News Releases

Il-Prodott Domestiku Gross: K4/2023
NR 039/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 28 ta’ Frar 2024
Data tal-Għeluq: 26 ta’ Frar 2024
Stimi proviżorji juru li l-Prodott Domestiku Gross (PDG) għar-rabaʼ kwart tal-2023 laħaq l-€4.9 biljuni, żieda taʼ €418.6 miljun, jew 9.3 fil-mija, meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2022. Fʼtermini reali, il-PDG telaʼ bʼ4.3 fil-mija.

business man Hand change wood cube block with GDP text (Gross domestic product) to UP and Down arrow symbol icon. Financial, Management, Economic and business concepts

Fir-rabaʼ kwart tal-2023, il-Prodott Domestiku Gross (PDG) tal-ekonomija Maltija rreġistra rata taʼ tkabbir pożittiv taʼ 4.3 fil-mija fʼtermini reali, fuq bażi annwali. 

Id-deflatur tal-PDG żdied b’4.8 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2022. Dan huwa tnaqqis ta’ 0.6 punti perċentwali meta mqabbel mar-rata sena għal sena li kienet irrekordjata fit-tielet kwart tal-2023. 

Tabella nru 1. Għażla ta’ indikaturi

Q4 2022Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023
Gross domestic product (nominal)€ 000's4,517,5214,493,8404,787,0355,164,8324,936,165
Gross national income (nominal)€ 000's4,045,0334,145,3624,309,9214,734,5824,463,845
Gross domestic product (deflator)2015=100120.3121.1124.7126.4126.0
Gross domestic product per capita (nominal)8,3628,2388,7539,4088,936
Gross national income per capita (nominal)7,4877,5997,8818,6248,081

Ċart nru 1. Il-Prodott Domestiku Gross (PDG)

Ir-rata tat-tkabbir f’termini reali fuq bażi annwali

No Data Found

Il-PDG mill-aspett tal-produzzjoni 

Il-PDG jitkejjel billi jingħadd il-Valur Miżjud Gross (VMG) tal-ekonomija mad-differenza bejn it-Taxxi u s-sussidji fuq il-prodotti. Il-VMG huwa d-differenza bejn il-produzzjoni u l-konsum intermedju ta’ kull attività tal-ekonomija. 

Matul ir-raba’ kwart tal-2023, il-VMG kiber b’5.1 fil-mija fʼtermini reali meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tal-2022. 

Is-Servizzi (Taqsimiet tan-NACE minn G sa U), l-Industrija (Taqsimiet tan-NACE minn B sa F) u l-Agrikoltura u s-sajd (Taqsima tan-NACE A) ilkoll irreġistraw kontribut pożittiv għar-rata tat-tkabbir tal-VMG f’termini reali b’4.3, 0.7 u 0.1 punti perċentwali, rispettivament. 

It-tkabbir fis-Servizzi kien dovut l-aktar għar-rati tat-tkabbir fʼdawn l-oqsma: l-Attivitajiet taʼ servizzi amministrattivi u taʼ sostenn (22.9 fil-mija), l-Attivitajiet taʼ servizz tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-ikel (15.3 fil-mija) u l-Attivitajiet finanzjarji u tal-assigurazzjoni (6.7 fil-mija). 

Ċart nru 2. Il-Valur Miżjud Gross

Ir-rata tat-tkabbir f’termini reali fuq bażi annwali

No Data Found

Tabella nru 2. Il-produzzjoni, is-sehem fit-tkabbir tal-PDG f’termini reali

Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023
Gross value added p.p.
   Agriculture & fishingp.p.0.00.0-0.1-0.20.1
Taxes less subsidies on productsp.p.-1.20.0-1.22.8-0.4

Nota: Il-kontribuzzjonijiet jistgħu ma jgħoddux eżatt minħabba l-arrotondament.

Il-PDG mill-aspett tan-nefqa 

Il-PDG jiġi kkalkulat ukoll billi jingħaddu flimkien in-Nefqa fuq il-konsum finali, il-Formazzjoni ta’ kapital gross, u l-Esportazzjoni netta. 

 Id-domanda domestika kellha sehem negattiv taʼ 4.0 punti perċentwali fuq ir-rata tat-tkabbir tal-PDG fʼtermini reali meta mqabbla mal-istess perjodu tas-sena li għaddiet. Għall-kuntrarju ta’ dan, id-domanda esterna kellha sehem pożittiv taʼ 8.3 punti perċentwali. 

Fir-raba’ kwart tal-2023, in-Nefqa fuq il-konsum finali kibret bʼ7.2 fil-mija fʼtermini reali. Dan kien dovut l-aktar għaż-żieda taʼ 7.3 fil-mija fil-Konsum finali tal-Households u ż-żieda taʼ 7.1 fil-mija fil-konsum finali tal-Gvern Ġenerali. 

Il-Formazzjoni tal-kapital gross naqset bi 30.4 fil-mija fʼtermini reali. Dan it-tnaqqis hu attribwit l-aktar għal investiment anqas fit-tagħmir tat-Trasport meta mqabbel mal-2022. 

Fʼtermini reali, l-esportazzjoni tal-merkanzija u s-servizzi żdiedet bʼ7.4 fil-mija, filwaqt li l-importazzjoni tal-merkanzija u s-servizzi żdiedet bi 2.4 fil-mija. 

Ċart nru 3. In-nefqa, il-fatturi ewlenin tagħha

Ir-rata tat-tkabbir f’termini reali fuq bażi annwali

No Data Found

Tabella nru 3. In-nefqa, is-sehem fit-tkabbir tal-PDG fʼtermini reali

Q4 2022Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023
Final consumption expenditurep.p.
Gross capital formationp.p.9.1-3.0-4.1-6.4-8.4
   Fixed assetsp.p.9.1-3.1-4.2-6.3-8.4
   Inventories and valuables p.p. 0.0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.0
Exports of goods and servicesp.p.12.216.718.810.412.0
Imports of goods and servicesp.p.

Nota: Il-kontribuzzjonijiet jistgħu ma jgħoddux eżatt minħabba l-arrotondament.

Il-PDG mill-aspett tad-dħul 

Il-PDG jiġi kkalkulat ukoll permezz tad-dħul, li huwa magħmul mill-Kumpens tal-impjegati, il-Qligħ mill-operat tal-intrapriżi u t-Taxxi netti fuq il-produzzjoni u l-importazzjoni. 

Meta mqabbla mar-rabaʼ kwart tal-2022, iż-żieda taʼ €418.6-il miljun fil-PDG fʼtermini nominali kienet magħmula miż-żieda taʼ €138.0 miljun fil-Kumpens tal-impjegati, miż-żieda taʼ €266.3 miljun fil-Qligħ mill-operat tal-intrapriżi u l-Introjtu mħallat gross u miż-żieda taʼ €14.3-il miljun fʼTaxxi netti fuq il-produzzjoni u l-importazzjoni. 


Ċart nru 4. Il-kumpens tal-impjegati

Ir-rata tat-tkabbir f’termini nominali fuq bażi annwali

No Data Found

Tabella nru 4. Id-dħul, is-sehem fit-tkabbir tal-PDG fʼtermini nominali

Q4 2022Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023
Compensation of employeesp.p.
   Agriculture & fishingp.p.
Gross operating surplus and mixed incomep.p.
Taxes less subsidies on productionp.p.-0.81.5-

Nota: Il-kontribuzzjonijiet jistgħu ma jgħoddux eżatt minħabba l-arrotondament.

Id-Dħul Nazzjonali Gross (DNG) 

Il-DNG huwa kejl differenti mill-PDG minħabba dħul barrani nett relatat mal-Kumpens tal-impjegati, Introjtu mill-proprjetà u Taxxi netti fuq il-produzzjoni u l-importazzjoni. 

Meta jkunu kkunsidrati l-effetti tal-introjtu u t-taxxa mħallsa u rċevuta mir-residenti lejn u mill-bqija tad-dinja, id-DNG f’termini nominali għar-raba’ kwart tal-2023 huwa stmat li ammonta għal €4.5 biljuni. 

Methodological Notes

1. Under normal circumstances, GDP estimates are based on established sources and estimation techniques, which have been tested and evaluated carefully, as well as documented. GDP is estimated independently from the output approach and expenditure approach, complemented by estimates of income-related data. These estimates are based on a multitude of sources such as tourism statistics, short-term statistics, trade and balance of payments statistics, as well as administrative data.

Eurostat and national statistical authorities in the European Statistical System (ESS) have been working hard together to elaborate guidelines and notes on how to address the statistical challenges brought about by COVID-19 and thereby ensure that European statistics continue to be based on sound foundations. These guidelines cover the compilation of national accounts, as well as important national accounts data sources, such as the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), the Labour Force Survey (LFS), short-term business statistics, and intra-EU trade in goods. NSO followed these guidelines to mitigate the impact resulting from this crisis, which meant delays in data availability, lower response rates and possible quality issues. In this way, it ensured that the data continued to capture economic developments in the most reliable manner.
2. Data in this news release is unadjusted. Seasonally adjusted data is available in the table (namq_10_gdp) accessible here.
3. Data in this news release are in line with the European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 manual (ISBN 978-92-79-31242-7). This system of accounts is mandatory for all EU Member States. The accounts are subject to audit by the European Court of Auditors and Eurostat’s GNI Committee to ensure reliability, comparability and exhaustiveness.
4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an estimate of the value of goods and services at market prices produced in the economy over a period of time. The GDP is estimated in nominal terms using the production approach, aggregating the output of the various productive sectors net of the cost of intermediate inputs. The expenditure approach is reconciled with the production approach both in nominal and volume terms. GDP in volume terms excludes the effects of price inflation on market prices. The income approach shows how GDP is distributed into compensation of employees, operating surplus of enterprises and taxes on production and imports net of subsidies.
5. Data in this news release should be considered as provisional for 2019 to date.
6. Data users must be aware that the industrial activities of General government are spread over 21 different NACE categories (at A88 division) and include local councils and extra-budgetary units that are financially dependent on the government. Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (NACE 84) is the largest category in terms of gross value added.
7. The ESA 2010 GNI Inventory provides a detailed explanation of sources and methods used for estimating GNI in Malta. It is the basis for the Eurostat assessment of the quality and exhaustiveness of GNI data and their compliance with ESA 2010 in the context of the GNI for own resources purposes. The Inventory is a reference document that is kept up-to-date to reflect the latest methodology in place.The ESA 2010 GNI Inventory provides a detailed explanation of sources and methods used for estimating GNI in Malta. It is the basis for the Eurostat assessment of the quality and exhaustiveness of GNI data and their compliance with ESA 2010 in the context of the GNI for own resources purposes. The Inventory is a reference document that is kept up-to-date to reflect the latest methodology in place. The GNI Inventory is available online.
8. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately.
9. More information relating to this news release may be accessed at:

10. The data contained in this release is subject to revision. For an updated time-series which includes past data, please refer to the Statistical Indicators for this domain

11.  A detailed news release calendar is available online.

12. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.

13. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

Il-Prodott Domestiku Gross: K4/2023
NR 039/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 28 ta’ Frar 2024
Data tal-Għeluq: 26 ta’ Frar 2024
business man Hand change wood cube block with GDP text (Gross domestic product) to UP and Down arrow symbol icon. Financial, Management, Economic and business concepts
  • Fir-rabaʼ kwart tal-2023, il-Prodott Domestiku Gross (PDG) kiber bʼ4.3 fil-mija f’termini reali.
  • Id-domanda domestika finali kkontribwiet negattivament għat-tkabbir fil-PDG (4.0 punti perċentwali) minħabba tnaqqis fil-Formazzjoni tal-kapital fiss gross.
  • Għall-kuntrarju, il-kummerċ barrani kkontribwixxa pożittivament għat-tkabbir fil-PDG (8.3 punti perċentwali).
Kalkulatur tal-Inflazzjoni Kalendarju tal-Istqarrijiet tal-Aħbarijiet Talbiet għat-Tagħrif Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Kodiċi tan-NACE
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