News Releases

Vetturi bil-Mutur: K3/2024

NR 197/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 23 taʼ Ottubru 2024

Fit-tielet kwart tal-2024, l-istokk tal-vetturi bil-mutur bil-liċenzja żdied bi 3,030 fuq it-tliet xhur taʼ qabel.

Fi tmiem Settembru 2024, l-istokk tal-vetturi lliċenzjati laħħaq l-443,193. Minn dan l-għadd, 74.3 fil-mija kienu karrozzi tal-passiġġieri, 14.3 fil-mija kienu vetturi kummerċjali jew agrikoli u 10.8 fil-mija kienu muturi/roti megħjunin bʼenerġija elettrika, scooters li jitħaddmu bl-elettriku, muturi b’erba’ roti, u ATVs. Ix-xarabanks u l-minibuses ammontaw għal anqas minn wieħed fil-mija (Tabella nru 1). Fit-tliet xhur mitqiesa minn din l-istqarrija, l-istokk tal-vetturi lliċenzjati żdied bʼrata medja netta taʼ 33 vettura kuljum (Ċart nru 2).

Vetturi li ngħataw liċenzja ġdida

Fil-perjodu taʼ referenza, 5,621 vettura ngħataw liċenzja ġdida. Il-maġġoranza tagħhom, 3,579 jew 63.7 fil-mija tat-total, kienu karrozzi tal-passiġġieri. Warajhom ġew il-muturi/roti megħjunin bʼenerġija elettrika bʼ1,114 jew 19.8 fil-mija. Il-vetturi ‘ġodda’ li ngħataw liċenzja ġdida laħqu t-3,165 jew 56.3 fil-mija tal-għadd sħiħ, mentri l-vetturi ‘użati’ li ngħataw liċenzja ġdida kienu jgħoddu 2,456 jew 43.7 fil-mija (Tabelli nri 2-4). Medja taʼ 61 vettura ngħataw liċenzja ġdida kuljum fit-tielet kwart tal-2024 (Ċart nru 3). 

Vetturi bʼrestrizzjoni

Tul it-tielet kwart tal-2024, kien hemm 6,396 vettura li tneħħew mit-triq minħabba xi restrizzjoni. Fosthom, 40.7 fil-mija kienu ggaraxxjati, 31.0 fil-mija kienu mibjugħin mill-ġdid u 26.6 fil-mija kienu skrappjati. L-għadd taʼ vetturi li kellhom ir-restrizzjonijiet mtemmin fl-istess żmien kien ilaħħaq l-4,049. Il-biċċa l-kbira tagħhom kienu ggaraxxjati (50.2 fil-mija) jew mibjugħin mill-ġdid (48.7 fil-mija) (Tabelli nri 5-6).

Għamla taʼ magna

Fl-aħħar taʼ Settembru 2024, 258,860 jew 58.4 fil-mija tal-vetturi kollha kienu jitħaddmu bʼmagni petrol. Il-vetturi li jitħaddmu bʼmagni diżil kienu jammontaw għal 156,329 jew 35.3 fil-mija tat-total. Vetturi oħra li jitħaddmu bʼmagni tal-elettriku u plug-in hybrid kienu jġibu 3.6 fil-mija tal-istokk kollu u kienu jgħoddu 16,057 vettura. Meta mqabblin mat-tliet xhur taʼ qabel, żidiet taʼ 9.4 fil-mija, 9.1 fil-mija u 5.6 fil-mija kienu rreġistrati fl-għadd taʼ vetturi li jitħaddmu bl-elettriku, vetturi plug-in hybrid li jitħaddmu bid-diżil u l-elettriku, u vetturi mild hybrid li jitħaddmu bil-petrol u l-elettriku (Tabella nru 7).

Ċart nru 1. L-istokk tal-vetturi bil-liċenzja, biż-żmien

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Ċart nru 2. It-tibdil medju taʼ kuljum fl-istokk tal-vetturi bil-liċenzja

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Nota: Iċ-ċifri murija fiċ-ċart taʼ fuq huma maħduma bil-formula taʼ nota nru 9 tal-metodoloġija. Dawn jistgħu jvarjaw xi ftit mit-tibdil miksub mill-formula murija fʼnota nru 8 tal-metodoloġija minħabba d-dati tal-għeluq taʼ databases differenti.

Ċart nru 3. Medja taʼ vetturi ‘ġodda’ u vetturi ‘użati’ li kuljum ingħataw liċenzja ġdida

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Methodological Notes

1. This news release is based on data provided by Transport Malta.
2. Data in this news release is subject to revision.
3. As from the publication of Q3/2021 news release, data by vehicle group has been recategorised to include e-kick scooters. Refer to methodological note 5.
4. Data is being presented in consistency with international counterparts (Eurostat/ITF/UNECE) according to the 5th edition of the illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics.
5. Definitions:
a. Motor vehicle categories and classifications
  ●  Agricultural: motor vehicle, normally a tractor, designed exclusively or primarily for agricultural purposes; licensed to use roads open to public traffic.
●  Coach and private bus: passenger road motor vehicle designed to carry more than 24 persons (including driver), and with a provision to carry seated and standing passengers.
●  Minibus/mini-coach: passenger road motor vehicle designed to carry 10-23 seated or standing persons (including the driver). 

●  Route bus: bus licensed to operate on established bus routes.  

  ●  Motorcycle: two-, three- or four-wheeled road motor vehicle not exceeding 400kg of unladen weight. All such vehicles with a cylinder capacity of 50cc or over are included, as are those under 50cc which do not meet the definition of moped.

  ●  E-Bicycle/PA-Bicycle: bicycle with supportive electrical power unit. Due to the negligible number of powered bicycles, such data is included with motorcycles. 

  ●  E-kick scooter:  a stand-up device that has a handlebar, a deck and small hard wheels powered by an electric motor and which also allows for human propulsion.                 

  ●  Moped: two-, three- or four-wheeled road motor vehicle which is fitted with an engine having a cylinder capacity of less than 50cc and a maximum authorised design speed in accordance with national regulations. In this news release, mopeds are included together with motorcycles.

  ●  Quad (Quadricycle)/ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle): four-wheeled road motor vehicle not exceeding 400kg of unladen weight. All such vehicles with a cylinder capacity of 50cc or over are included, as are those under 50cc which do not meet the definition of moped.

  ●  Passenger road vehicle: a road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry one or more persons. This category includes motorcycles, mopeds, passenger cars, vans designed and used primarily for the transportation of passengers, taxis, hire cars, ambulances, buses, coaches, minibuses and motor homes.

  ●  Passenger car: road motor vehicle, other than a moped, motorcycle or Quad/ATV, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver). This category includes passenger cars, vans designed and used primarily for the transportation of passengers, taxis, hire cars, ambulances, motor homes (not caravans), hearses and microcars.

  ●  Goods-carrying vehicle: road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods. This category includes: (i) light goods road motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of not more than 3,500kg designed exclusively or primarily to carry goods, such as vans and pick-ups; (ii) heavy goods road motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight above 3,500kg designed to carry goods. 

  ●  Road tractor: road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to haul other road motor vehicles which are not power driven (mainly semi-trailers).

  ●  Special purpose vehicle: road motor vehicle for purposes other than the carriage of passengers or goods. This category includes: fire brigade vehicles; mobile cranes; self-propelled rollers; bulldozers with metallic wheels or track; vehicles for recording film, radio and TV broadcasting; mobile library vehicles; mobile kiosks; towing vehicles for vehicles in need of repair and other special purpose road motor vehicles. 

  ●  Garage hire: chauffeur-driven car for hire with driver without pre-determined routes. The method of hire is normally: (i) Flagging down the street; (ii) Picking up at a designated taxi rank; (iii) Telephoning for collection; (iv) Booking through mobile apps or internet. 

  ●  Self-drive car/motorcycle: passenger road motor vehicle available for hire (without chauffeur). A ‘K’ plate is assigned to all motor vehicles falling in this category.

  ●  Taxi: licensed passenger car for hire with driver without pre-determined routes. The method of hire is normally: (i) Flagging down the street; (ii) Picking up at a designated taxi rank; (iii) Telephoning for collection. In Malta this category refers only to a specific taxi license and commonly recognised as white taxis.

  ●  Leased: a contract under which the owner of a motor vehicle grants to another person the exclusive possession of the motor vehicle for an agreed period, in return for a consideration, and under such conditions that the possessor of the motor vehicle will be obliged to pay the full amount of the consideration, or a penalty, to the owner of the motor vehicle, should the contract be terminated before the expiration of the agreed period. A ‘QZ’ plate is assigned to all motor vehicles falling in this category. In recent years, this category is taking over the ‘self-drive vehicles’ category.

  ●  Other: this category includes any other use/ownership (mostly private), not mentioned above.

        b. Alternative vehicle motorisation types

  ● Electric/battery-operated: electrically-operated motor vehicle, totally independent of a fuel-driven engine.

  ● Mild hybrid petrol-electric vehicle (not plug-in): road motor vehicle using petrol for propulsion, with an additional one or more electric motors for propulsion, where the electric motor(s) are powered from a traction battery which is charged by a generator driven by the petrol engine. Plug-in hybrid petrol-electric vehicles are not included.

  ● Mild hybrid diesel-electric vehicle (not plug-in): road motor vehicle using diesel for propulsion, with an additional one or more electric motors for propulsion, where the electric motor(s) are powered from a traction battery which is charged by a generator driven by the diesel engine. Plug-in hybrid diesel-electric vehicles are not included.

  ● Plug-in hybrid petrol-electric vehicle: hybrid petrol-electric vehicle where the traction battery can also be charged from an external electricity source (such as an electric socket). Mild hybrid petrol-electric vehicles are not included.

  ● Plug-in hybrid diesel-electric vehicle: hybrid diesel-electric vehicle where the traction battery can also be charged from an external electricity source (such as an electric socket). Mild hybrid diesel-electric vehicles are not included.

  ● Combined: a combined engine motor vehicle is one that uses two or more distinct non-electric power sources. Combination types include: Petrol/LPG, Diesel/LPG.

c.  Motor vehicle restrictions

  ● Restrictions: conditions imposed on a motor vehicle’s licence. Restrictions can be either temporary such as garaged, seized, resale, etc., or permanent (i.e. motor vehicle is indefinitely removed from circulation on national territory), such as exported, scrapped or destroyed.

  ● Resale: a motor vehicle which has been de-licensed and put up for resale. The motor vehicle cannot be used on the road until licensed again when sold.

  ● Exported: a motor vehicle licensed in Malta which has been exported.

  ● Garaged: a motor vehicle no longer licensed for use on the road. This category excludes motor vehicles which have been scrapped or exported. A motor vehicle may be garaged for a particular period, then re-licensed after this period.

  ● Scrapped: a motor vehicle which has been scrapped/destroyed and therefore, indefinitely removed from circulation.

  ● Other: a motor vehicle which has been de-licensed for other reasons not listed above such as stolen, seized, engine removed, arrears issues, pending documents, and other minor restrictions.

6. Newly licensed motor vehicles’ data (new and used) shows the number of motor vehicles licensed for the first time to be used on Maltese roads. These values approximately indicate also the local sales of motor vehicles during the applicable period. Transfers of motor vehicles between owners are not included.

7. Stock level corresponding to reference quarter =

Stock recorded in previous quarter
+ newly licensed motor vehicles in quarter under review
–  number of motor vehicles with restriction starting during quarter under review
+ number of motor vehicles with restriction ending during the quarter under review
The final number might differ slightly from the actual stock due to the cut-off dates of the different databases.
8. Net average daily increase of stock of licensed vehicles =               
stock recorded in quarter under review – stock recorded in previous quarter
number of days in quarter under review
9. Average daily increase of newly licensed motor vehicles =
newly licensed motor vehicles (new and used)
number of days in quarter under review
10. Statistics in this news release should be interpreted in the context of the COVID-19 situation.
11.  More information relating to this news release may be accessed at: 

12. A detailed news release calendar is available online.

13. References to this news release are to be cited appropriately. For guidance on access and re-use of data please visit our dedicated webpage.

14. For further assistance send your request through our online request form.

Vetturi bil-Mutur: K3/2024  

NR 197/2024
Data tal-Ħruġ: 23 taʼ Ottubru 2024

  • Matul it-tielet kwart tal-2024, l-istokk tal-vetturi bil-liċenzja żdied bi 3,030 fuq it-tliet xhur taʼ qabel. Fl-istess perjodu, l-istokk tal-vetturi bil-liċenzja żdied b’medja netta taʼ 33 vettura kuljum.
  • Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-vetturi bʼliċenzja ġdida, 3,579 jew 63.7 fil-mija tat-total, kienu karozzi tal-passiġġieri; warajhom kien hemm il-muturi/roti megħjunin bʼenerġija elettrika b’1,114 jew 19.8 fil-mija.
  • Magni li jitħaddmu bil-petrol kienu jgħoddu 58.4 fil-mija tat-total. Warajhom, kien hemm magni li jitħaddmu bid-diżil (35.3 fil-mija) u magni li jitħaddmu bl-elettriku u plug-in hybrid (3.6 fil-mija).
  • Meta mqabblin mat-tieni kwart tal-2024, kienu rreġistrati żidiet taʼ 9.4 fil-mija, 9.1 fil-mija, u 5.6 fil-mija fl-għadd taʼ vetturi li jitħaddmu bl-elettriku, vetturi plug-in hybrid li jitħaddmu bid-diżil u l-elettriku, u vetturi mild hybrid li jitħaddmu bil-petrol u l-elettriku, rispettivament.

Vetturi bil-Mutur: K3/2024

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