fid-distrett tat-Tramuntana tal-Port (29.8 fil-mija), filwaqt li 22.8 fil-mija nqatlu fid-distrett tan-Nofsinhar tal-Port. 17.5 fil-mija u 14.0 fil-mija tal-vittmi nqatlu fid-distrett tat-Tramuntana u fid-distrett tax-Xlokk, rispettivament. 8.8 fil-mija tal-vittmi nqatlu fid-distrett tal-Punent, filwaqt li 7.0 fil-mija nqatlu fid-distrett ta’ Għawdex u Kemmuna. Meta kienu analizzati r-rati ta’ omiċidji bid-distrett taʼ fejn ikunu ġraw, l-ogħla rata dehret fid-distrett tan-Nofsinhar tal-Port b’1.6 għal kull 100,000 ruħ. L-inqas rata ta’ omiċidji dehret fid-distrett tal-Punent b’0.8 omiċidji għal kull 100,000 ruħ (Tabella nru 3, Mapep nri 1 u 2).
Matul iż-żmien ta’ riferenza, żewġ terzi tal-vittmi kienu Maltin, filwaqt li terz kienu ta’ ċittadinanza barranija. Meta din il-medda ta’ 10 snin tiġi maqsuma fiż-żewġ perjodi ewlenin, bejn l-2014 u l-2018, 75.0 fil-mija tal-vittmi kienu Maltin filwaqt li 25.0 fil-mija kienu ta’ ċittadinanza barranija. Din id-distribuzzjoni tinbidel meta titqabbel mal-perjodu 2019-2023, b’56.0 fil-mija tal-vittmi kienu Maltin filwaqt li 44.0 fil-mija kienu ta’ ċittadinanza barranija (Tabella nru 4, Ċart nru 3).
45.6 fil-mija tal-vittmi nqatlu b’armi bħal oġġetti li jaqtgħu, oġġetti spuntati jew oġġett ieħor li jintuża bħala arma, bħal vettura (esklużi armi tan-nar jew splussivi). Aktar minn terz tal-vittmi nqatlu b’arma tan-nar jew splussiv (38.6 fil-mija), filwaqt li 12.3 fil-mija kienu attakkati mingħajr arma jew permezz ta’ mekkaniżmi oħra fosthom tgħalliq, fgar, tagħriq, jew saħħa fiżika bħal attakk sesswali fost tipi oħra ta’ mekkaniżmi. Għal 3.5 fil-mija tal-vittmi, il-mekkaniżmu tal-qtil ma kienx magħruf (Tabella nru 5, Ċart nru 4).
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Ħarsa lejn il-vittmi tal-omiċidji volontarji matul il-perjodu 2014-2023 turi li 42.1 fil-mija tal-irġiel allegatament inqatlu minn persuna magħrufa mal-vittma, esklużi s-sħab intimi jew il-membri tal-familja. 5.3 fil-mija tal-vittmi rġiel allegatament inqatlu minn sieħeb/sieħba intimu/a jew membru tal-familja, wieħed minn kull ħamest rġiel minn xi ħadd li ma kienx magħruf mal-vittma, u kważi terz minn aggressur/i mhux magħruf/in.
Fl-istess żmien, kważi nofs il-vittmi nisa ta’ omiċidji volontarji (47.4 fil-mija) allegatament inqatlu minn sieħeb/sieħba intimu/a u ftit aktar minn waħda minn kull ħamsa minn membru tal-familja. 10.5 fil-mija allegatament mietu taħt idejn xi ħadd li l-vittma kienet taf, esklużi sħab intimi jew membri tal-familja, u 15.8 fil-mija minn xi ħadd mhux magħruf mal-vittma. Il-persentaġġ ta’ nisa li allegatament inqatlu minn aggressur/i mhux magħruf/in kien ta’ 5.3 fil-mija (Tabella nru 6).
per 100,000 population
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The 3-year period moving average is used to smoothen the time series with regards to year-on-year fluctuations due to the observed small counts of the phenomenon.
Ir-rata totali ta’ omiċidju kienet l-inqas fil-perjodu 2019-2021 b’0.7 omiċidji għal kull 100,000 ruħ, filwaqt li kienet l-ogħla fil-perjodu 2016-2018 b’1.4 omiċidji għal kull 100,000 ruħ. Ir-rata ta’ omiċidju għall-irġiel kienet baxxa l-aktar fil-perjodu 2021-2023 b’vittma waħda għal kull 100,000 raġel fil-popolazzjoni, filwaqt li kienet l-ogħla fl-2016-2018 bʼ2.1 vittmi. Ir-rata ta’ omiċidju għan-nisa kienet l-inqas fil-perjodi 2019-2021 u 2020-2022 b’rata ta’ 0.5 vittmi għal kull 100,000 mara fil-popolazzjoni. L-ogħla rata ġiet attribwita għall-perjodu 2017-2019 u 2018-2020 b’1.1 vittmi għal kull 100,000 mara fil-popolazzjoni. Ir-rata ta’ omiċidju tinħadem bl-użu ta’ medja ta’ tliet snin biex is-serje kronoloġika ma tkunx effettwata mill-varjazzjonijiet tan-numri żgħar taʼ sena fuq oħra (Tabella nru 7, Ċart nru 5).
1. This news release presents an overview of wilful homicide data for the period 2014 – 2023. Data is collected from the Homicide and Drugs Squad at the Malta Police Force. Data is then processed by the NSO and compiled exclusively from administrative records maintained by the Malta Police Force.
2. Wilful homicide rate
The wilful homicide rate is considered to be the number of homicides (events) per 100,000 population as at 1st January of the reference year. The wilful homicide rate for males is considered to be the number of male victims of homicides per 100,000 male population as at 1st January of the reference year. Similarly, the wilful homicide rate for females is considered to be the number of female victims of homicides per 100,000 female population as at 1st January of the reference year.
For the purpose of smoothening year-on-year fluctuations, the wilful homicide rate is calculated on a 3-year average in order to adjust for fluctuations of the observed small counts. Refer to Resident population data.
3. Reference dates:
Date of homicide (event): Date when homicide took place.
Date of discovery: Date when body/bodies were found or when victim succumbed to injuries.
4. Comparability with international classifications:
The ICCS is an international statistical classification of criminal offences which is used for the recording, analysis and comparison of crime statistics. Section 01 of the ICCS refers to ‘Acts leading to death or intending to cause death’ which encompasses:
For the purpose of comparison to this news release, offences referred to correspond broadly to intentional homicide (0101) which is defined as ‘unlawful death inflicted upon a person with the intent to cause death or serious injury’.
For more information on definitions and concepts, refer to the ICCS.
The ICD is an international statistical classification system which is used for the recording, analysis, and comparison of information on morbidity and mortality. In ICD, ‘External causes of morbidity or mortality’ refer to:
For the purpose of analysing wilful homicide, this type of event is mainly attributable to the category of ‘Assault’ which is defined in ICD as “injuries inflicted by another person with intent to injure or kill, by any means”. Notwithstanding, discrepancies between ICD and reported victims of wilful homicide may exist due to more detailed descriptions of events related to criminal liability of perpetrators. Also, statistics related to deaths by cause are in line with the usual residence definition and only refer to deaths of usual residents. Therefore, deaths of persons deemed non resident on the basis of the usual residence definition are not included. Furthermore, death certificates issued are based on the actual date of death or the estimated date of death.
Refer to ICD for further information.
5. Definitions:
Age of victim refers to the age of the victim at the time of death.
The relationship between the victim and alleged perpetrator, can include either persons who are charged and are awaiting or undergoing trial, persons who have been convicted, or persons who are appealing a conviction. Categories of alleged victim-perpetrator relationship include:
The particular legal bond between an individual and his/her State acquired by birth or naturalisation, whether by declaration, option, marriage or other means according to national legislation. It corresponds to the country issuing the passport. For the purpose of this news release, persons are classified by broad groups of citizenship: Maltese and non-Maltese.
The district of event refers to the broad district category corresponding to the locality where the event took place. Refer to Local Administrative Units which presents the geographical location of units within the national territory.
The process through which a person is killed. Categories of mechanisms of killing include:
For the purpose of this news release, a victim is defined as a recorded person associated with an event of wilful homicides and considered to be an ‘injured party’. A victim of wilful homicide is declared as such once the person succumbs to injuries or the body is discovered.
For the purpose of this news release, events of wilful homicide refer to cases classified as wilful homicide by the Malta Police Force. In such cases, alleged perpetrators can be charged with wilful homicide under Title VIII: Sub-title I of the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta. In cases where the homicide date is not established, such as cases of persons found at sea, cases are included in the reporting if the death or discovery of the body took place within the reference period under review. For the purpose of this news release the terms ‘wilful homicide’ and ‘homicide’ are used interchangeably. A homicide incident is considered to be an event during which one or more individuals are killed unlawfully.
6. Crime counting rules
For the purpose of this News Release, an offence is classified as a wilful homicide based on the ‘principle offence rule’ which refers to the wilful homicide offence as the principle/gravest offence considered for that particular event/episode. In this manner, if more than one offence is associated to one event, this event is recorded based on the principle offence, i.e. wilful homicide. The principle offence refers to the offence which carries the greatest penalty on conviction. In the case of wilful homicide, this is always referred to as the principle offence.
7. Published figures may be subject to revision or review due to reasons mainly attributable to the investigative process.
8. The time period considered for the purpose of this news release refers to victims of wilful homicide recorded by the Malta Police Force between 2014 and 2023.
9. A detailed news release calendar is available online.
10. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.
11. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.